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Posts posted by Siouxperman8

  1. At the sake of repeating myself...this whole scenario, as it has been reported by multiple sources, is just an ongoing example of GT's lack of intergrity and character. To argue anything else is ignorant.

    i don't really care if we play but this^^^^^^^ is driving me nuts.
  2. Let's say that Gene refuses to play. Obviously this is his plan. continue to make more and more unreasonable demands. Move ahead a few years and su starts playing normal and is just an average team, more empty seats in the dome, Bubba turns things around. who wants the game more down the road? should add - who will be the adult in the room?

    As my father-in-law used to tell me - the wheel is round. Things change and you are not always at the top or the bottom. The NDSU fans of the 1980's thought they would dominate UND forever but I believe we won 10 of the last 13 we played. Similar situation today where SU fans can't imagine UND ever being on equal footing with them.

    GT does hold the cards in this situation and he is rubbing it in BF's and UND's face because he can. You can be sure it will bite him or NDSU in the ass someday when things change and he needs a game or a vote for something from UND. NDSU remembers back to 2003 quite well but I am sure we will have long memories too.

  3. Just think---if BF had taken the 2 year deal for a home and home yeas ago those game would have already been played, future games would already be scheduled and the rivalry would have been renewed. But no--BF turned that down.

    What makes you think GT would have agreed to that and not changed his story? He seems good at that.
  4. Both schools are great, both alumni bases raise a ton of money and both schools have academic and athletic accomplishments to be proud about. Saying that isn't so hard, not sure why it is so tough for other people. I've never understood why people feel the need to tear each other down academically, it is just stupid.

    As for the game, be mad at Gene but he is only doing what he thinks is best for NDSU. That is his job and he has done it well. Take his offer, don't take it, whatever I don't care. Both schools have too much pride to give any ground so the only way this happens is a playoff game.

    I agree on the acedemic part.

    Gene still has a chapped butt because we didn't play him during SU's transition. He told a Fargo sportswriter friend of mine in the past that there will be no football game while he is there. That's fine with me but I wish he would own it and stop pretending he is trying to make something work. If he really wanted it to work we would be playing and you wouldn't be H&H with Weber St. UND will not bow down to him and take a one time game in Fargo and he knows it. That is why he make the offer.

  5. I'm a little embarrassed to admit I've been reading this thread -- my team, the Jackrabbits, has nothing to do with the dispute. Anyway, while I will not pretend to understand what the heck's going on in the dispute, the above post puzzled me. I am generally familiar with funding sources for athletics at SDSU and USD and it does not involve money from tax revenues. The poster quoted above states his brother has the basis to complain because he's a taxpayer -- suggesting tax revenues in North Dakota support athletics at UND and NDSU. I understand that is the case in some places (UNI, for example, at least in the recent past, received direct tax-revenue-support for its athletics programs). Do tax revenues directly support athletics at UND or NDSU? (Perhaps the point is nothing more than because they are institutions that receive some public support, all taxpayers have the right to question anything that goes on at the institutions...fair enough if that's the point but the way it was presented suggests tax revenues are supporting athletics. I didn't think that was the case in ND any more than it is the case in SD.)

    USA Today did an analysis of college sports about a year ago. They don't break down where the subsidies come from except to say they are from student fees and school/state support and they report that only 23 out of 228 D1 sports programs are self sufficient. http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/college/2013/05/07/ncaa-finances-subsidies/2142443/

    For 2012 the numbers for NDSU $16.8 million in expenses funded in part by $7.2 million in subsidies - 43%.

    For 2012 UND had $20 million in expenses and $9.2 million in subsidies - 48%.

