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Posts posted by Siouxperman8

  1. 1 hour ago, OgieOgilthorpe said:

    Definitely never thought of them as ever being anywhere near a dynasty and I have accepted this loss. I was able to overcome it fairly fast just remembering that even if the saints never win the superbowl again, that they'll ALWAYS have at least 1 more ring than the Vikes. It's comforting knowing there were always be one fan base to pick on because I can't really argue with packer fans, cowboy fans, pat fans, or even bear fans. You guys should find some browns fans to argue with...I hear misery loves company. You'll have to make sure to remember that advice this time next week. :) 



    Did you spend some time living in LA/NO area or just another guy who love a front runner?  

    You earn a lot more respect from me for the former vs. the latter.


  2. 2 minutes ago, OgieOgilthorpe said:

    That was exactly my point and why I listed off plays that didn't go the saints way to mock him. Those type of plays happen to every team in every game, it's football. 

    Bottom line is, the vikes did enough to lose that game in true vikes fashion, but got bailed out by a fluke play by a team that found a way to out choke the vikes. I just hope the curse didn't get transferred over to the saints. 

    The vikes are the best team remaining, but as they have for years, the football gods will rain on their parade. The further they make it into the playoffs, the more it'll hurt. 



    Your exact point appears to keep lobbing cheap shots at a team that just beat yours.  Poor form.

    The Vikes surely can still get beat this year but the Saints can't.

    • Upvote 4
  3. 4 hours ago, OgieOgilthorpe said:

    You're starting to sound like a bison fan. You remember the bad more than the good. Also listing off really bad plays made by the players as excuses for how the score should've  been different? You're acting Like Keenum is usually flawless and doesn't make those type of mistakes. 

    Keenum made a terrible pass...Keenum took a bad sack...vikes gave up a blocked punt...forbath missed a FG, etc etc. Those all sound like things the vikes had control over, right? 

    I can do that too-- Brees made a bad throw for a long play if not TD to Thomas but instead it was an INT...Snead made a bad throw on a wide open long trick play pass to kamara...lutz missed a FG...Ingram didn't get the 1st down to bleed the clock in the 4th to kick the winning field goal with no time remaining...saints had a TD called off (turned into 0 points)....Crawley had a 45 yard PI called when they got their feet tangled...Bree's threw a pick via a lucky no-look tipped pass by the d-lineman...annnnd not to mention Williams breaking on the ball way too early (probably because of keenums weak arm) and getting caught needing to avoid contact (didn't want PI because you can't end on a penalty and the vikes would've been in FG range) but ended up taking out the only other saints player available to tackle diggs in the process. 

    If you ask any unbiased fan, they'll say the vikes stole it and the saints were the better team THAT DAY. The vikes and their fan base needed that more than any other team in the NFL and they probably are the better team and the best remaining team in the NFL...but they flat out were not the better team last night and they stole it. They choked again but got bailed out by another team choking even worse. Overall the calls were pretty even but leaned in favor of the vikes.

    Also, Thomas getting pressed in coverage and being forced into another on-coming player was not dirty. It's not like it was a pick play. The guy came into his running lane and he was being sandwiched by the corner. He didn't put his helmet down, he just hit him with his shoulder as the collision was already going to happen. It wasn't a dirty play, but definitely a very unfortunate one. 

    That last play couldn't have been more lucky or perfect. If you have a stronger armed QB, you would've had a boom boom catch-hit and game over. But you had Keenum...and we saw what happened. It was also perfect that you had both DBs take each other out.  


    Sour grapes.  You can find a number of plays that would have changed the game either way.  Your club got beat.  

    • Upvote 2
  4. 4 hours ago, UND Fan said:

    Agree to a degree but a good AD:

    --  knows who the larger donors are

    --  acknowledges donors/supporters when he is in the same room with them or meets them on the street

    --  accompanies the above folks once in awhile when they meet with donors (whether it means a trip to Bismarck or for a lunch in GF)

    I think your point is the same as mine but and AD needs to acknowledge donors/supports regardless of how much they give.  I am not a big donor but a big supporter and small donor. 

    BF wouldn't know me if I bit him in the arse even though I have met him a number of times and Brekke has introduced us a couple of times.  MM and Brekke get it and make those contacts and do acknowledge me when we are around each other.

  5. 5 hours ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    You can't work directly with everybody. History is most important, including history that you don't directly witness. Chaves wins with history. Potential only takes you so far.

    Can't witness everybody but if you like your known commodity candidate - make a move.   The grass isn't always greener - see Bunning.

