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Everything posted by Herd

  1. Yeah, I think the sioux section is right next to the sioux Hall of Fa . . . Oh.
  2. Current Sagarin ratings show the Summit at 16 and the Sky at 24. The Summit w/o Centenary and S. Utah (soon to be departed) would move to the 14th ranked conference. Really, not a lot of difference between the conferences, but the summit is up behind Oakland's sos and performance. I think that Oakland, IUPUI, ORU, SU(s), IPFW . . . is a stronger core than the sky has, but you could debate. There is some strong local BB in major summit markets of Indianapolis, Detroit, Fort Wayne, Tulsa, and KC. I think this will help keep the summit strong. Some nice markets in the sky too.
  3. My gosh ... you are delusional. Do you even believe half the stuff you post? Why would NDSU want to double it travel and budget? Why would NDSU want to leave a stronger BB conference in the Summit to join the Big Sky? Why would NDSU even consider moving out of Valley Football? Football recruiting, if NDSU joined a western FCS conference would tank in our current recruiting areas. Do you understand any of this? Bison fans are extremely happy with both of these conference affiliations. You can't possibly be serious or have NDSU's best interest in mind at all. I shouldn't be surprised, your post are basically hypothetical darts thrown to see what will stick. You missed, againnnn.
  4. Ah, finally an unbiased statement. The gentleman above has it correct.
  5. When the Sioux see their Big Sky football schedule, they will finally realize that they do not have room in their schedule annually to play NDSU. If they have an annual game, they will have less scheduling flexibility than NDSU who has 3 games ooc annually. UND will likely have 9 conference games fixed if the west coast Big Sky teams have anything to say about it, leaving only 2 ooc games. Will that leave room for NDSU annually along and an FBS? Are you kidding me, NO WAY! UND needs an annual NDSU game about as badly as they need to bring their former AD back to Grand Forks. Every other year would be the best case scenario for both schools. Neither school needs a tough in-state match-up, they need FCS wins to make the playoffs. Annually, no way! Every other year, maybe. And we haven't even started talking about the money situation for NDSU and the need to maximize it for NDSU primary revenue sport. That's a whole other issue. I'm sure that when the state legislature realizes than "annual" isn't in UND's best interest, this whole thing will die down.
  6. Herd

    FCS Post Season

    Please help me understand UND's scheduling . . . with about 25 team in the Big Sky football league, and with no scheduling scenario yet outlined, how is it that UND can commit to playing NDSU at all? How can Faison commit to anything at this point? Yet the fans are clamoring for a game with NDSU, why? Shouldn't you wait to see how your conference schedule works out? Will it be 8,9,10 conf games? You know the western schools need as much help as they can get with scheduling . . . so it will likely be more than 8 conference games. How will UND have any room at all to do an annual game with NDSU, and why would you even want to with the potential of 9 conference games and 1 FBS game? Has anyone shooting their mouth off against NDSU's AD even thought about this for a moment? You'd be better off setting up an annual game with Valpo (to get DI wins) than with NDSU.
  7. Herd

