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  1. A few years ago some player's parents that I talked to raved about Kostich. They brought him up with no prior discussion about any of the coaches. Just wanted to pass on how highly they thought of him.
  2. Nothing wrong with that. He can probably retire at end of current contract.
  3. Is the press conf today being broadcast live?
  4. Jerry Burns used to say it's your big knockers who decide games. It's a catch 22 in that you don't win until you get a bunch of big knockers and you don't get those guys until you start winning. We need a dynamic recruiter/staff that can get enough of those guys to come to GF to get it rolling.
  5. From the Herald at that time. “Strength coach Nate Baukol will be the point person at Memorial Stadium until a new coach is hired.”
  6. I wasn't debating any of the on field results. Just that he is a good man and a class act. I'm glad we agree on that. I have experienced a few things that he has done behind the scenes that really stand out and show what a good man he is.
  7. Baseless other than NDSU puts up cash? You won't even agree that Bubba is a class act? Hoping that was just an oversight on your part.
  8. Crookston
  9. My belief - if we got the 3 yards on the 2 point conversion at Youngstown, Bubba is still coaching. They win and go into the next week with momentum and beat ISU blue. That alone would have gotten us to 7-5. Then it comes down to beating either USD or Illinois St for a very successful season. It is amazing what a difference one play can make.
  10. I don't think he said in his press conference that anything was status quo. He just did a recap of the year and said he was going to evaluate everything including himself. He said what anybody would say if there was no decision made yet at that point.....regarding his status or the assistants.
  11. My source has mentioned him (Schmidt) also.
  12. If they do make a move does ND still have the hiring rules where they have to wait 2 weeks or more after officially posting? Also name all the applicants publicly? That has hurt us in the past.
  13. Doesn’t sound like this is happening. Said they wouldn’t edit out the logo from throwback merch but that’s all that’s been decided.
  14. Looked at old fb web page. Danny is listed as wr coach but nobody assigned as qb coach. Maybe he helped out there. I was just told he wasn’t very good at devl the QBs back then. Maybe they were confused or I misunderstood.
  15. I heard less than flattering things about Danny's ability to coach/develop qb when Mollberg was here.
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