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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. i will start by saying i rarely agree with davek... about anything. but i have thought long and hard about the role of fighting in hockey, and i think it is something that needs to be phased out, along with the cheap shot artists who instigate a majority of these events. too often now, especially in the nhl, we are seeing fights as a response to a completely legit and legal hit. that is not right. it is almost as if these enforcers are forcing their hand to prove they are worth a roster spot. also, for any of you who care to do any further research, read some of the recent articles about the after effects of fighting on these "enforcers". Severe brain damage, drug addiction and death. is that price worth it? to some maybe, but not to me. there needs to be stronger penalties for on ice infractions that lead to these fights. and I am not totally opposed to an off ice official (not sure the logistics of that, but I am sure it could be worked out). we shouldn't all have the gary bettman response here, "uh, well people seem to like our game the way it is" and completely skirt the elephant in the room. i prefer brian burke's response, the "thugs" are taking over the game, and until you get rid of the thugs, things won't change for the better. hockey is a hard fought sport, but there should be a level of respect for your fellow competitors, whether that be a two handed chop to the back of his legs, grabbing him out of a handshake line, launching yourself elbow first into their head, or a bare fist to the face. noone likes to see a chay genoway miss an entire season due to a cheapshot, or cam neely retire early because of a cheap shot, or the best player in the game sidney crosby never play again due to head contact (intentional or not), or 3 enforcers in the offseason die/commit suicide due to the after effects of years of fighting. Bottom line is we all love the game of hockey, and me personally would still love it without the fighting and without the cheap shots.
  2. very high chance kristo is gone... i say a slim chance the other three leave early. who knows, maybe they all decide they have some redemption from this injury ravaged year and all come back... who thought at the end of the previous season that oshie, toews and chorney would all come back?
  3. schlossman's preseason predicted 2nd and 3rd lines consisted of grimaldi, miller, odonnell, parks, rodwell and st. clair... ouch. it's amazing this team has battled the way it has to stay in the hunt. as to how the team/coaches handled injuries, like someone above said, the medical professionals and the player make those decisions, not the coach. and with grimaldi's injury, the reason they didn't do surgery 12 weeks ago was there was a chance he could play on it and have surgery after the season. obviously that did not happen, but a bifurcated patella is a congenital condition, not a fault of anyones but God (don't tell Grimaldi... ) so let's not add fuel to an unnecessary fire. but really though, when it rains it pours for this years team... when's the last time a team lost this many players for this amount of games?? i'll second sica's thought above, they might take the goalie pads off maris and start skating him!
  4. What are you talking about, they have already hung their first half champion banner
  5. I agree about the USNDTP team guys... if college hockey can't keep those guys, then it seems Paul Kelley and College Hockey Inc. has had zero impact in the areas they were created to focus on. Even though it's a completely uneven playing field with the NC$$ restrictions college teams have, it seems so far that College Hockey Inc. is a complete and utter failure (if I am wrong, and I wish I was, please give me evidence to the contrary). I've said it numerous times before, I don't like it when it happens, no matter the team. I didn't like okposo leaving midseason, I don't like Coyle bailing midseason, and although backing out on a signed loi gives the team some time to fill the gap, it is still backing out on a commitment. Guys like Kessel or Johnson or Turris who left after one year, fine, I'm sure the teams knew that was a distinct possibility with the blue chip recruits, but at least they stuck to their committments. These players using a college committment to get a favorable trade up in the CHL is despicable. I don't wish ill will on anyone, but I will never be a fan of players like Clarke, Miller or now Matteau... partially for selfish reasons because I am a Sioux fan first, but secondly because these young men show a complete lack of integrity, and that isn't the type of person I can get behind. *end rant, had to get that out GO SIOUX!!!!!!!
  6. Merry Christmas and God bless to all you Sioux fans! (ok even you goof fans too )
  7. At this point and time, it doesn't really matter who is right considering the Sioux wouldn't be in the NCAAs in any scenario. Hopefully they can continue a strong second half surge and work their way back into a spot in the NCAAs. It wouldn't be the first time in Haks era it has happened, but it might be with the most injured and shorthanded team. Go Sioux!!
  8. i'll play the middle of the road here. i love it when the ralph is rocking. it makes for a great environment. unfortunately that doesn't happen every game, but it does happen to those of you who constantly complain about how the ralph lacks atmosphere. ask the previous players or coaches, they will tell you that when the ralph is rocking, its a definate home ice advantage, but like i said, it isn't happening every game. on the flip side, i think the random, drunk person yelling things that make no sense is idiotic. it doesn't add to the atmosphere, and just makes sioux fans look ignorant. most of us know not to judge an entire group by its idiots, because we all have them, but senseless yelling adds nothing positive to the atmosphere. now if we could get a playoff feel every game and we were all on our feet cheering i would be all for it, but the reality is that probably isn't going to happen.
