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coach daddy

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Posts posted by coach daddy

  1. With little sleep for the last 10 days he doesn't come across PC all the time. - Make fun of him all you want but with saving the city 2 times in the last 12 years I'll take him over anything you guys have had in gf.

    Not wishing the worst on anyone but.............................you aren't "saved" yet.

  2. I don't think too many people honestly expect that he'll stay in ND for college.

    Agreed. You can bet Colorado St., Big 12, and Big Sky schools will be in on this kid. My daughter watched him at the state tournament and said the poise and calmness he plays with makes you think he is way older than a sophomore. She was very impressed.

  3. He visited Minnesota this week, and Gonzaga is interested. If either of those teams offer, all the ND schools are out of the equation.

    Must be unofficial. I don't think sophs. can take paid visits.

  4. I watched a lot of the Mankato championship game- good for them, but had the Sioux been DII this year, I don't like the way Mankato would have matched up with the Sioux. I think the Sioux would have gotten after this team. That was the big problem for the Mavericks the last couple of years. Even the announcers alluded to the fact that the region was now devoid of UND, NDSU, USD, and SDSU.

    Always liked Heather Johnson from Mankato- Congrats...I kind of miss playing for championships.

    I thought Mankato played an awfully similar style to that Florida team we didn't match up with in the Elite 8 a couple years ago. I know they would have struggled to guard our bigs but, man, could they spread teams out and shoot the 3!! We would have struggled with those matchups for sure.

  5. Win the draw and it doesn't matter what Finely does. Get a grip. Lot's of things could of changed the game result.

    Lots of things.......................1 being sitting Finley's ass on the bench. Don't forget the one he almost coughed up early in the 3rd period too. He is not very good. No way he plays NHL hockey. Sorry, just my opinion!!

  6. Wow. Shocker.....Finley with his head up his asss AGAIN. Perfect end to his career.

    Thank goodness he is done!

    The biggest positive to this loss, I never have to watch Joe Finley play again. He is without a doubt the slowest hockey player I have ever seen.

  7. Woodside is talented, no doubt.

    But there will be more Woodsides.

    I'm with Wyo...good big men in college bball are like having good interior DL in football.

    There aint never been a Woodside before so I wouldn't count on another any time soon. He fell through the cracks!!

  8. Ada-Borup is well on their way to another state title, and Smart continues to impress me. She's very unselfish, shoots it very well from 3-point range and just doesn't seem to have any glaring weaknesses in her game. I think she'll play and play a lot next year.

    EDIT: Ada-Borup wins 61-31. Smart nearly outscored the opponent herself, finishing with 27 points and 6 assists. I believe she ended the tournament something like 11-20 from 3-point range.

    I agree that she is a very good high school player. My concern is playing against the caliber of talent she has played against in H.S. and what she will be seeing next year in college at a DI level, is she good enough to make that leap?

    Alys was as athletic as any player we had when we were a DII school. Now, she plays 12 minutes a night (guess). Hope Nicole can play. She is a great kid from a great family. It will be good for UND to keep a little local flavor on the roster.

  9. I don't think it's that amazing.

    NDSU had 10k fans at the game, which is good for us.

    I'm guessing the hockey game had ~9k UND fans and ~9k whoever the other team was (assuming it was a Minnesota team).

    The true amazing thing is that there were 20k fans of schools from ND down in the cities watching the games and partying.

    Mpls/SP must love it when ND teams are playing in town.

    Big money maker for them, no doubt. Thats why I believe UND will play in Minneapolis next week for the hockey regionals. NCAA all about making money. No coincidence NDSU played in Minneapolis for hoops. They knew how well SU traveled.

  10. Using Larry Bird and Dave Vonesh in the same conversation? :huh: Now that's just silly talk! :silly:

    You comparing Lucas Moorman's career to Dave Vonesh's, at the DI level or the DII level, that's silly talk my friend. I'm glad you're loyal to NDSU but at some point reality has to kick in. Vonesh would have scored alot against Moorman and there is nothing in Moorman's career to make us believe the same for him.

    Sorry, V was way better.

