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coach daddy

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Posts posted by coach daddy

  1. I know many would like to think (and perhaps correctly) that we are simply seeing the difference between a good dII team and a good dI team, and the difference is substantial. But I can't get past the fact that SDSU did not suffer similar growing pains, and is obviously thriving right now. Roebuck was 9-3 vs. Johnston-coached SDSU teams, and SDSU has not really expanded their recruiting base. So how do we explain the now huge difference between us and SDSU? Would Roebuck would be enjoying similar success to Johnston even if the two programs had comparable talent? I'm not looking to be overly critical--just looking for theories, because SDSU's success seems to dispel the notition that a good dII program in the Dakota's can't successfully make the transition fairly quickly.

    No one is saying the transition can't be made. Just noting that there is a transition to be made. Johnston's recruiting area hasn't changed but he kids he's bringing in have. He's getting kids that went to Creighton, Drake, and other small DI schools. If memory serves, their last year in DII, they won a national title so this was coming for a while.

  2. Had beers will Bill and Mac last time down in Ames, he was not very happy, thought KK strung him along a little bit, but yes, I see alot of similarities between him and Buck......

    I expected this, I just thought the rest of the team could at least make a bucket...? 27% so far over all...14% from 3.... ???

    KK just fouled out with 13 / 6

    P.S. You mean to tell me there is a difference between D1 and D2.....? :sad:

    You didn't get the memo?

  3. this is hard to watch....... :sad:

    Fennely really made it personal, with Kimbrough.....she has yet to score

    The guy is a heck of a coach and most will tell you, he is "cold-hearted". I don't know of the history between Kimbrough and him but if he wanted to prove a point, he would do all he could to prove it. We are finding out, again, how hard it is to play at the next level. You know, we would have been a top 10 team again in DII. The jump to mediocre at the DI level isn't going to come soon.

  4. Coach Roebuck is very unpredictable. Think of how many times the starting line-up has changed. Privratsky playing time has been limited last night and against Northwestern. LaFrance had a good run at NAU, Ark., and Toledo, which were good teams (not Jamestown/Mayville teams) but now she hasn't been getting as many minutes. Both Seay and Lof barely saw the court last night either. It doesn't make sense.

    In my opinion, I think Roebuck needs to be more consistant, because it is hard for players to get in a flow if they don't know if they're going to play 20 min one game and 5 min the next. I also think he needs to give players a break. If they screw up, they get taken out of the game which leads to playing scared. Just give them a chance. A perfect example is Bagaason. She was getting subbed out for mistakes but has been given a chance and stepped up at Northwestern and last night again Lamar. We need her to do the same tonight!

    Good luck ladies! Go Sioux!

    If you think for one minute that these ladies don't know why they aren't getting as minutes as they have at other times, then you don't know Coach Roebuck very well. He is a straight shooter with his players and if their minutes have changed, he's told them why. Maybe that's why Baageson is playing more, she's stopped screwing up. He told her what to do better and she's doing it. Ergo, more minutes.

  5. Since the Iowa State coach is completely familiar with Kimbrough and he saw her play today you can imagine they will be all over her on defense. It would give him great delight to shut her down. If some of the other gals don't step up big time it is going to be a real long night. It might be a long night no matter what. Go Sioux.

    Good luck to the ladies. This will be the best team they've played so far.

  6. On their website it is listed as an exhibition on ours it's listed as a regular game. Which is it? I can't imagine that a game could be a regular game for one team and an exhibition for another.

    Most of the DAC schools play UND, NDSU, USD, and SDSU as non-counters. They collect the guarantees but don't count them on their schedules. For the DI schools, it counts on their schedule. How do you think we won the DAC last year? :D

  7. Has anyone seen the redshirt freshmen practice? They are to have a lot of talent - curious if anyone can give us any insight!

    I understand the freshmen are making great progress in the weightroom. In fact, they are setting records - not records for freshmen BB players but for the program. Obviously, that is good as we need to upgrade our size and muscle to compete at the DI level!

    Well, if our freshman ever have to lift a gym floor, they'll be qualified. Can they shoot, dribble, pass, defend, or rebound? Those are the qualities we need. I get tired of coaches worrying more about how strong a kid is as to whether or not he/she can play.