  9. I think greener still wears the a for the kings too.
  10. No, probably (dmen seem to take longer to develop), and maybe
  11. Frattin had a couple of assists as the Leafs destroyed the Bolts. Osh had an assist in a loss too, and got put into the dasher from behind hard by Doughty at the buzzer, seemed he was ok afterwards.
  12. I think you are off base with your "talent" evaluation. We had a first rounder defect last minute this year, that is the coaches faults? And our biggest impact freshman is out for another 6-8 weeks. What is your definition of a blue chip recruit? Toews, Oshie, Parise, Zajac? They were all world talents that just don't come along every year, and yes we have been spoiled. How about Gregoire, Blood, Forbort, Kristo and even Simpson? I don't think it is a matter of talent exactly, it is getting everyone to buy into a system, and having your top guys carry you when needed. This particular team has lacked in both areas. It is frustrating as a fan to watch this happen when the last close to a decade the Sioux have been pretty dominant, but this season is far from over. If dell continues to play well and keep us in games, and we get someone, anyone to start finishing with the puck in the net, it could be another interesting trip to the playoffs. Otherwise the offseason could start March 11th this year, lets hope that is not the case.
  13. I think this serves as a reminder that we live in a world full of idiots, and no one group has the market cornered. we just need to ignore the trolls and they will go away when they don't get the attention they are screaming for because mommy didn't love them enough.
  14. I think you are mistaking the majority of this board for people who give a s*** who you are... Go back to your hole.
  15. alot of things are going wrong for the sioux right now, but it is part of the learning curve, and it is exaggerated when you throw in all the extra factors that have been pointed out (young team, injuries to finishers, st. clair not being cleared, miller leaving at the 11th hour, shaky defense - especially backchecking help from our forwards). i have a feeling they will stay the course other than probably mixing up the lines. the only big thing i would say, that others have pointed out, it put gleason on d. we need a puck mover, and forbort and simpson are for what ever reason struggling. lets get things back on track before christmas and make a second half run!! go sioux!!
  16. I agree it was neither, nor was it my intention. Just stating the facts, ma'am. But a good troll doesn't let facts get in the way of a good argument.
  17. I love goof weekend! Love the hockey and love the intensity, as long as it stays civil. As to the goof fans resorting to ripping on ND, it only speaks to their lack of creativity. Born and raised ND, now back and won't leave (though a little break during the long winter never hurt)... But really which state would you want to be from? The one thriving in this down economy or the one that's broke and resorts to shutdowns? My favorite sign from last years series... Your states broke. Haha.
  18. Knight Friday Mattson Saturday
  19. i know right now, michigan has the most players currently in the nhl. it would be my educated guess that they would be the answer to your two questions also, but just a guess.
  20. i am wrong often... today very happy to be so
  21. down... at least 350... i hope i'm wrong
  22. I won't deny that the CHL is a great hockey league... it has been for a long time and I don't see that changing. They consistently put players into the NHL. I will deny that college hockey isn't catching up, and it probably pi$$es the CHL and it's fans off. A summer like this completely sucks for college hockey, but it is what it is. Another thing about the age limit in the CHL... you can't convince me that when Oshie and Parise and Toews dominated college hockey as teenagers, it didn't make them that much better playing against stronger, older 20 somethings. I do think that is one thing you can't get in the CHL that is a valuable tool for the young blue chippers. the CHL will have the advantage over college hockey as long as they can pay them and we can't, and as long as the NHL has their agreement with the CHL and not college hockey. it's a big dissadvantage. but the top college programs, UND right at the top, prepare players as good and better than ANY CHL team does.
  23. Not to mix facts with opinion, but I'm pretty sure the Sioux have been 1 or 2 in scoring offense in the WCHA every year since hak took over... and didn't we have the leading goal scorer in the nation last year? I actually find myself falling into this same thought process every year when we have a bad game or two... but I think I am comparing todays college game with the game of yesteryear when scoring what much higher overall. We will NEVER see scoring like the Hrkac circus day in college hockey agaiin, but maybe with the new league and new officials (thank goodness) we will see less clutch and grab, and more skill and scoring.
  24. two entirely different situations, but yes, i'm sure that's a conservative estimate... losing top recruits to the candian junior leagues is defiantely bad for college hockey (especially ones who have already committed to a school)... the conference shakeup, possibly bad for college hockey, but it will be a few years before we know the fallout for sure. time will tell.
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