  6. Why not take it? UND doesn't generate $190k in gate revenue for a home game and probably doesn't make 50k after having to pay an OOC opponent to come to the Alerus. Plus, it is pretty much an easy road win for UND if you listen to people on this site. It sounds like a no lose situation for UND.

    i will turn that around on you. if you say money is the main factor in the decision - why won't GT take the home and home with UND? Much better financially for him than a home and home with Weber St. And a guaranteed win if you listen to SU fans.
  7. If Faison really wanted to play the game he would take the $190,000, which would be all profit, and play it. They have traveled to Idaho to play a game and have lost money, as he said the contract wasn't even enough to cover expenses for the trip. He didn't demand a return trip from Idaho.

    The $190k offer with both games in Fargo was just an attempt to get Faison to grovel at GT's feet. GT either gets that from UND or is able to pretend he tried even though he knew he would be told to F off. What an a$$.

    Oh - and please tell me again how they can't get enough games because teams are afraid of him. The parents of current players are still spouting that bs.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Exactly right, not only a F**K you but holding a press conference to boot. The game does little for NDSU and a lot for UND. UND needs something to jump start their program. That's not an opinion but a fact.

    So hold a press conf and do the same but quit hiding behind grandma's skirt and pretending to want to make something work.
  9. did he likewise light up Roger Thomas back when he refused to play? Nope? Ok then.

    He lived in the TC at that time and didn't cross paths with Roger. OK then.

    There is a big difference between what Roger did - playing a DI AA team at that time would have hurt our playoff chances even with a win, and agreeing in emails to schedule two games home and home and then back out while changing the rules again.

    Roger was honest in his decision making and owned up to why he was doing it. Gene needs to grow a pair and do the same. It is a matter of character.

  10. North Dakota was offering to NDSU the same deal that they agreed to with both Weber St. and Montana. The net expense to NDSU for that same deal would be a fraction of the monetary cost that it will be for the Weber and Montana agreements.

    I sure am glad that Taylor doesn't have access to my checkbook.

    This is the same university that whines about inequitable funding every two years and has to raise tuition at an accelerated rate compared to the other NDUS schools. The way they mismanage their money over there is borderline appaling.

    My brother went to MSU and is not a fan of either team but lives in Fargo. He lit up Gene a couple of years ago at a fundraiser for not playing UND. Gene got mad and asked him why he cared. My brother told him that as a taxpayer he was paying the additional cost to bring in teams for home games and to travel to places like Weber St. and Montana when playing UND would cost essentially nothing.
  11. I can understand why Gene would not find UND to be a trustworthy business partner. It's been ugly since before he got there, got uglier immediately, and showed little sign of change.

    TBH if Faison was interested in renewing the rivalry he wouldn't whine to the media about it ever year. If anything is counterproductive, it's that. In fact, I'm pretty sure its the reason that the round of negotiations outlined in the article were cancelled.

    What trustworthy business partner makes an offer and then pulls it once the other side agrees to their terms. There was no whining from Faison here. These emails were obtained by the Herald through and open records request.
  12. Own up to what? We can schedule how we please. If you cant play on on our terms youre just gonna have to deal with it. We dont need to play you guys as much as you need to play us

    Own up to the fact that you aren't going to play UND because you are still mad at them and don't agree to a set of games and then change the rules after the other side agrees to your terms. Man up and own who you are and quit pretending. I really don't care if we ever play again.
    • Upvote 2
  13. This just shows a lack of character but we shouldn't be surprised. Gene told a Fargo reporter years ago that SU wouldn't play UND as long as he and/or Chappy were around. Fargo reporter didn't dare report it for fear of being banned from access to SU athletics.

    If you won't play that is fine but own up to it and don't hide behind disingenuous negotions while you stall and then pull out of the verbal agreement you made.

  14. That's likely how contact was made.

    You can read about what has seemed to happen, including insight from Jordan Hinojosa's father, here:


    It appears he went to community college out of high school, then redshirted last year at Minnesota. For no overly apparent reason, Minnesota pulled his scholarship last January. He still played their spring game hoping to impress other coaches. Fans on UM's fan site said he looked really good coming off the ball and he plays with a high motor.

