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Everything posted by Herd

  1. And women could start dominating the NFL, there are no rules against it.
  2. Let's see, where to start . . . the P5, the NCAA, the existing rules, general logic, etc, etc. So the Sunbelt wants to have 25 teams? They want to split revenue with 25 teams? The Big Sky wants to no longer have football? What kind of sense does this make? None. So the whole conf is going to make their FBS intentions known to the NCAA without anyone noticing? The rules are there to limit the joining of FBS football, and to keep it relatively exclusive. If the BSC would try to get all its teams in the Sunbelt, so they can pull them back into the BSC the next year, that's your logic? Sorry, they are going to get some help from the NCAA if they think they can pull that off. The BSC must think it's pretty special if they think the rules don't apply to their actions. Maybe if they do it real quietly, no one will notice. And, what's the possible advantage for the Sunbelt to invite a dozen BSC teams? I don't see any, other than it will cost current Sunbelt teams some of their share of revenue. If I'm an FCS team, and I want to move FBS, I want to beat the other teams in my league to the punch, not compete against them for limited spots.. There is no advantage for a large group to try to do it together.
  3. Ya, the bar is low. Many of the schools in the FCS are on par with these two leagues. But, NCAA rules require that conferences are not allow to move to FBS, but that teams must receive an invite from an existing FBS conference. So therefore, it is problematic and against existing policy for the entire Big Sky to move FBS. Heck, if UND is wanting to move FBS, why wouldn't you just join the MAC? It's closer to your footprint, and you wouldn't have to worry about 1/2 the schools in the Big Sky going belly up financially because of the move. Why not just join an FBS conference if you want to be FBS? What's the value in doing something that everyone is doing? Why not do something excusive? Why would you even want the entire Big sky to be FBS, and be a part of it?
  4. It's not like a decison was made at 5pm on Saturday to decide which game to air. The game has been listed as a Statewide NBC game on the Bison schedule since early in the season. The decison was made months ago.
  5. After the NCAA responded, 67% voted to get rid of it. Before the the NCAA responded, the percentage was flipped on support for the law which would keep the name forever. Short memories everyone.
  6. If adding the Big Sky to FBS doesn't trigger a P5 split, nothing will. I'll believe it when I see it. Your talking about the 6th ranked conf in FCS last year, and some of the tightest budgets in DI. If the entire conf tries to go 85 scholarships it will be a colassal mess of Idaho x13 proportions. And even if the big sky was that stupid, where is there invite? I can't see this happening without significant involvement from both the P5 and the NCAA. This move would significantly circumvent the NCAA's control plan for FBS movement.
  7. You mean the law that everyone supported and thought was genious, until the NCAA showed you that this law put you between a rock and hard place. And then everyone said, oh we knew that was a bad idea all along, and Al Carlson is a idiot. That law? This situation reminds me of the coach who yells no no no, to the kid he doesn't want shooting the ball. Then when it goes in he says, Good shot.
  8. Out of one side of your mouth you are saying that Idaho football will join the Big Sky in FCS. Then out of the other side you are saying that there is a deal for the Big Sky's top teams to join with the Sunbelt. All this while the whole premise of your entire thread is that the Big Sky is going FBS. So which is it? All this while you insist that you are always 100% correct in all your predictionis. Then you go on weekly tirades bashing NDSU fans for being trolls, while at the same time posting stuff that appears you are begging them to come on this board. You are kind of a mess, let's be honest.
  9. Are you sure 1 + 1 = 2, can we really assume that? Wow, next your going to tell me that Bill Clinton and OJ didn't do anything wrong. I'm surprised you didn't lawyer up about 3 posts ago.
  10. With regard to 2005, it is easily concluded that 1+ 1 = 2. But you are either unwilling or unable to arrive at this simple arithmetic conclusion.