  6. 1 hour ago, gundy1124 said:

    How long have you known Chaves?  Buds that go way back.......or just going off a resume and 1 interview? Right, thought so.

    Should I apologize cause I said some good things about a person I have know since '93?  I don't think that makes things cloudy, actually makes things perfectly clear on who 1 person is while not having that luxury with the others.

    There is a known commodity verses some resumes and interviews and some awards that are really based on the coaching success at your school.  I could see Chaves, Mannausau, or Porter in the position and I think it's a 3 man race.  Their successes or failures will be known in the coming years.

    We just look at this differently based on our backgrounds.  I don't need my judgment questioned by you - that's for sure.

    I preach the same as Gundy stated above when doing hiring in my company.  I put a lot more stock into previous experience with a person and seeing them work.  Thousands of hours of working with someone or witnessing their work play out are much better predictors than a 1-3 hour interview.  It's easy to fool someone for an hour but you can't do that over time. 

    It's just as telling if you don't like about your experience with a person.

    I'm a Mike guy based on limited personal interactions but more so based on watching how he goes about his business and how successful he has been while doing it.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Goon said:

    I'd like to see Mike get the position. I told someone this weekend, I'd like to see football take the next step and get more funding. If possible.

    Rob Bollinger was the right choice last time and Mike is the right choice this time.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Sioux94 said:

    Can somebody post what UND360 Tweeted.....I don't have Twitter nor do I want to.    Losing Okpoko really sucks, I think if we landed him that may have made people feel better overall about the class.  As for the less hype this year I think it is because of the early signing period and time of the year.  I was so busy today I kind of forgot what day it was and didn't even check in until now.   I haven't seen the film on Maag so not sure if he is a stud or not.  Would be nice to get a stud at WR....as in the type of guy that Montana or EWU would have recruited.  However NDSU has shown you can still be successful without elite WR's.  Hoping Rain and these new hogs will help us plow the way when we get into the MVFC. 


  9. 9 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Can’t ask them to ball out all game and all of a sudden rely on their non existent fundamentals to close a game out.

    I was definitely screaming at the TV for some discipline and fundamental concepts at that time.  Same with the nonexistent running of a set for breaking the press other than everyone try to beat it one on one.   Foolish me.

  10. we were up 8 with about 4 minutes left.  Ran shot clock down, missed three, got offensive rebound and jacked a 3 within a few seconds and missed.  

    Gonzaga hit a 3 and within about 5 seconds after that changed the rhythm of the game.  up to that point we were milking clock and shooting late in shot clock.  Really undisciplined on the quick 3.

    • Upvote 4
  11. On 12/11/2017 at 3:00 PM, The Sicatoka said:

    If that's what it takes to get the offensive line back to the standard it needs to be at, so be it. 


    Anyone know what happened to CAS (the Bison fan who used to haunt here)? We didn't always agree, but we agreed that offensive line play was the most reliable indicator of how well a team was going to perform. 

    It appears he's still around and working.  Not sure why he gave up tormenting us from time to time.

  12. 45 minutes ago, shep said:

    I hope I wasn't the only UND fan cheering for JMU. They are the ONLY thing potentially stopping the Plundering Turd from winning it all again.

    I can assure you - you weren't. There was at least one more.


    • Like 1
  13. 9 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Looks like a pretty solid punting prospect. Always love to see the kickers and punters show athleticism. Those types are more reliable under pressure. 

    I agree with Greg Coleman that punters and kickers are the best athletes on the team. ;)

  14. 1 hour ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Players won’t play as hard for someone they don’t trust. Think about how Bubba suspended Mercer for the final game of his life without an arrest or charges. He’s a huge reason Bubba and co looked so good last year and made the playoffs. And that’s how you send him off? With a suspension? 

    It is hard for me to judge Bubba or Mercer since we don't know what he was suspended for.  There are a lot of things that can get a player suspended besides arrests and charges.  SU just kicked 3 players off the team and there are no arrests there.

  15. 2 hours ago, MafiaMan said:

    As opposed to the UND students currently putting a nice black mark on our school?

    60 pounds of pot, a weapon, and almost $70,000 in cash...but that's only the SECOND-biggest story on the Heralddotcom  this morning because some Bison scrubs were booted off the team?

    In the past Miller (or someone) said that the ranking of stories on the Herald website was due to release or update time.  The newest on top.

    That was in response to someone complaining that the NDSU sports storees were always on top of the UND stories.   He said they were trying to fix it but I don't know if that has changed.

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