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coach daddy

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Posts posted by coach daddy

  1. As I've said before, we won't know for certain exactly where the team stands until they start playing Great West opponents. We're unfortunately quite overmatched against the most of the teams we've played so far, but perhaps not so much so against Great West teams. But regardless of the level of competition, the shooting has been poor, and that's probably largely a function of not having a low-post scorer and having to rely too much on outside shooting.

    I'm not sure why it matters how we stand playing Great West teams. The Great West isn't that good so winning in that league means very little. Other than USD, who we use as a measuring stick because we're in the same phase transition-wise, I could care less if we beat Houston Baptist or NJ Tech.

  2. There is plenty of talent, which i believe will show with experience. All of these recruits were very solid high school players on very winning programs. They all scored alot of points and know how to score. They just need to be cut loose alittle more on offense and learn what it takes to win at the D1 level. Most all these kids were recruited by numerous D1 schools. Give them a chance. Again they are missing their key player this year and only one of two that has alot of experience. Jones gave most of these kids 5 year scholarships knowing the dividends would come in years 4 and 5. This is year 1 for most of them. Turnovers, poor shooting and lack of experience and injuries is why they are 1-6. Dont believe its recruiting nor coaching. This is my perspective.

    Agree with a lot of what you said. The stuff I highlighted, I would challenge. I don't believe we have a lot of players who we "out recruited" over other DI schools.

  3. I don't know exactly what the problems are. I'm not as worried about the talent level as I am about getting the most out of whatever talent we do have. But I'm going to just sit back and watch how the rest of the season unfolds and refrain from making any further comments until then.

    There isn't much talent on this team, no doubt it. Mertens playing out of position and Bledsoe not playing at all isn't helping either.

    The nice thing about the game of basketball is that you only need one good recruiting class to turn a program into a winner; ask NDSU. :D

    The difference is we all knew Tim Miles could recruit. I'm not sure we can say the same thing about Coach Jones yet. Not meant to rip him but just one man's perspective.

  4. Agree the offense needs changes. 41 points will not win any D1 basketball games. What are they averaging per game. Not even close to 60.

    Is it the offense or the guys running it? Bledsoe will be good for 14-17 a game so things will improve when he's back. There isn't great talent on this team folks. May not ever be.

  5. I agree the pressure will be on. I believe recruiting is based upon connections, hard work, and a sucessfull program. TB seems to have or be able to do all 3, but results must come soon, with the new title Associate Head Coach comes that pressure. The season we our having now can ot be easy on the Buck, heck he was not a good (happy) winner, he certainly will not be good at losing....

    Very well said!!! :)

  6. I would hope with Travis Brewster back into the fold we would expand our recruiting base a little more into Iowa, Chicago, Wisconsin, Colorado, and more....

    If I recall correctly we have only had a couple of girls outside the North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa area in the last 20+ years...?

    Agreed. I think Wisc. is a pool we can swim in. I know you are a Brewster guy but he's had a hand in this year's freshman class and he was only gone a couple years so there a seniors on this team he had a hand in too.

    I think it must be a tough call to know the difference between DI and DII ability. I would think when you find out what other schools are in the recruiting game w/certain players that would tip you off as to whether or not a kid is of the proper ability level.

    How many of the one's we've signed early were being recruited by NDSU, SDSU, USD, etc.? I don't think very many.

  7. North Dakota lost by 39 to Gonzaga tonight...........which has been a very very good team over the past few years, but........

    Since the move to DI I was wondering if it is worth pointing out that of the 18 sports that UND sponsors, it appears that only golf and women's basketball have yet to expand their recruiting base beyond the University's historic footprint in ND, MN, and WI.

    Is it possible that Roebuck may be towing the same line that Rich Glas and Amy Ruley did? By that, I mean that the general concensus about Glas and Ruley, is that they may have become somewhat lazy with their recruiting after spending ~20 years leading successful programs.

    I'd never accuse Coach of being "lazy". I know how hard he's worked in the 20+ years he's been at UND. I do, however, know what you mean about the recruiting pool. Here's another interesting thought. Of the girls we signed early, 3 of them are All-State Vball players. Should that worry us? I believe 2 of them will also be all state bball players too but shouldn't we be signing kids who are bball players first or is the "athlete" thats being recruited a good thing for our program.

    I've watched a couple games this year and we definitely need a little of both so I'm not sure if there is a right answer or not.

  8. After attending last nights game, I can see that it is going to be a long season. It seemed to me that the girls were lost in the matchup zone last night, and I am starting question what the girls are being taught about a zone because they are constantly out of position. Its one thing to play a good zone and give up points, but the girls were not matching up correctly out of the zone last night, and definitely didn't rebound out of it. I believe we basically have one coach for every two girls, so lets figure it out, and at least do things fundamentally right even if we get beat.

    On another note.....are the coaches ever going to take off the intermural practice attire and start dressing the part? Can we at least tuck the shirts in even if we are going to dress like a bunch of jv phy ed instructors.

    The ladies were NOT in a match up zone, it was a straight 2-3 look and the trouble was defending the high post. Once the ball got to the high post, Wyoming could pick anyone they wanted to pass the ball too and, yes, they did make shots. The ladies played pretty much all man in the second half; that wasn't very good either in my opinion. Personally, I would like to see the match up implemented. Buck has always been a man-to-man coach, and a good one at that, so for him to teach the match up would be a good transition. Not easy, but easier for him to teach.

    I agree on the outfits. Our coaches look like a bowling team in those shirts. Definitely prefer the more professional look of shirts/ties.