  11. I'm not sure how picking your site, some well below 5000 seats, a week in advance competes with selling tickets a year in advance for a 12,00 seat arena (in 2015), and a beatiful one at that. There might be an advantage for SDSU/USD, but don't have an issue with that. They will get the seed they earn during the regular season. Having an annual tournament site provides $ and stability. The B1G and MVC use thier championship sites to market the championship and make money, and Sioux Falls can do the same for the Summit. Looking at the history of the Summit and Big Sky has nothing to do with 2014 and the future. The Summit has trimmed its fat and have more under 150s and fewer >250s rpi that ever before. I think the core of Denver, Omaha, ORU, SDSU, NDSU, USD will keep the Summit in the top 1/2 of conferences strength wise. The Summit's current bracketology is a 12/13, while BSC is projected to play in. This is based on the teams, but also the League ranking.
  12. I dont dispute that most in the Big Sky probably want UND to stay, and UND is content in the Big Sky. But at some point you look at travel costs, recruiting areas, and conference strengths, and UND is going to be drawn east. Bubba or anyone else is not going to beat UNI, NDSU, ans SDSU for recruits in MN and WI (the area he knows he needs to focus in) playing out west. The Summit will continue to be a top 15 with ORU, and will grow to be on par with the Horizon and MVC. The Sky will always be a 20+. The new SF arena will get 10k+ for the Summit championship in years to come. Thats what UND could be a part of, and its just down the road.
  13. So you agree . . With There is no way that UND gets into the Big Sky in 2005 had they tried NDSU easily would have received a Big Sky invite in 2010 if they had wanted one Good, we can put all the propaganda being uttered to rest!
  14. Was it the MVC or MVFC that was trying to join with the WAC? Yes, please show us some proof of that, cause it sounds pretty far fetched. Where to start? Most of the MVFC can't afford FBS football The MVC wouldn't ok addl members for non football Patty is not the MVC commissioner The MVFC wouldn't be allowed to merge 10 to FBS without the NCAA and the P5 getting involved. There is a lot wrong with you theory, and I haven't see. Any proof.
  15. Just looking for someone, anyone, that is an honest person to make an honest statement about the 2005 and the 2009 periods, instead of pretending that UND would have been added in 2005, and NDSU wouldn't have been added in 2009. I guess that person is not you. The facts are . . . UND did not apply for membership in 2005 UND was accepted by the Big Sky in 2009 NDSU/SDSU was not accepted by the Big Sky in 2005 NDSU/SDSU had no desire to join the Big Sky in 2009 USD had offers to both the Big Sky and the Summit/MVFC in 2009, and chose the Summit MVFC Nearly every school that applied to the Big Sky in 2009 was added The Assumptions of any Reasonable person . . . UND/USD would have received a big NO on Big sky membership in 2005, just like NDSU/SDSU received NDSU would have been added, along with UND, in 2009 if NDSU would have had a desire to join the Big Sky
  16. You clearly have no integrity at all in your statements. NDSU made the move to DI, waiting an extra year to give UND the opportunity to follow along. UND did not, and reiterated its commitment to DII. NDSU and SDSU applied for Big Sky membership in 2005, there was no DI UND to wait around for, UND had no interntion of doing anything be staying DII. IN 2005, the Big Sky was not willing to take Dakota schools, instead taking NC from Denver region. In 2009 when UND and USD were joining DI, NDSU and SDSU were in good shape with Summit/MVFC membership, and had no desire to even consider the Big Sky. UND/USD were offered Big Sky Membership which UND jumped on right away. Before accepting a Big SkY invite, USD probed for a Summit/MVFC combo deal, which was offered and accepted. UND went to the Big Sky as the lone Dakota school, with USD chosing the Summit/Valley over their Big Sky offer. USD's choice was not the Big Sky, nor was that the choice of either SDSU or NDSU who made no attempt to seek an offer from the Big Sky when the door was wide open. (By wide open, I mean USU, UND, UCD, Poly all were welcomed in) Good for UND, it found a conference for football and all sports. Good for USD, it got the deal it prefered over the Big Sky, minimizing its travel and reuniting with its biggest rival. Which story, yours or mine, correctly reflects what happened with the Dakota schools? Volley, you have a serious lack of truth and integrity in your statements. I hope everyone here realizes that..
