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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. I think this is going to get worse for Goodell before it gets better.
  2. One slight correction...South Carolina was throttled by Texas A&M at HOME two weeks ago. Even more reason to remove them from the discussion of where to host the show this weekend.
  3. Michael Irvin should be outraged. You don't hit a woman, you snort coke with them and pay them for sex at your secret location in Dallas!
  4. I completely agree. I didn't need to watch the ISIS beheading videos to be outraged over Americans being killed. Everyone knew what happened in that elevator - now ESPN and others act like they thought Ray Rice was making balloon animals in there until they saw the video yesterday.
  5. Just about spit orange juice all over my iphone when reading that line. Absolutely hilarious.
  6. You're preaching to the choir, Oxbow6, you know that.
  7. I know Oxbow6 is a big fan. I should have used my sarcasm alert because I was being facetious. Had I made that same comment, though, you would be asking what color Bison jersey will I wear on the drive to Fargo this coming Saturday morning. ?
  8. Let me clarify what I wrote earlier regarding the death penalty. I do believe PSU's football program should have been put on ice for one or two years. However, once the NCAA simply decided to cripple its football program by 86'ing bowl games, decreasing scholarships, etc. is where I felt it was unfair to the current players. Yea, they were free to leave and go to another school (and quite a few did) but what about those kids who liked Penn State and wanted to stay there? Any player who stayed was punished...and they knew nothing. The NCAA decided to sever a main artery and let the program limp forward. Bill O'Brien did an admirable job keeping things together in his two years there and he's absolutely correct - the players who stayed deserved to be recognized by having their names put on the back of their jerseys. Nothing can take away or even slightly relieve the pain of the victims of these atrocities. Paterno's dead and Sandusky's rotting in a prison cell. But continuing to punish the players at Penn State does no good for anyone.
  9. I'll give gfhockey some credit...this is a great idea.
  10. There are no easy answers - yes, I think PSU should have gotten the death penalty.
  11. Nobody is saying that...but is it fair to tell the 21-going-on-22 year old senior who had no idea what was going on "no worries, you can transfer anywhere you want to without penalty" while you torpedo the program? And, let's be honest here, SMU isn't a valid comparison because players were involved in what was going on there.
  12. Why not shut down the entire institution for two years?
  13. Oh, I'm sorry, I mistook you for the poster who said "they normally do [suck] if you look up their records" when it comes to recent history of KSU football. Oh, wait, that WAS you who said that, wasn't it?
  14. Interesting, because I thought Kansas State had twelve seasons of 9+ wins since 1993 and was coming off an 11-1 season heading into 2013...
  15. Did you even bother to read the second paragraph of my post before commenting on the first or are you always inclined to assume you don't agree with anything I write?
  16. On the flip-side, when NDSU bumps up and plays Kansas State or Iowa State, predictions here range from Wildcats and Cyclones by 20 to about 40...then 3 minutes after the games end, it's "meh. Those schools are gonna suck this year anyways." That being said, I wouldn't run my mouth off about beating Ferris State either. At least in football. That hockey team is pretty good.
  17. Charges were filed and Rice was placed in some sort of pre-trial diversionary program that would essentially keep him out of jail. I don't know how this video didn't find its way to the coppers or prosecutor's office. It's either a case of total incompetence or complacency in thinking no one would notice this and it would eventually dissipate and everyone would just forget about it.
  18. Good! If the NCAA wanted to punish Penn State, it should have 86'd the entire football program for a year or two. Instead, they chose to punish the athletes who stayed with the school/team.
  19. LOL! The back-pedalling by the NFL on this is ridiculous. "Oh, NOW there's video? In that case, we REALLY mean business!"
  20. I wrote that earlier - everyone knew what happened in there...there just wasn't video of it. NOW we're outraged? Rice should have gotten a season-long suspension months ago. Conveniently enough, Baltimore did nothing other than wait for the NFL to act - and now they cut him?
  21. Well, sports logos, jersey design, and name-branding weren't quite as hip then as they are today..
  22. Seeing the Vikings in their current uniform scheme makes me happy. That last uniform was a hot mess.
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