  9. The question is: are offensive answers expected from any of the recruits signed last week? If not, things will likely get worse the next few years before they (hopefully) get better.

    I can't speak for the out-of-state recruits but the in-state one's have never shown me to be DI skilled players. The Buck girl from Century, in my opinion, is the best of the lot. She plays physical, scrappy, and gets the game. We haven't had much luck with Century kids in the program but she may be cut from a different cloth.

    You'll notice right now were playing 3 kids over 34 minutes a night on the perimeter. That speaks volumes of where are younger kids are as far as being prepared to play. There won't be anything left of Bergan, Baageson, etc. at the end of the year.

  10. Sharkova is from Belarus, which although is in eastern Europe, it is notorious for bureacratic snafus and anti-Americanism. A lot of foreign athletes have had to beg and plead with their own governments to forward the correct paperwork. Just saying the delay may have nother to do with UND's athletic department or the NCAA.

    Being from eastern Europe does make it harder. the fact that she has been in the country for 2 years playing in the JUCO system should have made this easier but the JUCO system doesn't do nearly the thorough checking the NCAA does. I'm sure she'll be fine eventually.

    I can tell you this much, what the girls are lacking for offense inside isn't going to made up for with Sharakova. She just isn't the offensive answer we're looking for. Defense, yes. Offense, not so much.

  11. While we have won almost every recent recruiting battle with NDSU, we've haven't been targeting any recruits that high majors have also been after. To be successful, we have to have those type players. Women's basketball is so much easier to recruit because even many of the major conferences don't attract mahir crowds (except the Tennessees, and UCONNs), TV audiences, and the post-college professional world does not offer huge $ contracts.

    UND should be second after UMinn for any recruit in Minnesota. That just doesn't seem to be happening.

    Maybe not second to U of Minn. because a lot of major schools, Big 10 especially, get into Minnesota and recruit hard. Iowa and Iowa St. come to mind immediately. I do agree though that we need to be much more aggressive in attempting to lure kids from major schools and least get them to visit campus. This roster is no different than it was when we played in the NCC; that's not going to cut it anymore. All the coaches need to get out and find players from Wisc., Iowa, Minn, and perhaps So. Dak. too. I know SDSU probably has first pick on SD kids but we have way more to offer in terms of academics than SDSU does.

    Too early to call it lazy coaching but come March, we'll see.

    Is Privatsky planning on redshirting this year?

  12. UND's post players shot a combined 3 of 19 from the floor.

    But on the bright side, the bench scoring tripled compared to the Green Bay game--from two points to six points!

    Also, the theory that we only struggle against teams from the state of Wisconsin has yet to be disproved. And there are no more Wisconsin teams on the schedule. :D

    You are an optimistic soul, I'll give you that. Coach has said all preseason that this team will live or die with its perimeter scoring. As a person who coached for over 20 years at a variety of levels I'd like to say that any year I tried to live with perimeter options first, we struggled more nights than I'd care to remember. The ability to score inside first is fundamental to successful teams (Do the names Crouse, Kleinsasser, Kimbrough, and Langen ring bells with anyone here). If we can't score inside at the DI level, we'll lose. End of story.

    It doesn't even matter how long they've been in the program. ;)

  13. Loyola Marymount's top three players are now sophomores, including an WCC all-star. Practically their whole team is sophomore or younger. (But, guess that's true for UND too. :D ) A lot of patience will be needed: hope Wilmer can start playing soon. The Sioux need an inside presence.

    Anyone know if Coach Jones is still running the Princeton offense?

  14. UND's non-starters scored just one point tonight. To put it another way, all but one point was scored by players in either their fourth or fifth year in the program.

    Should we read between the lines on this post or do you want to come out and say it?

  15. Aren't there rules about being a DI athlete and getting an academic scholarship? Doesn't it still count against the team?

    Academic scholarships do count against the team. There are no 1/2 or partial scholarships in DI basketball. You are either scholarshiped or you are a walk-on.

    Didn't they have one not show up this fall? Maybe that opens something up

  16. Have you heard anything about whether Burck is still committed to UND?

    As far as I know, she is still committed. The EDC starts volleyball playoffs this week so maybe Siri just didn't have a chance to get the forms signed and sent. No reason to believe she'd change her mind now.

  17. I think Kate would like to forget her first performance as a Sioux-- You could tell the nerves were there and that factored into some ugly shots being put up. Now her form, she's not going to put up the prettiest shots but last night were right up there with stinky. I just hope she continues to improve, we're really going to need that frame of her's to be in the game at times, and she'll only be a threat if she improves, she has to if she's going to make it, and I hope she does because it would be good for the team.

    Kuehl, I like here she showed me glimpses last night that she may end up being pretty good (made a really nice pass in traffic near the basket--instead of forcing it up--the pass didn't convert because her teammate bobbled it, but that means she's got some vision and understanding coming into her freshman year. I think this going to be tough year for her, with the speed of the game and everything, but after game 1, I'm encouraged that she'll evolve into a pretty solid player as the years progress here at UND.

    The thing everyone needs to remember about Sharapova is, in the Mon-Dak, she only played against 1 or 2 post players that were in the 6'3-6'5 range. She put up huge rebounding numbers against alot of small post players. Small meaning 5'10-6'0. The times I watched her in that league I would never have said she was a good offensive post player. Shooting range and touch were always an issue for her. She gives UND a good sized body with lots of length. Defensively, she'll be fine but offensively, she is who she is. Don't count on her for big offensive nights, not consistently anyway.

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