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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Witty stuff. I know some Sioux fans are annoyed by Gopher fans on the board but I find most of your comments aren't bad at all. Humor on the board...+1. Back on topic, Wisconsin fans aren't sold on Eaves and many are frustrated with next year's schedule including non-Friday and Saturday games. Can't say I blame them...
  2. Back on topic, the actions of the students certainly call for consequences. It will be interesting to see what RRHS comes up with.
  3. Hey, Oxbow6, someone else is paying our bills so why should we care, right?
  4. Ummm....the prisoners in Gitmo aren't United States citizens, passit. That presents a bit of a problem since they're not given rights granted by our Constitution. Somebody has to be responsible and pay for the bills...but the Republicans are at fault for trying to cap spending? I don't know how you pay YOUR bills, passit, but I don't pay mine by just raising my own debt ceiling every few months.
  5. Well, it's a good thing Obama ended the war in Iraq immediately (oh, wait, he ended it on the exact same timeline of George Bush) and closed Gitmo immediately (as promised in his first election campaign), right? Oh, wait a second, Gitmo's STILL open? Have you noticed that 2% missing from your paycheck now that the election is over? Boy, the Dems sure villified the Republicans ("Where is your soul?") over not wanting to pass the 'payroll tax holiday,' but then as soon as the election was over, Dems sure didn't rush to keep that in place, did they?
  6. I'll pass on watching you play Xbox but let me know if you start punching yourself in the face repeatedly and I might tune in.
  7. Bummer...Boston College beats Merrimack in OT. BC UNH and Providence College all tied for 1st Place in Hockey East. Yes, the skating friars...
  8. You libs are too rich. So now a political movement given a sexual-slang nickname by folks on MSNBC, CNN, and other liberal media outlets is somehow IN CONTROL of the choice to be called that? HUH? I wonder what the reaction of Rachel Maddow and others would be if Sean Hannity referred to Representative Barney Frank as a tea-bagger on tomorrow's show. The left would have a field day with the story. Chris Matthews might even get another tingle up his leg....
  9. AT THE TIME? EMBRACED more liberal social views? LOL...the infamous quote of Senator Byrd was from 2001, not 1967.
  10. LOL...the 'we got a lotta white n****** in West Virginia' comment would have ended Byrd's career had he had an 'R' behind his Senatorial name instead of a 'D'.
  11. OK, I'll bite. Liberal playbook, page 1. If anyone offers up a different opinion, label them 'ignorant'. Speaking of ignorant, the word 'retard' is a great example of left-wing 'tolerance' right up there with the term 'tea-bagger.'
  12. Stalin was against Hitler too. Does that make him one of the 'good guys'?
  13. So outside of calling for the overthrow of the US government and replacing it with a socialist government, drug dealing, and extortion of businesses in Oakland, it was pretty much a movement involving choir boys?
  14. You're not saying that an organization that openly advocates hatred of white people is somehow better than an organization that openly advocates hatred of black people, are you?
  15. I assume you have the same opinion regarding recent behavior in Woodbury at East Ridge High School? The one where Black History Month was celebrated with a nice remembrance of the founders of the Black Panther Party.
  16. Spot on Goon. To summarize: smallpox blankets and Robbie Bina broken neck signs = outrage. Penn State 'hide your children' signs = humor. HUH?
  17. ...unless it's a Republican speaking, then the ACLU typically fights for suppression of free speech.
  18. Someone caught my joke!
  19. I agree with GFG on this one. Pennsylvania also has something that Ohio doesn't...a professional hockey team (two of them, in fact)!
  20. Hey, maybe the men's basketball team can change that this...you know what, nevermind...
  21. You won't find me arguing with you at all about the merits of the outdoor 'classics,' which have totally jumped the shark in my opinion. However, Mankato took a game where there might be 4,000 to 5,000 Maverick fans in the stands and allowed it to be moved to a venue with 15,000 to 17,000 fans OF THE OPPOSING TEAM! I just can't get past that...at all.
  22. I can think of two seasons where Mankato deserved to make the NCAA tournament and did not (forgive me for not remembering what years they were). The first obvious one was the year Wisconsin hosted a regional and was selected to the tournament despite Mankato having a better record and Bucky being .500 or a game below. The Badgers promptly dusted off Denver and lost to UND in the regional final. The other was a year when Mankato finished the year hotter than a pistol including a two-game sweep of St Cloud at the National Concrete Center only to see St Cloud get picked for the tournament. The Huskies finished the season on an 0-6 tear and promptly got smoked by a HE school in the first round of the NCAA's. Mankato deserved better both times.
  23. Because signs and jokes about child molestation are hilarious and need to be protected under the First Amendment?
  24. I usually have a great deal of respect for your posts and insight on the board here but this comment just isn't right.
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