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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Who knew the ice cream treat "Eskimo Pies" were racists after 99 years?
  2. As of 2 hours ago in Chicago 99 shootings and 12 dead (5 were minors) this weekend. Article out of the Chicago Sun-Times mentions nothing about race of any of the victims...hmmmmmmm. Dark days and a continuing part of our history indeed but you won't find any mention of this today on most major "news" outlets but please carry on with the typical " Nazi" retort......ialto.
  3. This weekend so far... Minneapolis 12/1 Chicago 66/9 BLM???
  4. Please don't forget the 22000 deaths in MN predicted by the "experts".
  5. In Minnesota during a week once expected by "experts" to mark the peak of the outbreak positive numbers are lowest in 30 days.....half the daily average of 30 days ago. ICU beds lowest since May 3. Non-ICU hospitalizations lowest in 60 days.
  6. You finally found someone else to hold your sign "Get Tested Or Die!" in front of your house?
  7. Meanwhile in the early morning hours today one was shot dead and one shot with life threatening injuries in Seattle's CHOP. The PD was met with significant resistance so that they were not able to reach the victims. Safety and health issues come in all shapes and sizes.
  8. I'm implying there's a double standard. Protests and marches....no problem. Youth sports outdoors....safer at home. If you're too blind to see that so be it.
  9. Right.....that's why you see youth baseball, softball, soccer and FB camps everywhere you turn. BTW we were told by the media repeatedly blacks were affected more by coronavirus because the virus is (systemically) racist.......but for the greater good though I guess. NDSU cancelled all their sports camps but obviously no one has an issue with hundreds (good portion without maske) protesting and marching on campus today.
  10. Just heard from a very reliable source Walz is currently thinking of getting kids in MN back to school but only 9 kids in a class at a time. Kids come to school every 3rd or 4th day depending on school size. Rest of schooling online where a good portion of the kids do nothing . Can't make this **** up. Thousands protesting, rioting and looting for days......no problem. Light it up.
  11. Per CNN Fauci warns football may not be played at all this year. The guy is like herpes.......just never goes away.
  12. So we've come full circle and the goalpost are now back to the original concern. Got it. Bejing?? When are we drumming up Italy again as well? You do realize healthcare systems are crumbling due to financial issues. Layoffs, furloughs, pay cuts....and I could go on but let's keep waiting for the surge to overwhelm hospitals.
  13. Sorry if I'm not mindless lemming like you drinking the Kool-Aid at every turn.
  14. Keep beating that drum in between combing thru death certificates to up the "died of Corona" total. Look forward to the "experts" recommendations to lockdown the country again in mid October.....but we will let the protesting and rioting go on indefinitely.
  15. Per Fox Sports Thomson is going to Seattle to play for the Huskies.
  16. Fauci now says MLB should not play baseball into October. (That's if there is a season) Show of hands...... who else is completely tired of this guy?
  17. ND did a record 4419 tests yesterday.......42 positives. #awaitingthesurge
  18. Didn't realize being part of civil disobedience, being unlawful, rioting, looting and in general inciting mayhem was productive but we'll once again see what happens Friday in Fargo as another "march" is planned. Friday is Juneteenth....apparently it is a holiday. "We're all Americans and we all should value our history.....history makes us who we are today". Interesting take since we are currently picking and choosing which history to except or scrub. That quote was from Claudie Washington of the Duluth MN NAACP. Washington also said that "racism was the underlying factor" in why ND and other states don't recognize and celebrate Juneteenth.
  19. Right. Pretty bold for him to call out his coach on Twitter......over a tshirt......that he wore fishing.....as kids who are your peers are looting, rioting and burning things to the ground.....and you don't have a bold comment on that.
  20. Must be one of those downtrodden Gen Y individuals wxman91 speaks so fondly about.
  21. Kid from Center ND finishes first in his/her HS class. Has plans to broaden his/her horizons and change the world. Goes to school at U of Colorado in Boulder. $120K in loans for his/her Master's degree in Russian Children's Literature and no one can figure out how he/she can not find a job in his/her field other than at a Caribou or a Wendy's....but not the one in ATL cause that one's been torched to the ground.
  22. Bolded part is imperative IMO but probably won't happen. What are your thoughts on fall HS sports in MN?
  23. The number of Minnesotans hospitalized due to COVID is at its lowest total since May 1 at 369...186 in ICU. #inWalzwetrust #still20702togo
  24. If anyone has information on this question please share.......has any prominent respected black individual, outside of Lil Wayne, said in the last 2+ weeks we as a black community need to be better as well?
  25. I at least hope everyone got a large Frosty before they torched the Wendy's in protest.
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