We're on the same team here, Old Fella. I'm not sure how up-to-date you are on the board, but we have lots of pre-2016 folks here who felt that a Sandelin-like record over the course of a decade would be perfectly fine if the team won 1 title. Well, now that title has happened within recent memory, but this board still melts down after every loss. There are no guarantees. It might be 2091 before North Dakota wins another one.
I'm hardly a guru...just a fan, like pretty much everyone else here. Attended UND from 88-92 and watched some pretty disappointing hockey. All bad memories were erased by the 97 team and then -- BOOM! -- 00 gives me some more good times. 16 makes 3 NCAA titles since I've followed the school and the team. I could die happy sports-wise tomorrow, although I hope that sports victories aren't the highlight of my life when it's over.
We are spoiled as fans - and those who don't think as such are plain wrong. Yes, we've had some low lows, but we most certainly have had more good fortune than misfortune. And we all hope that that continues.
May God bless you all...and may God bless the University of North Dakota.