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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. My daughter's friend, 15, got a sore throat and mild cough Monday. Went in Tuesday. Positive for Strep. Put on oral antibiotics and is feeling better as of last night but of course also had to get Covid test. School wants her to stay home for 10 days from symptoms even if her Covid test is negative even though she got sick from Strep. So any sickness from here on out this fall/winter will be Covid even when it is not.
  2. CDC today....."At no time has CDC guidance suggested that masks were intended to protect the wearers". Dr. Redfield, director of the CDC, last month said that a mask is "more guaranteed to protect me" from Covid19 than a potential vaccine. Hmmmmmmmm......... #experts #trustscience
  3. Can we at least cut down the California Redwoods so us common folk can heat our home come winter of '21-22??
  4. Tim Kendall is waiting on line 2 for you......
  5. Most systems have their own protocol and in house hotlines to call. Those people determine your risk. Healthcare workers/providers rarely get tested even with exposure.
  6. Has he won $500 from the UND Bookstore yet?
  7. If "pretty often" mean rarely...if ever then I agree.
  8. Visited with a buddy who's an economist with a large national financial group. Predictions on an immediate/short term effect on markets: If Trump wins.... +15%. Biden wins -15%.
  9. Not true......Biden has been quoted that he would lock down the country again if the "experts" recommended that. The WHO is on hold for Biden...……...line 3.
  10. You forgot removing the name of any school that is named after Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson or Wilson.
  11. Here's my issue with Schloss, McFeely, Jim Shaw and all the others like them...…..they parrot the mask issue/needing a mandate and mask effectiveness but even if 100% of the population in the area/region wore a mask all the time I guarantee they would all still be opposed to students back in school 5 days a week and the Fargodome or Ralph being over 50% full of fans.
  12. Flashing a gang sign helps make his opinion known as well.
  13. McFooly is a liberal Strib wanna be hack. He's click bait for the online users.
  14. He's in the boat of "cases" are bad. 99.946% of all of Cass County are fine....non-active cases. LTC facilities and the vulnerable are the issue. As Sic says...."virus gonna virus" and "picking off low lying fruit". Not callous but true.
  15. We all can only hope Maize Hirino chokes on a piece of Spam.
  16. 8 LTC facilities in ND have double digit residents that are positive. Minot has one with 56. Thought quarantine, isolation and masks are the ticket? #distancelearningsaveslives
  17. Fauci isn't even a thing anymore as it relates to Covid. He and Osterholm just need to go play pickleball together.
  18. Minnesota to require "low risk" LTC facilities be reopen to visitors. ........in other news Detroit Lakes schools shifting to hybrid model because of increase in county "cases". 75% of MN COVID deaths from LTC facilities. One MN deaths in the age bracket of 0-20. Can't make this stuff up. #trusttheexperts #scienceanddata
  19. Student athlete.......first word is key. Could be the reason Otis is #3.
  20. Clemson.....18800 Texas/OU.......24000 25%-ish capacity for those 2 games on Saturday
  21. Valid points but UND has no say in any attendance decision making come January? Who is then making that decision? NDHD? County health department? Mayor Bo? 50% would be great. IMO attendance at the Ralph won't be close to that yet those fans who want to attend need to have the option to do so.
  22. Again...........these schools have to take the knife away from their necks. Most are their own worst enemies.
  23. Does that logic pertain to repeat criminal offenders that resist arrest and assault the police?
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