    Bubba's family-like atmosphere/emphasis probably was the main recruiting pitch that caught his attention, among other things, like playing time.

    Hinojosa will likely be a big-time contributor on our defensive line for years to come, or at least it appears that way.

    Coaches are really excited about this kid. Playing time was a big factor.
  15. That is the stereotype view that supporters had of Native Americans. That along with the free school lie. Or cut the Native American programs if "we" can't keep the name. Did you ever call out the degrading images on t-shirts or floats?

    I didn't but I was about 10 years old when the float in question was made so not in much position to do anything about it.

    I am not sure what you mean about the free school lie. A friend of mine had his daughter transfer from Morehead State to UND because the cost was less than half due to the extra money she could get because they are NA. There is nothing wrong with that in my opinion but it is not a lie.

  16. You're right Soo.......we shouldn't expect accountability, hard work, and overcoming adversity. Much easier to quit and move on. Maybe if we see one another you can tell me how your time was at Occupy Wall Street.

    His point was that you have no idea why these kids are leaving or even if they are leaving at this point. Some of them might have been told they are no longer welcome. Football takes a lot of time and for some it might be the right decision focus their efforts on academics if that is what they need to do.

    To attribute everything that is happening to the liberalization of America is arrogant at best. You really don't know what is going into their decisions.

  17. I think his decision, while not one I would have made, speaks loudly of his priorities. His family was settled in Mankato, why would he uproot them for something he did not do. He shared at the press conference that the community was supporting him throughout this travisity. When he applied for the job in Minot the information he knew was that he was done at Mankato through no fault what so ever of his. When he told Minot he was committed to them it was based on the information he had at the time and the current situation - well the situation changed. Minot officials had to have known that this was a tenuous situation if they didn't then that is their own fault. I think it speaks loudly of this guy's values and his personal strength that he is willing to go back to that situation for the good of his family when it would have been so easy to walk away. To judge him based on conjecture and headlines is very shallow - he is taking back what should never have been taken from him and doing what is right for his family - he has every right to do this - if he walks away the idiots who put him in this situation get to breath a sigh of relief and continue their reign of incompetence - now they have to face the music and hopefully some of them will be fired.

    I back Hoffner in this whole issue except for bailing out on Minot State. Per their SID he was asked about going back to Mankato if it was offered and he said he wouldn't do that. It really puts them in a bind and and isn't something I would have done.

    When Hoffner was interviewed at Minot State, Linnell said, Hoffner was asked whether he might be interested in going back to Mankato should the opportunity arise. “He was asked at least once, if not multiple times, about going back there. He said he was committed to us 100 percent,” Linnell said

  18. It's pathetic that we take pride in beating our rival at the Frozen Four? Haha I needed a laugh thanks. And this is coming from a UND fan who took how much pride in the Holy Cross game? At least this game actually involved OUR team. Maybe we can meet again next year in the NCAA's and we can end your season for the 3rd time in 4 years.

    You were #1 all year and you are satisfied with losing the championship game because you beat a rival that your coach wouldn't play during the regular season because it was an 'unhealthy rivalry'. And please don't spout the BS about the nickname being the reason. Donny only came up with that after he got so much abuse from both sides for not wanting to play UND. So....beating UND is what you really are after to make your season yet don't wany to play us. Kind of strange
  19. Just don't see Bubba relating well to an 18 year old kid. Maybe 10-15 years ago it would have been different. He seemed to have more fire back then. Maybe he will prove me wrong. He just seems to have that "aw shucks I'm just an old farm boy" attitude. He'd be a better D2 head coach than D1 head coach. You can win with different types of players at D2 than you can at D1.

    I have seen him speak twice since he was hired and also spoke to a current player about him. It is hard to imagine anyone questioning his fire based on what i have seen and heard. He may or may not have other shortcomings but a lack of fire and passion are not among them.
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