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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Nowhere did I say I'm anti mask. Do I think mask are the cure for coronavirus and cancer like many here.....no. Helpful in this pandemic situation.....yes. Do I shame people for wearing one or not wearing one....no.
  2. I'm sure the St. Louis Circuit Attorney would listen to your concerns on this matter.
  3. Again......masks? Where have the been? Simple question. Communicable airborne diseases have been around for how long?
  4. Because 98% of the general public looks much better fully clothed! I'm putting my money you fall into that percentage........like me.
  5. Exactly.....and that's with a vaccine. Over the years.....decades....millions. Wise up. Where were masks a decade ago? 5 years ago? Probably more too if they gave cause of death like Covid19.
  6. First child death in MN......9 month old just across the river in Clay Country.
  7. Millions have died prior to March from influenza in this country. Last year alone 1.5M died from TB worldwide. This "wear a mask, save a life from coronavirus " is comparable to the BLM movement. Only certain lives matter as defined by the cause.
  8. SMH..........what a dumbass comment. Ask the law abiding citizens in Portland or Seattle about that. Make not wearing a mask a federal crime or STFU.
  9. NDSU just reported 13 positive cases from comprehensive testing of all sports team athletes on campus. "Most", per report, were asymptomatic. The lining up of people who have no symptoms just to potentially put another positive notch in the bed post doesn't make sense. Local healthcare system don't even use that approach.
  10. 107 new positives in ND on 5702 tests.
  11. 63 shot and 12 dead in Chicago this weekend.
  12. A buddy's who's brother in law is a lieutenant in the Minneapolis PD is resigning by week's end.
  13. 53 consecutive days of "protests" in Portland.
  14. Demographics are now political too? Interesting.......who knew? Was actually expecting more from you. Thought you'd go with the racism card.
  15. I gave you my opinion on Portland that you brought into the equation. The prior conversation had no reference to the Hispanic population until you interjected that as well. Not saying I'm right or wrong but there are plenty, definitely not all nor even a majority, of illegals that enter this country for no other reason than to cause chaos, crime and unrest. That's not nonsense and can be substantiated.
  16. I lived in the Portland metro area for years. That city was never anything to brag about.......now it is just an embarrassment.
  17. Says the guy who posts the gif with the N bomb in it.
  18. What are those opportunities currently? Education? Athletics? Fine arts? All those are most likely a "no". Protesting? Gun violence? Civil unrest? No issues there.....jump in and enjoy.
  19. As of June 30 15.44% of all postive tests statewide in ND were from healthcare workers. Yet most teachers are afraid to go back into the classroom to do their job. #saferatahospital
  20. In a recent interview Fauci praised the state of NY in its handling of the coronavirus to date........"They did it correctly ".
  21. Typical lazy reporting by the Herald. No context or full disclosure of details.
  22. Local radio in GF last night stated juveniles were "black males". Totally senseless and tragic.
  23. ND records another single day record high in positives cases.....124. 4792 tests done. Again not sure what value this has when hospitalization numbers are down and no deaths added.
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