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Posts posted by Siouxperman8

  1. Yeah, they said 7 of the 11 starters on defense were seniors. Don't know if that was last home game type stuff, but with the year they are having, you start the best players -- period.

    To me it looked like the seniors played the first two series on defense.
  2. I never go to football games. I have never really cared for the sport. Some people do not have the ability for their voices to be heard as you do. So they try and make their voices and displeasure heard the only way they can. I will argue for other's right to speak even if I do not agree with them. So you feel that he should not be allowed to have his voice heard as you do? Furthermore, you seem to be saying that you and yours have been pushing for Muss's departure behind the scenes. What about his family then? At least he is being upfront and not trying to do it backdoor style of being a power that be. He does not have the ability to do what you are doing on the sneak, lack of better definition, and you feel his voice should not be heard? Only you and yours should be? I know this is pushing the envelope of motives and ability and is not a personal attack on you. It is just another way to look at the big picture. You both seem to have the same goal. To say doing it backdoor style is any better than an upfront complaint is pushing the ethical and moral envelope a bit.

    I don't have any more inside pull than anybody else but am trying to say I am very invested emotionally in the team. I have talked to Faison for about 3 minutes once while we were at the same table while he ate his dinner. He wouldn't know me if I bit him.

    If you look back at my earlier replies I agreed that since this is America you can do what you want to...........and I have a right to say what I think about those actions. I just see it as trying to embarrass a guy who is trying to do his best and what he thinks is right. Public humiliation shoudn't be a tactic in my opinion. I don't see how he can be retained after this season but if you want to say that there is a right and wrong way to go about it.

    If you never go to football games and don't care for the sport - it sounds like you are really just trolling to get a rise out of people.

    • Upvote 1
  3. He's his other mistress, one of many....

    I think you have been accused of being his other mistress for being too supportive so I am in good company.

    I am not supporting Muss at all as a football coach. I am just talking about what I view as the right way to do things. I have been a fan since I was in grade school, am a football letterwinner, a Champions Club member and a season ticket holder even though I live 300 miles away. I am pretty invested in the program and will let my voice be heard, just not in a way that I think is classless.

    I am sure Smokey won't be bringing a sign to the game either.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Who is running down the family? I do not see the problem with a sign that says FIRE MUSS at the game. It was the path he chose for himself.

    My point is that his family is sure to notice a sign like that and it is not right. I agree with Ira and others here that it would be ineffective and grandstanding on your part. If he was my son, father, brother or husband I would track you down with your sign and probably try to stick it someplace inappropriate regardless of of the path he chose. I don't think he should or will be retained but there are right and wrong (classless) ways to go about letting the corrent people know that. The only thing I would consider worse would be a bag on your head.
  5. If you do not want your life being played out on a public stage don't chose a career that puts you there.

    I would still kick you in the nads, regardless of my chosen career path, if you were running down my family in public with a sign :silly: .
  6. I have written an email to Faison. If you look at my previous posts, I suggested that was the best way to voice your opinion. I was just curious to see if bringing a sign would actually happen. I agree that there are better ways to voice your opinion. But if someone were to bring a sign calling for Muss to be fired, would you be mad at hat person? Would you disagree with them?!!

    I wouldn't be mad at them but I would be embarrassed to think that someone in Muss's family might see that. If it was my family member they were targeting I would probably try to destroy the sign and kick the person in the a$$ that had it.
    • Upvote 2
  7. I asking an honest question. I probably wouldn't resort to bringing a sign like that. But I did voice my opinion my emailing Faison. That is probably the best way to do it. But if someone wants to bring a "Fire Muss" sign to the game, I fully support that. Why shouldn't a person be able to do that. This is still America right?!!

    I don't support retaining Muss. You are right - this is still America and a person should be allowed to bring a "Fire Muss" sign to a game. Because it is America I am also allowed to have the opinion that it would be poor taste to bring a Fire Muss sign to a game and I stand behind that. If you want to make that statement there are more classy ways to do it like contacting the AD directly.
    • Upvote 2
  8. Sort of like those Lions fans that were kicked out for holding up "Fire Matt Millen" signs at Ford Field? Yeah, I guess they should have supported him instead. :silly:

    Fans that pay good money for Champions Club membership and FB season tickets shouldn't have to apologize for being unhappy about the product currently being put on the field. As far as I am concerned, they have every right to bring "Fire Muss" signs to the game on Saturday.

    I paid good money for a Champions Club membership and FB season tickets and am unhappy with the product being put on the field. I don't think Muss should be retained but I still say it would be in poor taste to bring a sign like that to a game.
  9. Funny thing is the guy is richer than you would believe. Very smart businessman who has made a ton of money over the years. This is his company and only a portion of his property holdings. http://www.sidal.com/

    Thanks for the link. I have heard over the years that he is worth a ton and owns a lot of apartment buildings but didn't know any of the details. There was a lot of talk that he partnered up with Marvin Wolfenson and Harvey Ratner who started the NW Health Clubs and owned the Timberwolves. I think they were friends from north Minneapolis when they were younger.
  10. That's a cheap shot at the player and family. The Dad works very hard raising money for UND athletics. He was a very good BB player for UND when he played. His kid has earned his playing time and if someone doesn't see that they know nothing of BB. This smacks of the typical " other's success is cuz either they sucked up to someone, they knew someone, their family got them something or they came from the "right side of the tracks.". Doesn't pass smell test here. This kid works his tail off and he is a very good BB player for us. How much time are you spending at Judy's? (which should be on the National Registry, but that is for a different subject). That may be clouding your judgement.

    Both Steve and Brandon work hard and earn everything the get. Brandon is a beast inside when he is healthy.
  11. I was more encouraged Saturday. I thought the guys gave a good effort and competed for the first time in a few home games. A couple of breaks go our way instead of against us and we have a chance to win. The roughing the punter no-call and not blowing the Golladay play dead prior to the fumble were big and could have gone the other way. Still a long way to go but better than we have seen for a while.

  12. The other problem Brewster had was the kids he brought in couldn't stay elibible. I heard through a person close to the UM program that he got kids into school with ACT scores of 10 and 11. None of them lasted very long and almost all of them were gone within 2-3 years.

  13. Neither player was hurt, they both went on to play for other schools. You do need to understand how he and the players were treated before making a judgement. He told me the story and I was shocked that a college coach would act in that manner. Either way, a college should never walk away leaving a sour taste since they will likely be back.

    Those two players weren't hurt but what about others when he won't return calls or messages from schools that are interested in them. I have a HS classmate who coached in central MN 10-15 years ago. He stumbled into a great situation and had a stud team. He told NDSU they couldn't talk to just 2 of his players, they needed to talk to all 5 he thought they should. NDSU recruiter walked away and never came back.
  14. I am with Sic on clock management. The 22 second drive with an 11 point lead and 7 minutes left is really poor.

    Also at end of 1st half we were 2nd and goal at the 3 with 1:23 left, 2 or 3 timeouts and didn't use the whole play clock. We were lucky they didn't score before the end of the half. 20 seconds there are important.

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