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Everything posted by brianvf

  1. DU leads BSU 3-2, but BSU is just starting a 5min PP on a DU CFB.
  2. DU and BSU tied at 1 now.
  3. I noticed that as well. It will be interesting to see what they do against the Gophers in a couple weeks.
  4. BSU leads DU 1-0, and now have a PP.
  5. I wish Notre Dame would have beaten UM last night. I would like UM and Miami to lose some games to give the Sioux a shot at a #1 seed. Although either way, it will be fun watching Miami and Michigan fail to advance past the regionals again this year. Especially after all the talk of the CCHA being so dominant this year, despite only having 3 or 4 good teams in the entire league.
  6. Agreed. I would much rather the Sioux face MTU, MSUM, or UAA in the first round playoffs then UW or even UMN if things finish close to how they are now. The thought of having to win 2 games against UW or UMN with a shot at the F5 on the line doesn't interest me. I have faith that the Sioux could win, but there are easier paths to St Paul.
  7. I saw that too. An embarrassing defeat? Maybe because his coach wouldn't let him take any punches!
  8. Mannino has had a couple of bad games in a row for DU. He was pulled for the 2nd game in a row tonight after he let in 4 goals on 13 shots. DU looks to have controlled play (sog were 31-16 DU), but it is really good to see Air Force get a W against them. What's more boring than watching a UW/UAA game? Following a UW/UAA game via a live stats website.
  9. LaPoint only missed last weekend against Tech. He played in the Sat 6-2 win against SCSU, picked up an assist, and was a +1. http://www.collegehockeystats.net/0708/boxes/mndkstc1.j05
  10. Wow. The top line that we have been waiting all year to see! Trupp has acclimated to the WCHA, and is now looking really good out there. Something tells me that he will click well with Oshie and Duncan and that we will see this line for the rest of the season.
  11. Agreed. I could see him starting to pick up his scoring in his jr/sr seasons, but until then he will be a very effective "grinder line" forward. Much like Zajac is right now, but with more offensive upside.
  12. Oh no, here we go. I would disagree. I have been very impressed with LaPoint, especially as a frosh. I have been very impressed with the play of both him and Marto this year. They got thrown into the lineup as freshmen, and sure they've made the occasional freshmen mistakes, but for the most part they have done very well. I think we'll have a very capable defensive unit next season with LaPoint, Marto, Genoway, and Jones anchoring the unit. Unless LaPoint leaves early because he's become the "new Brian Lee" on this board.
  13. Toews and Parise came in young because they were skilled enough at a young enough age. VV needed some time to adjust, so he played a year at the USHL level. Both Toews and Parise also came to UND and played like "stars" right away, where VV took a year to get used to the speed/skill of the league. I don't think it's fair to compare VV to those 2 players. They were both 1st round draft choices who were head-and-shoulders above their competition skill-wise in their soph years. You can't say that about VV yet. That said, he could still bolt after this year...I just don't see it happening. Unless he just really needs the money.
  14. I bet we are bound to see at least one unexpected departure. But who? I can't see why VV would want to bolt just yet...it took him almost all of last year to get used to the speed of the WCHA...and this year you are starting to see the beginnings of a great player in him. If he comes back next year I think he could be one of the top forwards on the team, if not the league. But he still needs that year of development. If he goes to the AHL, he'll be right back where he was at the beginning of last year, just trying to keep up. But if he doesn't go, then I don't know who...Kozek? Watkins? Who knows. I think that Oshie, Finley, and Chorney are gone for sure. 100%. Duncan I am not so sure about. I could see him being about 60/40 that he goes. But he may just stick around for another go at it. If he stayed, I am not sure what Hakstol would do about the forward situation. You certainly can't have 5-6 forwards not dressing each night.
  15. Does anyone know if Sioux Xtra will be picking up the webcast from the Mankato website?
  16. I think every team in the nation could say that.
  17. Take out that UW game and I bet the Sioux would easily fall from that top spot.
  18. I wonder what all the Gopher fans that were saying that Budish's stock was falling recently are going to say about this. Seriously though, good pickup for them.
  19. I would think Miami's lack of a tough schedule will hurt them if they happen to lose a couple games to those weaker opponents. It's certainly not their SOS that is keeping them afloat as a #1 seed.
  20. Agreed that these tourneys are a great recruiting tool for the Sioux. Hopefully they keep on being held at the Ralph. I also agree with I Ranger that the Sioux already have the makings of a fantastic 2010 recruiting class with Mattson and Clarke. Keep it up Hakstol!
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