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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. In the context of the question....absolutely. The bigger question is what are the actual benefits as it relates to the use in Covid19 patient. It's far from a magic bullet.
  2. To roast marshmallows and make Smores from burning buildings following the George Floyd trial???
  3. Just read where Kris Ehresmann, the infectious disease director for the MDH, was quoted The Atlantic spewing her Walz lackey fear porn about the coronavirus.
  4. 5 hits in 2 games.........Wilbur gets more hits on Tinder in an hour.
  5. What the REA wants or what Schloss will write about? My uneducated guess would be 25% capacity per night.
  6. Just finished my 21 question online survey I got via email from REA on all things UND hockey as it related to potential games, seating, attendance, concessions, masks...…...
  7. ND Covid hospitalizations down by 16 from yesterday. Of all these ND hospitals busting at the seams inpatient wise there are currently 89 hospitalized due to COVID in the state. Meanwhile 2 more homicides in Minneapolis pushing the homicide deaths to 62 for the year so far in that city.
  8. Same......couldn't bring myself to watch any of it.
  9. Bison game this Saturday now switched to attendance of player's families only. Ridiculous. Why even play??
  10. Great points. Cass County Public Health is a f-n Gong Show.
  11. Can't make this s#$t up. Embarrassing. Might as well quarantine everyone that enters the building now too.
  12. 2 hits so far today and 16 straight playoff loses...........just has that feeling.
  13. Right......I thought the blue down arrow followed by 97 was a clue.
  14. Yup.......still the amount of deaths needed in MN to fulfill Walz revised revised revised Covid19 model.
  15. So you're saying you won't even leave the house to buy more tinfoil?
  16. Are you the one that put out the information making the rounds on national "news" outlets that ND's positivity testing rate over the last 7 days has been 30%???
  17. $1.8M will be spent in ND to "urge" citizens to wear a mask. Total waste of money IMO. Burgum should, at this point, institute a mask mandate in ND based on Redfield's comments that wearing a mask will be as, if not more, effective than any vaccine. Then Burgum should mandates that all businesses, schools and life in general in ND fully open up and get on with it.
  18. Isn't that what we were sold from day one from the "experts"......limiting hospitalizations and deaths? So why the pivot now to "cases"?
  19. That is what a 560 score on the SAT reading comprehension section will get you.
  20. "Hatch Act"......wow. Goggle is a wonderful tool for the uneducated and ignorant. Thumbs up to you.
  21. The Minnesota Department of Health is now changing how they report their hospitalization numbers on their webpage dashboard since the overall Covid19 patient hospital volumes in the state have dropped from the 600s to the mid 200s on a daily basis. Those numbers aren't scary enough now so the MDH is switching to reporting a model to report "severity and capacity". Maybe Ranger can explain why this was done?
  22. Nah I don't know much. How about you give us some insight? Oh wait......you would have to form a coherent thought/opinion back up by some sort of facts. You haven't done that since this thread opened or even in our past PM conversations. But feel free to chime in with whatever nonsensical comments you would like.
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