  8. 51 UND

    66 WSU


    bincity, you get all my respect today. For you to sit and listen to that bball team and report here is awesome. You must have the patience of a saint. I could no more listen to this trainwreck of a bball team than I could hold my hand over a lit candle. Thanks for the updates and Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!!!!

  9. When Jones installed the Princeton offense, it was an acknowledgment that UND's men's basketball will need to use teamwork, timing, 3-pt shooting and brains to have success against more individually talented teams. Recruiting a player like Beasley, for instance, was a fluke at the DII level, and would be even more difficult at DI until UND has proven itself as a winning program. For the Princeton offense to really succeed, the players in the program need to be immersed in the system their entire college career. JUCO's really aren't the answer for Princeton offense team. Air Force, which has major issues in attracting basketball talent, became successful because they bought into the Princeton system and were patient.

    The redshirting class is the first one that really came to UND having bought into the Princeton offense. The success of that class is the true test of Jones' coaching and leadership. If Jones had brought in another JUCO or two so his record could have been better this year and next, he would have sacrificed longer-term potential. Implementing a system can be painful a first, but has better long-term potential.

    A school in a very similar situation to UND is Denver. Eighteen months ago, DU hired the former Princeton and Air Force coach, Joe Scott, and currently have a team with no seniors and 8 freshman or redshirts. DU's had some horrid years before Scott and last year, so it will be interesting to see how DU progresses.

    Totally agree with this statement. As a college coach you either go "quick fix", with juco kids or you decide to develop a program and recruit H.S. seniors, redshirt them and bring them along in your program. You can win either way. Coach Huggins when he was at Cincinnati was always a juco guy. Coach Gillespie at Kentucky did the same when he was at UTEP. I have no opinion on how a coach chooses to try and win. Be consistent and true to yourself. If Coach Jones believes H.S. seniors is the route to go, that is his choice. I hope it works. If he chose to go the juco route every year, I'd support that too. Again, I want him to win. I want UND to win. I don't care how!! My comment was just to keep discussion going and give input to what I believe the rules are for juco's DI vs. DII. Not trying to condemn Coach Jones for how he wants to do it. If it sounded that way, I apologize.

  10. Being division 1, we now go to the bottom of the heap as far as juco's are concerned. Why? Because now in order to get a juco player-that player must have attained a certain amount of credits, where as with DII rules, you don't need as many credits if your are a juco transfer. Now, think of it this way---- your pool now shrinks-- some players who are like Little for example, may not qualify (thus they will go to a d2 school) and the ones that do, who are at all- skilled, will be sucked up first by the big time programs that need help at those postions...leaving what I would consider a fairly weak pool of remainders.

    Unfortunately in my view- we are stuck.

    About the only real difference is that DI juco's have to graduate from their juco. DII schools don't require the degree.

    Finding talented juco kids with degrees isn't that hard. Go watch NDSCS this year. They've got a couple who will get degrees and could definitely help us. In fact, they'd beat us if we played them.

  11. So are you the next Pat Summit? I may not post very often, but I'm a longtime reader (and a longer-time fan)...and you seem to find a way to rip the coaching staff after every loss. What's your agenda? Are you bitter because your kid is sitting on the end of the bench or something? Its always easy to rip on a coach behind the mask of anonymity. Personally, I trust Gene's basketball knowledge much more then your's. If three national championships and consistent 20 win seasons aren't enough for you, move on and cheer for a school like Tennessee where they fire any coach who doesn't win a title every year.

    We are in year ONE of a five year transition to D1 in case you didn't know! This ain't the NCC anymore...yet we are playing largely with players recruited to play NCC basketball. So far in nine games, we have played teams from the SEC, MAC, Mountain West, and some good D1 teams from lesser conferences. We still have a Big 10 team left to play. It's a helluva jump up in competition, and anyone who didn't expect this team to struggle during the first half of the season has impossible expectations. We've been blown out in only two of those games (playing in Wyoming is a tough task, and Green Bay is just tough!), so I feel like UND is ready to turn the corner for the rest of the season.

    You talk about the guards being afraid to make a mistake...maybe some of the blame for our struggles rests on the girls that play the game! I have yet to see the team play live this year but I have watched them since Gene came to Grand Forks, and the biggest difference I have seen in the last couple years is the mental toughness displayed by our players. We won three titles because women like Jenny Crouse, Katie Richards, and Becky Moen refused to let us lose in big games! It was fairly easy to see at times the girls didn't have the same toughness as the players of the past. Now maybe part of this is on Gene, but he doesn't put the ball in the basket or play defense.