    FCS Post Season

    Really, the Griz team that beat UND by 10 would kill the Bison? The bison team that beat SDSU who shutout UND? That Griz team would throttle SU?
  8. As I understand it or remeber reading, as part of the NCAA agreement, the nickname must be replaced and is not allowed to be left open or vacant beyond a specified period of time. Otherwise, the old nickname would essentially be retained and used in an unofficial capacity, at least that would be the ncaa's concern. That is what I remember reading. Can anyone elaborate on this?
  9. Kind of a mute point. You AD is the only opinion that matters, and he said no to an offer on the table. So I guess the answer is officially No.
  10. SDSU has played . . . IL St., UNI, NE, and Delaware. Not too many autowins and DIIs in that group. I don't think any of us deserve to be talking smack about SDSU's record. Let's hope they don't take it out on the ND schools later this year. If they were playing the yotes next week, I'd be picking the jacks in that one.
  11. I am sure they could schedule an 11am FB game, then convert for an 8pm tip if needed. Or there's always the optioin to move the BB game to the Sports arena if needed.
  12. I am just pointing out how incredibly blind you are if you think for even a moment that your own administration is not accountable for this whole situation. NDSU waited a year in an attempt for UND to join us in the move. Does that tell you anything? The NDSU admin had every right to not even pick up the phone for 5 years during your transition after the behavior of your two guys. Yet all we hear for this 5 years is whining and badmouthing of the NDSU admin. The 5 years aren't even up, and the games are basically "ON", except in FB where your admin took matters into their own hands to ensure there are no games. Time to open your eyes.
  13. Gee, I guess if you put it that way. . . it completely excuses the years of unsavory behavior by leadership at UND toward NDSU. My mistake completely. I'm sure that you would be much more forgiving than Chapman and just turned the page with open arms as soon as a new face showed up. Maybe Chapman could have requested a resume from the new guy so he would know if the guy was indeed fit for the job before he decided how he should act. Your guys just weren't equipped to lead, cooperate and even play nice. Now I completely understand . . . Chapman sure is petty.
  14. Before you throw stones at Chapman or Taylor, one would have had to walk in their shoes and actually dealt with the RTs and Kuppys. Frankly, I think they handled it pretty well. You want to assign some blame, you better line up those two pricks. Can I say that without getting banned?
  15. Unless of course you want to be a playoff team. North Dakota is a counter for TT or Idaho, Sioux Falls is not a counter for ND. A non-counter win vs. someone like Sioux Falls could be the difference between playoffs or staying home on a given year. They are fine for now, but down the road you want to play someone at the DI level.
  16. After 30+ pages of ranting and jumping to wrong conclusions before the facts came out, no one has anything to say about the actual facts? Really?
  17. The SU's will be very good conference mates in every sport, except football.
  18. Would you want USD to leave a nine team MVFC getting 2-3 playoff bids annually and MVC affiliation to join a 6 team Summit League with no autobid? You feel that its SDSU's duty to join you in Summit football because they should be good neighbors? Really? Really, maybe you should start being a little honest with yourself? No way in hell you would be in favor of doing the same if it were USD in the MVFC, and you know it. College athletics is not the land of charitable giving, sorry about that. The only reason that your school is DI is that you saw SDSU moving ahead without you, now you want SDSU to give up what it has worked for? Really? SDSU staying in the Valley has nothing to do with USD, it has to do with what's best for SDSU. I see Summit Football coming, but it looks an awful lot like GW Football, matter of fact, it looks exactly like GW Football . . . w/ SUU, UND, USD, Davis, Poly. The Valley remains at 9 for now, so you'll need to be patient. In addition, why would W IL want to move out of a football conference that includes 2 schools from their home state so they can travel all over the place, and potentially to CA. Forcing the Valley schools back to the Summit will never happen.
  19. . . . says the school that takes RE money with its condidtions for years and years. The shots at Taylor are pretty empty coming from the north. Empty.
  20. We'll see if that's true or not. The proof will be if you actually win one head to head recruiting battle. Just one . . . it shouldn't be hard according to you.
  21. Why isn't your guy saying that? I have to take everything Faison is saying with a grain of salt. Then get the facts later.
  22. You think! What's Taylor supposed to say when Faison is opens his mouth prematurely.
  23. The statement from Heitkamp at the press conference was that he was very appreciative of the respectful way that the contract was ended with UND. He said that there was a great deal of class shown from UND. (from the press conf webstream) I did not interpret the "disappointment" statement from Faison to mean upset, angry, underhanded. It seemed like there was effective communication and disclosure during the process as I've followed the situation and the statements. However, if UND says differently (that is was underhanded), I would tend to believe the people at UND before I would believe RFM on this issue. I would change my current opinion.
  24. Top to Bottom, the Horizon is easily better than the Summit, but the bison have not had any trouble competing with teams from the Horizon like GB & Mil. Other than Butler, the Horizon isn't that special. Yes, the Horizon is a better League than the Summit, but the top half of the Summit would do just fine in the Horizon.
  25. Yes Chapman ignored protocol and rules . . . and by comparison, Kuppy was not qualified to carry his jock. That is how bad Kuppy was. Do you really want to compare Chapman at NDSU vs. Kuppy and UND? I don't think you really want to go there.
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