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Everything posted by brianvf

  1. Wow, what a little punk. So selfish on his part to ditch his team and teammates during the season. If you're going to do that, sign in the summer... Who's raising these kids??
  2. NDSU in last and UMN in 2nd to last. Sounds about right.
  3. Brad said today in his blog that Gersich and Janatuinen could both be back for CC. They are at least practicing. As are Tomek and Cam J. Maybe starting to get healthy?
  4. Like Wisconsin? They're the cream of the D1 crop alright!
  5. QU took care of SCSU rather easily this weekend. And that Ortega punk from UNO is having a heck of a start to his season...15 pts already?
  6. http://www.grandforksherald.com/sports/und-hockey/3867824-mens-hockey-hrynkiw-shuts-out-vermont-first-road-start Brad confirmed that Gersich has mono. Hope he can make it back and play at 100% soon...
  7. Lot of goalie issues tonight. There were two 5-5 games and a 6-6 game? That's crazy. It's like hockey from the Hrkac era!
  8. According to Brad, Gersich, Janatuinen, CJohnson, and Tomek all did not travel with the team. Sounds like we should expect the same lineup that we saw on Saturday against BSU.
  9. Score first, score often. Although this team seems to like to give up a goal or two first before they can get one past the opposing goalie.
  10. http://www.grandforksherald.com/sports/und-hockey/3866171-und-mens-hockey-unds-new-starting-goalie-pushes-himself-and-ice Article on that new starting goalie of ours...
  11. 3 goal night for Boeser and 4 pt night for Cags. I like that line. We'll call it the CBS Line.
  12. I've played at their arena down here. The first time I played in it (about 2-3 years ago), if you would have told me that it would be a D1 arena, I would have laughed for a very long time. Super small...Eagles Arena in GF has more seating. And the ice is horrible.
  13. That line better keep generating goals because our goalies really suck this year. Is that 2 goals on 2 shots for BSU?
  14. Good to see that line kicking butt. Boeser hit the post on a shot on that same shift before sniping the goal.
  15. Has the opponent scored on their first sog every game so far? I think so. 1-0 BSU
  16. Cagguila - Schmaltz - Boeser That line has potential to be very, very good. Let's hope that all three of them can get rolling tonight. All of them have played well but not shown up on the scoresheet too much thus far. 9 Drake Caggiula–8 Nick Schmaltz–16 Brock Boeser9 Drake Caggiula–8 Nick Schmaltz–16 Brock Boeser
  17. We're already back to the point of the season where we have dmen playing forward spots due to injuries. In record time!
  18. I think it has something to do with 2 of them being injured.
  19. Are there any uncommitted goalies that can come in this fall still?
  20. Oh yeah, forgot about Wolanin being injured too. And Brad said that Chartrand is as well, but he hasn't played yet so not as big of a blow.
  21. So let me get this straight. We have St. Clair, Tomek, Gersich, Janatuinen, and C Johnson all injured right now? We're three games into the season! Let's hope that the everyone gets their injuries out of the way now so that the rest of the season is ok...
  22. It makes it pretty easy for the opponent when they score on 30% of their shots.
  23. Buttload of injuries right now, including 2 of our goalies. And the PK sucks. Not an ideal situation to start the season.
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