    I trust that Gene and Brew are going to expand our recruiting base to bring in players that are going to get UND back to the top. I know that the coaching staff is hungry to get our level of play up to expectations. We went into this transition head first, and you have to expect some struggles along the way. I would much rather have our team finish 13-13 this year playing this schedule then going 24-1 playing NDSU's schedule in 2004.

    Siouxdude, when you win 1/10 of the games that Gene has won in his career, feel free to come back and rip on me and the coaching staff.

    Amen, whoever you are. Amen

  12. The transition to Div I basketball is probably the most difficult one UND will experience: the smaller and non-football schools focus their entire athletic program on it, while the larger schools are so well funded. The Sagarin Ratings, which now include UND, show almost all the recent DI schools that have completed their transition or still postseason ineligible to be floundering. UND isn't really fairing any worse than other transitional teams (but, admittedly, it would be worse if NAIA teams were included) NDSU and Utah Valley are clearly outperforming, but even NDSU has no chance for an at-large. If UND could move up 25 places in the rankings each year, I'd be tickled. Basketball is going to require incredible patience.

    College Basketball 2008-2009 Div I games only through games of 2008 December 10 Wednesday


    139 North Dakota State = 74.72 3 2 72.46( 206) 0 0 | 0 0 | 74.56 139 | 74.24 132

    164 Utah Valley State = 72.61 4 3 67.96( 316) 0 0 | 0 0 | 69.75 204 | 74.79 122

    181 Northern Iowa = 71.92 5 4 70.55( 269) 0 0 | 0 1 | 73.28 158 | 69.88 201

    214 UMKC = 69.77 4 6 74.18( 141) 0 1 | 0 2 | 69.84 202 | 69.05 222

    224 Montana = 69.09 4 4 69.70( 284) 0 1 | 0 1 | 67.56 246 | 69.89 200

    234 Northern Colorado = 68.41 2 4 72.33( 210) 0 0 | 0 0 | 66.91 259 | 69.17 219

    266 Chicago State = 66.62 2 5 74.74( 116) 0 1 | 0 2 | 67.00 257 | 65.55 276

    272 UC Davis = 66.26 3 6 70.92( 256) 0 0 | 0 0 | 64.62 293 | 67.10 254

    273 South Dakota State = 66.24 2 6 73.13( 177) 0 0 | 0 0 | 64.36 299 | 67.26 250

    284 South Dakota = 65.83 0 3 86.07( 3) 0 1 | 0 2 | 67.65 244 | 62.79 309

    289 Kennesaw State = 65.29 4 2 62.11( 346) 0 0 | 0 0 | 65.80 273 | 64.08 293

    293 CS Bakersfield = 65.00 3 6 70.32( 274) 0 0 | 0 0 | 64.50 297 | 64.85 286

    305 Central Arkansas = 64.32 2 3 71.73( 230) 0 0 | 0 1 | 65.16 284 | 62.67 310

    308 USC Upstate = 63.65 0 6 79.72( 19) 0 1 | 0 1 | 63.64 308 | 63.01 305

    309 Longwood = 63.62 4 4 68.73( 301) 0 1 | 0 2 | 64.35 300 | 62.10 318

    310 North Dakota = 63.46 1 2 74.76( 114) 0 0 | 0 0 | 65.36 279 | 60.00 332

    313 Seattle = 63.23 1 4 74.53( 128) 0 0 | 0 0 | 63.61 309 | 62.16 317

    317 Texas-Pan American = 62.66 1 6 73.31( 169) 0 0 | 0 1 | 60.38 327 | 63.82 297

    319 Florida Gulf Coast = 62.52 2 6 71.82( 228) 0 1 | 0 2 | 61.96 319 | 62.42 313

    321 SIU-Edwardsville = 62.36 1 7 77.48( 44) 0 0 | 0 1 | 63.45 312 | 60.28 327

    323 Winston-Salem State = 62.11 1 6 78.32( 33) 0 1 | 0 1 | 63.82 306 | 58.88 337

    339 Bryant = 59.03 1 7 75.12( 100) 0 1 | 0 1 | 57.99 339 | 59.32 335

    343 Houston Baptist = 56.32 0 8 76.91( 52) 0 0 | 0 2 | 55.37 343 | 56.52 342

    346 NC Central = 53.42 0 10 74.80( 111) 0 1 | 0 1 | 52.94 346 | 53.23 345

    347 NJIT(New Jersey Tech) = 50.70 0 9 68.06( 312) 0 0 | 0 0 | 49.21 347 | 51.19 347

    Orange- UND opponents

    Blue - Great West schools

    Black - other move-ups

    In this town, no one really gives 2 flips about basketball. If we had killed VCSU, this board would have stayed as quiet as church mice. It took a terrible effort by an average DII team (talent wise) to get any thoughts about UND hoops going on this site. I love basketball but this town does nothing to support bball. If any sport can survive in mediocrity in this town, its UND bball.

  13. What JUCO's are better than the girls we have now? You can't tell me that a JUCO could play D1 better than the girls we have now...........

