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Everything posted by brianvf

  1. Me too! Kind of weird to think that we were on a team with a future NHL player.
  2. I agree. Better to have him recovered 100% then risk any further damage. Get well soon Mike! And, thanks for the recap PCM!
  3. Thanks for posting a new wallpaper pic for all of us, PCM!! Go Sioux!!!!!!
  4. That's the owner of the bar, Rae. She always seems to give the people that have had one too many a ride home.
  5. I will agree, it's too bad that she gets off work so early. I've worked there for almost 1.5 years, and I think that I've gotten to work with her for a total of maybe 10 minutes...
  6. Thanks for the excellent recap PCM! Diggler-- you graduated??
  7. Good job Jake! I believe with his performance during the last four games that he has established himself as the #1 goalie. He seems to really come into form for the end of the year run, let's hope he can keep his excellent play going. Congrats again Jake!
  8. brianvf

    Nick Fuher

    That game was the best game that I have seen in the New Ralph. That place was rocking for the entire overtime until Nick scored the winner. Then it got crazier. Everyone remained standing and cheering until well after the team left the ice, it was an amazing sight to see. THAT'S how hockey games should be at the Ralph!!
  9. They could borrow them to the Sioux fans for tomorrow night!
  10. Go Sioux! I agree about RR girls being much better looking than GFC girls. Aaahhhh, fond memories of my RR days back in the late 90's. TH just talked about Fuher going for the hatty, that just sounded funny. Great game by Nick.
  11. During the last Sioux game with CC, Pat Sweeney said that the Fri game against UMD would NOT be televised as earlier stated, just the Sat game would be televised.
  12. I wondered that as well. The Lundy-Stafford-Porter line was all over the place on Fri, creating chances and cycling the puck freely in the CC zone. Weird that he would choose to split them up for the Sat night game. I would like to see Brandt play Fri night against Mankato. He needs some playing time to bring his confidence back up after the UW series. I still believe that he should be our goalie through the NCAA's. His solid play through last years WCHA first round playoffs and the Final Five (despite the quick exit) are proof that he can raise the level of his game with alot on the line. I say give him the chance to prove himself again.
  13. They said during the broadcast tonight that the Fri game would NOT be televised as earlier stated. Just the Sat game will be televised on WDAZ.
  14. Good job with the recaps PCM! Thanks again!!
  15. Or we could compare this season to the 99-00 team that got swept in Wisco late in the season, played well for the rest of the WCHA season, beat Wisco in the WCHA Final 5 Championship, and then went on to win the Natl Championship. I like that comparison a little better. I'm not giving up on this Sioux team yet, no way. We'll see how they rebound this weekend with CC. If they play well against CC, and do well against Mankato, they could go into the DECC with some confidence and with a winning attitude. Go Sioux!
  16. Thanks for the responses guys, helps me out. I was leaning toward Midco cable modem, but just wanted to get some feedback on it first. Thanks again.
  17. Good question, who knows?? I bet the players don't even know... Maybe some light will be shed tonight during the Coach's Show.
  18. Quick question here for people who have cable modem or DSL. I've been thinking about getting one of the two, and would like some feedback from people who already have them. Cost is a big issue with me as I am a poor college student. Cheapest? Best providers? Etc? Thanks
  19. Wow, dang right that class needs to be good. 9 graduating players is huge, especially considering the low number of graduates that we have had the last few years. I think we had Notermann, Spiewak, and Leinweber last year. And this year just Lundbohm (Lundblum), Hale, and Palmo.
  20. Good synopsis of the game Farce. I agree that this team is definitely fun to watch. Hope for another good game from the Sioux tomorrow night. Hey Forecheck-- I saw you on TV with your Money Line sign! You're supposed to wave when the camera pans to you.
  21. As always, thanks for doing the recaps PCM; much appreciated!!
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