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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. pretty funny i thought. i'm guessing the dasher monkey is jessup... "you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall". haha. the cheap $h!t and spearing must be the code red. i wish they could have worked in the monkeys journey back and forth across the ice, it gets funnier every time i watch it
  2. wow, did someone get her a tissue? poor reporter lady, she didn't feel all warm and fuzzy get a different job... massage therapy is all warm and nice what exactly did she expect, cookies and hot cocoa with us between periods? that being said, i have interacted with many fans of opposing teams, and the ones who are not obnoxious drunks (gopher fans, cough, cough) are great to talk with and have good natured fun during a hockey game with.
  3. in society, ignorance of the law does not excuse anyone from breaking said law. shouldn't the same logic be applied here? mccleod and shep have no sense whatsoever how to run this league, so i would guess nothing will be done. gwoz deserves a couple of games minimum. a forfeit will not happen, and i wouldn't want a cheap point that way anyway. as big of a moron gwoz was saturday, his team earned that point. it will be interesting if the wcha responds to this at all.
  4. that would be a fun regional, although we will most likely see those teams at the final five too, it's nice to whoop up on some east coast teams once in a while. and it wouldn't be at the john, as they are trying to get neutral sites now, so it would probably have to be somewhere neutral like the x (the regional is at the john i think, was just being facetious as the x is our ss.com goofer faithful's favorite "neutral" site)
  5. i agree, with bozak they could make some noise, he is by far their best player. but i think they will live or die by chevrie. if we meet them in the postseason, it will be one hell of a game!! on a side note, if the dasher dancer decides to check the ice during the game again... they are undefeated when he isn't behind the bench
  6. yeah, comley seems to be a stand up guy, good call suspending the players. interesting that conboy was the one who took bruneteau out half of last season.
  7. another topic for another thread, which you just started. its the same old tired song and dance with you. we get that you think fighting is barbaric, and has no place anywhere in society. the author's point was that facing someone face to face and squaring off when both parties know what is going to happen is much better than the blindsides and cheapshots that have been going on. i believe someone earlier gave you a link to the "honor code" book reguarding fighting in hockey, get it. the fact is when the chance of retaliation is minimal (fighting) and we have players who don't respect the game or the players, crap like this will happen. fighting wouldn't eliminate the cheapshots and yes, injuries can happen in a fight, but at least someone like these msu players could be taught some honor without another cheapshot.
  8. consider it like a 5-3, the penalty with the least amount of time remaining comes off first, and the longer one stays, so duncs was in first and came out (goal was officially scored on his penalty), and marto goes in to serve his two minutes.
  9. i believe finley had 3 pts (along with marto and duncs) you assume correctly, the second was not good, they could have put up a few more on us they did keep good pressure on us, but we were in the box alot, and the refs refused to call anything on them which didn't help i hope the refs call a tight game tonight so we can see more of what we saw tonight, that was fun my money is that we will not see a 2-1 game tonight, but it will be alot closer i think (5-3 sioux sweep!) as for any fights... don't rule rhakshani out, he lost his cool last night, but i agree that it will be a role guy, watch #6 gwoz may not be a complete idiot, but.... and yes du will adjust and we should see one hell of a game tonight!!! LETS GO SIOUX!!!