    Maybe not a JUCO from the state but, believe me, there are alot of JUCO players out there that would come in here and play right away. Iowa, Wyoming, Texas, and Kansas are great JUCO states. Lots of players who would do just fine in this atmosphere.

  14. Playing for a D1 college team is a huge commitment on behalf of the players. It seems you are suggesting that the coaching staff no longer honor the commitments they have made to 5 or 6 of the current players. I wonder how much success UND would have recruiting new and JC players when they and their parents know that this program would be willing to pull their scholarship and discard them. The word would get around and hesitation to get involved in such a program could be expected. The UND program currently has a history of standing by injured and developing players and to deviate from this philosophy now would be wrong to do and would hurt recruiting of new players for years to come. I am going to get radical and suggest that the won/loss record of a team is only one of several ways to measure the success of a team. I am going to respectfully disagree and suggest that next year at this time there will be 11 of the current players and the 4 expected freshmen on the squad. JMO

    Fair enough. Your thoughts are respected and probably accurate. However, lets throw this thought into the mix. How many times have we come to this site and heard about how the coaches are responsible for the losses of this bball team? In my opinion, way too often. Now for those of you who believe that Roebuck and Co. are the ones hurting this program, wouldn't you want him to replace those who can't play w/others who can?

    Face it, this team has no chance at playoffs for 4 more years so it really doesn't matter who wears the uniform or not. That being said, next years freshman class will be playoff eligible in their senior year. Shouldn't we open some more scholarships to bring in others who will be a part of that team in 4 years? If we are going to blame the coaches, shouldn't we require change of players first?

  15. I agree, and I also agree with Coach Roebuck that sometimes you have to have girls in there that will take the ball to the basket if the opponent is in your hip pocket. I'm not sure I would play zone with a minute to go and down 9. I would pickup full and possibly foul, and try hit some threes. Subbing offense and defense at the end made sense, even if we couldn't hit the broadside of a barn, at least you show them that you still have faith in them. We have started so slow offensively in most of the games we have lost that the hole gets too big. We have to be able to score consistently because D1 teams can score.

    This is a DI team only in title. We are far from a DI team in talent. Please remember that. Here's a question to start some discussion; I know we lose 2 seniors but how many players from this team will the coaches bring back next year? I say, half of them are gone. JMO

  16. I watched the game and we could not do anything on offense. We struggle against teams that pressure and over play the passing lanes. I wish we could adjust to that part of the game better but we don't, and that's part coaching. The girls play like robots sometimes because they are told the ball needs to go to a certain spot so they end up forcing things. then it's a turnover and their on the bench and their confidence is shattered. Roebuck is a good coach but seems to stubborn at times to adjust to certain things like staying in man to man defense to long. No doubt that the girls are mainly to blame, but i wish that roebuck would take some of the blame just once in awhile. He did get out coached badly last game.

    We struggle against those teams because we lack that type of athleticism. In DI it is more about athletes than bball players. The ability to beat people off the dribble or jump over people is what gets it done against DI talent. Our girls are good DII athletes but we have very few DI-type athletes, if any, in our program. Kimbrough for sure, but she wouldn't be a 5 in the Big 10 or Big 12. Guinn, maybe, but she'd be a 2 at the next level. After that, who? Next years crop is interesting, we'll see if the coaches made the adjustment.

