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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Completely different issues....but continue to tie his last negative test and Hope Hicks to my original issue with whats happening in the Fargo public schools starting tomorrow. BTW......I'm not giving Trump a pass when the trickle down effect of those testing positive is pretty obvious. If the time lines are accurate it was negligence.
  2. Explain please..... Last time I checked the CDC didn't put the onus on the White House or the federal government to set policies for school settings but you definitely like to cherry pick your "the CDC says so" points of view.
  3. Well said.....from those I know who teach in Moorhead, Fargo and WF they all put that number around 25-33%.
  4. 10 days from when your symptoms began and you are fever free and symptoms are improving. Positive asymptomatic cases are 10 days from date of test. Both situations require staying at home for that 10 day period.
  5. Cass County is the most populated country in ND. Fargo, which is in Cass County, is the most populated city in ND. As of yesterday Cass County's current active case % was roughly just 0.37% of its population yet starting tomorrow all public school students in middle and high school will be switching to distancing learning only. Elementary students will be hybrid Hopefully mikejm's children are all middle school or HS teachers in Fargo so they can lounge in their PJs all week now. 0.37% current active cases...........and no kids ages 13-18 will be in class in Fargo public schools starting tomorrow. I know logical perspective isn't allowed by the bedwetting, doomsday, hide in your bunker minions in this thread but that's f-n ridiculous if you really think about it. Anyone want to guess what % of those kids will be going to lunch at BWW and/or to the mall, Scheels or Target with their friends or going to work at a part time job? A lot higher than 0.37%.
  6. Per McFooly......."about 15" NDSU FB players took a knee during the National Anthem.
  7. So from the seat on my couch I noticed that those in attendance at the Fargodome were basically all sitting in the same section. Right next to each other.....row after row.
  8. A fumble and his first pick.....20-18 UCA mid 3rd quarter. Woof.
  9. He's been just awful so far in this game (early 2nd quarter) but at least his cleats are covered with social justice stuff so he has that going for him.
  10. The LTC facilities in ND must just be filled with cultist staff workers roaming the halls and cultist residents. Only logical and reasonable explanation to these outbreaks as masks and isolation work.
  11. No time for that when you're lining kids up like cattle for mass testing every week at UND and testing the sewage coming from the dorms at NDSU.
  12. Sturgis? Trump rally? HS sports? Kids actually going to school? Smuggled in Tim Horton donuts from Canada? Lots of options to pin this one on.
  13. Bottineau (ND) LTC facility just had over 1/2 its residents and 1/3 of its staff test positive.
  14. Someone else brought this up earlier as well.........very valid point.
  15. Yes....but only if Biden wins and then he locks down the nation for at least 12 weeks.
  16. Fair enough......so basically masks work only when they work and they only work in certain circumstances. Cause I remember Redfield telling the nation masks are as or will be more effective vs the virus than any vaccine. Where does he work again?
  17. I'll pose this question to you then.......because you are a ND resident.
  18. Again......yes or no. Even for a F-up like you it is not that complicated.
  19. I would assume you agree with the premise of the new recommendation as to quarantining those in close contact as stated above? A yes or no answer will suffice.
  20. Ex-Twitter CEO Dick Costolo tweeted………."Me-first capitalists......are going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution". Is he insinuating people will be shot with water cannons Takeaduke1?
  21. In the category of masks work....the ND Department of Health changed it's tune on quarantining close contact patients. Per the NDDH close contact individuals will no longer be recommended to quarantine for 2 weeks if the individual and the positive case to whom they were exposed wore mask when they were together. Seems like this will help keep in kids in class in the schools that require masks to be worn. This should help walk some of you off the ledge. BTW the WF Sheyenne FB team had one positive case and somehow they contact traced 75....SEVENTY FIVE....kids on the FB team to the one case and quarantined those 75. How is that even physically possible since the CDC states close contact is within 6' for at least 15 minutes?
  22. What does that response have to do to the question asked? Typical...….
  23. I was going to down the road that this virus is "racist" and since he is white he'll be just fine.
  24. Is Daniel Cameron, the Kentucky AG, an "Uncle Tom"? Asking Don Lemon........
  25. Nope those fans won't be tested regularly......and those fans that are willing to go to a game are ok with that otherwise they wouldn't go. Curious......what number of fans in the Ralph would you be ok with if hockey resumes?
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