  10. just got back from the game... wow! drop 8 on the top defensive team and top wcha goalie!!! and that with a subpar second period. couple of observations... 8 goals from 8 different players, and two great periods of hockey marto is gaining confidence and becoming genoway jr., which is HUGE for this team eidsness played ok, but made the saves when they were needed, he gets better each game denver tried to push us around and be the "tough guys", except they aren't tough, and it took them off their game, and we pounced on them isn't gwoz usually the one saying in the paper and in interviews that there isn't a place for the "rough stuff" in the college game, and yet his guys did it all night, and we just kept scoring!! wonder what his response would be if someone called him on it? i'm sure the sioux started it all if you are a sioux fan, you love hextall. if you are a fan of any opposing team, you hate hextall. i have never seen a player, in a span of 21 seconds off the play clock, draw four individual penalties and a misconduct from the other team. i don't know what he says to them, but it aint nice. and after du has the box stacked, hexy skates by gwoz with smile god dang that kid is great!! i HOPE denver focuses on trying to be physical with us and go after hextall again tomorrow so we can drop 8 more on their candy a$$e$!! oh and ive never seen anyone get as many breakaways in one game as watty tonight, that was great. LETS GO SIOUX!!! GET THAT SWEEP!! fisticuff watch for tomorrow (because there WILL be gloves dropped, guaranteed): for us, i like malone or zajac, but genoway is a sleeper. for them, rakshani or #6, don't remember the name, but he was tied up with someone after almost every whistle.
  11. i agree with roche, which is why i picked him. and remember, it is who would you add to THIS team. as i said earlier, i think a blueliner like roche could be the piece that would put THIS team over the top. we have some balanced scoring even without the so called "blue chipper", good team defense, and a solid goalie (who will be great before long). a dman like roche may not get all the hype or media attention, but the importance of a player like that can't be overstated.
  12. it is hard to pass on panzer... but i like our forwards and the way we are playing. i think the piece we could really use is another puck moving dman who can transition out of our zone and be and offensive force, so i went with roche. my heart would have taken prp, but hextall is filling that role this season, and i loved greener, but with his size and new focus on obstruction, he might never leave the penalty box (he rarely did before, he was good for 2-3 crosschecks a game, but noone on the opposition would come in front of the net )
  13. oshie with an assist in the blues shutout win over towes and the hawks. blackhawks have scored only 4 goals in the last five or something to that effect, ouch. also, surprisingly, greener was held off the scoresheet in the kings win
  14. i didn't see it mentioned here, but greener had two assists in the kings win last night! that guy is an offensive machine
  15. pretty funny, although sounded a little like the chubby, ugly little sister a few times. it's a good thing the inch staff is objective and doesn't harbor any jealousy towards the best league in hockey
  16. wow, didn't take long for kvasager or dean or whoever to get banned this time
  17. does this mean we won't see anymore of you here on ss.com?
  18. and stafford with two assists and two penalties. what a goon. edit: osh adds another assist for a three point night... can't keep up with all the former sioux lighting it up tonight.
  19. blake gets a hattrick and two assists in the leafs win. wow! back to his sioux days
  20. former sioux off to an early start tonight... jason blake with 2 goals and an assist so far, oshie with an assist on st. louis' only goal so far.
  21. i agree, although 12 might be cleaner? just a thought, but then all 12 will have a three game playoff series. then in the wcha final 6, top two get a bye, and two games each day, third day being championship and third place game. it's nice because the top two seeds remaining are rewarded with having one less game in that three day strech. trying to find the positives in this, since it creates an even more unbalanced schedule with only playing a few teams four times in a season.
  22. just saw this in the forum. i know the pluses and minuses have been discussed in great detail, but the big picture is we don't want to lose any div. 1 teams. i happen to like the BSU program, and now with the new rink, should make for a fun road trip each year!! http://www.inforum.com/event/article/id/227984/group/home/ edit... just saw this was mentioned in the WCHA thread, but i think deserves its own thread
  23. well stated. plus i think there is more of a question as to kvsaggherses motives than sioux hab-its. GO SIOUX!!
  24. reguarding the bracketology... if the season ended now, we wouldn't be in, and wouldn't deserve to be in with our resume. i believe that will change if the sioux keep playing the way they are, they need to stay consistent. as for inch.com, who cares. they obviously have an east coast bias, and don't usually have a grasp on college hockey as a whole. the fact of the matter is there are very few websites dedicated to college hockey (even fewer now that cstv quit covering it) and it is what it is. i think uscho.com is heads above the others, in both complete coverage and objectivity. chn and inch both serve a purpose, which is bringing more college hockey news to the web, although that comes with some bias. but hey, it gives us something to gripe about between games
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