  17. Maybe there needs to be a line up change, or at least give others girls an opportunity. Our best defender IMO is Seay, and she is coming off the bench. LaFrance seems productive in her limited playing time by getting a few rebounds and points. Also, I've seen Lof knock down some shots and run the floor well at their home games. Kimbrough and Guinn are no doubt the ones we need to looked to for leadership and scoring, but there needs to be contributions from other players to relieve pressure off of them.

    As far as Roebuck putting the blame on his girls every time is ridiculous. Yes, they are partly responsible, but he needs to be accountable for "giving up" or MAYBE just being out-coached. If you constantly tell the girls they aren't good enough to play, they're going to start believing that - and that's the last thing they need.

    I must have missed the part in the paper where he told them they weren't "good enough". He's coached a thousand games, he's on the road and down 40. He didn't give up, he (along w/whole team) got his ass beat. From the opening tip they got whipped. Guess what folks, its going to happen more than you think the next couple years. Wait til Keirah is gone...........she's the closest DI athlete we have right now.

    I'm telling you all again, this DI thing is a whole different animal. Maybe coach is even surprised by the upgrade in talent that they are facing. They'll get a split this weekend, maybe a sweep. But the days of 28-1 or 27-2 are long gone. We won't play in Elite 8's ever again. Get used to it people.

  18. To continue..........I have been watching Fighting Sioux Women's Basketball for the last 15 years with the last 6 being very close. I have seen our young ladies the last 6 years being terrified of making a mistake for fear of getting pulled. Just watch a player if they screw up, they will automatically take a quick glance at the bench to see if they are going to be subbed out. Or, watch the players' necks crane to the scorekeeper when the horn sounds. Playing "to not make a mistake" makes a player half as good. Case in point: Look at today's game against Montana St. We were 21 points down at one time. The ladies had nothing to lose or fear at that point and played loosey-goosey and almost came back and won. That's not going to happen all of the time of course, but to maximize performance in any field, you have to be relaxed. I don't see all of our players totally relaxed. I see them playing tentative for fear of coming out of the game.

    We have been very successful in this sport. Gene is a great recruiter. When we were winning National Championships, we were playing 8, maybe 9 players, unless there was foul trouble. Trying to play 10 or 11 regularly screws with the flow of the game and the players rythm. Against Eastern Michigan we had a 15 point lead and we went deep into the bench and they wittled it to 3 before the starters went back in. I was worried that we had lost the momentum already and it was going to go right down to end, but our ladies pulled us though in spite of the strategy.

    If you were really watching as close as you say, you'd notice that the ladies who played when we won those national championships weren't afraid of anything or anyone. Lil Pooh, Katie Richards, middle Pooh, etc. They'd tear each others hair out to beat someone. That, my friend is the difference in the teams of then and now. The last 6 years we've had kids who don't compete when the time comes. They get outworked on big possessions, take 3's at bad times, give up offensive rebounds, etc. We need to find players like the Pooh's and Katie, and Jenny Crouse again. Only then will things get better. It ain't coaching my friend, its players and heart.

  19. I've been somewhat critical of recruiting in the years since Kimbrough was brought in, but I do like this year's signings. MN alone produces a lot of dI-caliber girls basketball players, and we just need to do a better job of recruiting other parts of the state besides only the NW part. SDSU has provided the blueprint. There's no reason UND can't do something similar.

    Totally agree w/this thought. That is really all I was trying to say w/my writing. NDSU didn't change their recruiting habits and look where that program is now. I never dreamed they'd have 10 girls on their team and be sitting on 5 scholarships. Just don't want that to happen here. IF we are going to be a DI program that makes the tourney, we cannot recruit NE North Dakota. We have 5? kids on the team or signed for next year from that area. It isn't going to work. Get to Wisc. and the Twin Cities and take those kids who may be looking at Iowa St., Wisc. Green Bay, etc. and get them to UND.

  20. Should be a good test for the girls.

    Interesting that the Lawson girl is the sister of Cara Lawson that was a stud at Tennessee and now the WNBA.

    Thanks for the Link.

    I'm more interested in the girl from Kulm, ND starting in the post. Have to admit, I have no recollection of this girl. Wondering if UND and NDSU tried to recruit her or how she ended up in Ypsilanti, Mich.

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