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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. ...and the night is complete after a scan of the crowd shows about 3-5 white guys in full Indian headdress and "war paint" on their faces...
  2. The only jersey match-up that might be better than last night's Detroit whites vs Toronto blues would be... ...tonight's Detroit reds vs Toronto whites! 1-0 Detroit tonight as Zetterberg pots one with 9.9 seconds left in OT. Triple bonus points for saving us all from another shoot-out!
  3. Dear God, Thanks. Bison fans (who also cheer for Notre Dame) already have enough nice things. MafiaMan
  4. Years. You're confusing me with gfhookey.
  5. Per gfhockey: gobc meeting still on for Monday. The boys didn't like Hakstol's tie tonight.
  6. You guys are right...memory is fuzzy after 40.
  7. So you're sayin' it's a sweep? What's that, the first time at CC in 10 or 11 years?
  8. I've cracked another code: the key is keeping Oxbow6 occupied and off the board on Friday and Saturday nights.
  9. This one in particular I had made note of...only to forget where it was.
  10. OHMYGOSH! I didn't even realize that it was at one point 42-0 Missouri in that game! Will might not have a job come Monday.
  11. I think you're correct...he might not outlast Brady Hoke.
  12. I wish I could find the recent post from someone who was grumbling a week ago that said something to the effect of this team likely not sweeping anyone for quite some time this season, if at all...
  13. Wisconsin - 3 goals in 4 games. Shut out twice.
  14. If the goose-egg holds up, I believe Wisconsin will have scored in only 1 of their first 4 games this season...
  15. Baylor smoked by West Virginia...Oklahoma now with 2 losses on the season as they lose at home to Kansas State...
  16. Yep, that's what I'm saying. The slow-skating, multiple deke, quick-stop, re-start, deke, re-deke, and deke again shoot-out is not a way to decide the outcome of a "team" sport. Just my opinion...
  17. Georgia opening up a can on Arkansas...wow! From 7-6 in the 1st quarter to 38-6 with 2:08 left in the half.
  18. Wouldn't adding 5:00 of OT take up about as much time as is spent dilly-dallying around with cleaning the ice and going thru multiple shooters? As far as the "rule change," I suppose playoff games could just end in ties too, eh?
  19. That's my point. UND fan sign: Go Sioux! NCAA: Hey, that sign's not allowed. FSU fan sign: 'Scalp the Irish. NCAA: Move along, nothing to see here.
  20. ESPN will remove (or at least try to) signs they deem offensive. I can only imagine the undies in a bundle if a "FIGHTING SIOUX FOREVER" sign would have appeared in Fargo a few weeks ago...
  21. How can you have one set of rules for the regular season and a different one for the playoffs?
  22. "The 'Noles Scalp ND" sign on GameDay...thanks, NCAA.
  23. I'm guessing the players from the 2009 team still have some fond memories of their playing career...as do the fans... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl-aSuMJqZQ
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