  17. If you think NDSU would not have been accepted by the Big Sky in 2009 (if they had wanted to join), then you are dumber than I thought. And if you think that UND would have had any chance in 2005, then you are an idiot. The Big Sky was not going to go that Far East (period) in 2005. Then you have 2009, where Fullerton had convinced the presidents there was safety in numbers, with strong potential that the Sky was falling. NDSU would easily been accepted. You are going to sit there in you right mind and tell me otherwise? Do you have any integrity?
  18. Let's be totally honest. In 2005 when NDSU was voted down by the Big Sky, UND would also have been voted down period. An in 2009 when UND was voted In, NDSU would also have been voted in had they been applying. In 2009, the Big Sky was adding anyone and everyone they could possibly get. So, all this discussion about why UND was viewed as much superior to NDSU by the Big Sky is . . . a bunch of BS, and everyone here knows it. 2009 was a completely different time in history for the voting members of the Big Sky as they were fearing for the potential loss of MT and MT State, and were taking anyone and everyone that would join the conference.
  19. Or maybe Minot State will beat UND to the punch . . . just as likely. If you can't compete at your current level, go FBS. That makes lots of sense. Und would be wise to start by culling a few sports down to the minimum, so they could afford to pay coaches the going wage. Then maybe a move to FBS football wouldn't be so far fetched. If UND does go FBS, it won't be at 85 scholarships under the current circumstance, it will be after a split, and it won't be today's FBS. So I don't know why you even refer to all this talk as going FBS, it won't be FBS if UND ever moves up.
  20. If UND is joining the Sunbelt by themselves, it would likely not get the attention of the P5. But if the entire Big Sky is moving to FBS, that will be reviewed by the P5, you can rest assured. What does any of this have to do with NDSU? Absolutely nothing. It has to do with an entire conference joining FBS football, which goes against the rules in place for FBS membership.
  21. I also know that the B1G, B12, P12, SEC and ACC conferences will have a say in approving moves to the 85 Scholarship level under the current situation where all FBS teams compete for a single championship. If you think that the whole Big Sky is going to be approved for affliliate membership of the Sunbelt by the P5 so they can circumvent normal rules for FBS membership, you are crazy. You can't be misguided enough to actually believe that, can you? The P5 is going to stand by and watch 13 teams be added to the FBS, each receiving a million of tv money? That is laughable, almost as laughable as the Sunbelt even agreeing to it. Then there is the issue of BSC schools actually being able to afford the move, which 90% are not. The best candidate, Montana, is actually scared to death of a higher fanancial commitment than they are currently making. The majority of Griz fans do not think they can afford it, and that's the BSC's best candidate.
  22. SV doesn't believe half the *^it he posts, but it does give him lots of attention as some here hang on his every post. In the case of the thread, he says he doesn't want any trolls, but he clearly is begging for them. HE is the troll. Moving FBS isn't a crazy thought, and the bar is low in many of these conferences. But the rules clearly say that you have to join an existing conference, and Volley's ideas clearly violate that requirement, which he is well aware. Teams will get invited to FBS conferences in 1's and 2's, not groups of 10's and 12's. I can assure you of that.
  23. If Wichita State were ever ripe to be plucked out of the Valley, this would be the year. But i dont seea natural progrssion for a state school from KS like Creighton had with the BigEast. Here are the possibilities B12 Nope BigEast No, i dont think so, not private;but possible with Creighton there A10 Too far west, but possible MWC Doubtful without FB, but certainly now a higher profile BB conf than the Valley
  24. Wichita is in with a Top 4 seed, but the MVC only gets 2 if WSU loses. Not likely. Nobody else gets in without the auto.
  25. Beating Weber vs NDSU would simply be a question of if you prefer a top 50 rpi win, or a top 170 rpi win. Just depends on which you prefer.
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