  11. I would tend to agree and that was the last UND team I saw play consistantly. But compare those 5 with the current SU starting 5? SU can drill the 3 from 4 spots minus Moormann. I think that would be a biggest difference between the 2 teams.

    In my opinion (notice I said opinion, wouldn't want to offend someone regarding their bball IQ), that team beats NDSU. Vonesh vs. Moorman (UND, not even close. UCLA,

    come on!!)

    Rico vs. Woodside (NDSU, but Rico could guard him)

    Gulseth vs. Winkleman (push, if I had to pick one, Gully. LSU ring a bell)

    Jacobson vs. Nelson (Nelson. Great player)

    Gardner vs. Tveidt (tough matchup for both. Neither can guard the other but lay

    ups are better than 3's. Gardner)

    there you go. UND wins..............68-65. :lol:

  12. Phil's parents use to babysit my mom and my aunt and my uncle, so don't tell me he'd score 50 'cause I know he'd get at least 60!! :lol:

    Was just trying to make a point awhile back that this SU BB team is very good and one of the best college team's to come out of ND.

    You said the best in your first post.

    Vonesh, Gulseth, Robertson, Gardner, Rico Burkett, Mike Boschee, Ben Jacobson would not lose 4 out of 5 to this Bison team. You are on crack if you really believe that. This SU team has no one to guard Gully or Vonesh. UND in 6 games, easy!!!

  13. It's time for term limits on all of these clowns.

    Term limits doesn't fix the issue of which state gets how much. Dorgan's name shows up on this list because of his work those in agriculture and the air bases in this state. We need both of those entities to succeed so until they figure out a better way to allocate the funding, go get em Byron. ;)

  14. Regarding the bold above, I guess I'm just going to have to accept that there are some old UND and NDSU fans who are too ingrained in the bygone era of "blood feud" between the schools. We're just going to have to wait for your generation to die off.

    I hope that when the NDSU-UND games start up again that it isn't nasty like it was back in the NCC days. I want the games to be good, clean fun but still be able to go to a bar in GF wearing a NDSU uni without getting beer dumped on you, etc. IE, intense but civilized.

    Fans have their place in the game. They should respect those boundaries and not try to use the rivalry as an excuse to take what happens on the field personally. You're just a fan.

    I swear to God, you have lost your mind. Beer being dumped on people in bars? Where did that come from? For a week now, you've been over here begging on 2 different threads for the ENTIRE state to love your team. For the last time, WE OWE YOU NOTHING. Some will cheer for you and some will cheer against you. Most of us, don't care if NDSU wins or loses. Truthfully, guys like you make cheer against them more than for them. Stop begging for our support

  15. Lets hope they can get a decent post to help out what should be a solid perimeter. On a side note....Devils Lake isn't in the Mon-Dak are they?

    LRSC is in the Mon-Dak conference. All the North Dakota juco's and Miles City and Dawson (Glendive) make up the Mon-Dak conference.

  16. There is no point in me posting any more, I've spoken the truth and it's fallen on some deaf ears.

    I appreciate the majority of you who realize that when one of ND's teams is on the national stage, representing the entire state, that it's OK to wish them good luck!

    The rest of you are sad, pathetic people.

    Hard to represent the state of ND when 1 kid from ND is playing on the team. NDSU represents NDSU, period. I hope they do well, but I do NOT have to cheer for them simply because they are from ND. That is the dumbest thing ever written on this board.......and that's saying something w/the dopes from NDSU that have been on this board in the past.

  17. You are simply wrong on this matter.

    In-state rivalries are fine and good, but they do not apply when a school from your state is representing the whole state on the national stage.

    Sorry, you have no excuse to transfer your misplaced hatred.

    If they (we) don't want to cheer for your boys, we aren't going to. Quit trying to make us (them) feel like we all owe it to NDSU to cheer for them. If they have nice run, great. It they lose, great. It's NDSU and WE DON'T CARE all that much.

    I do believe NDSU folk should enjoy this moment. They will be few and far between for all of us in bball in the next 25-50 years.

  18. Then you also don't support the state of North Dakota.

    Thats a bit of a reach...........a person doesn't support NDSU so they don't support the entire state?

    Personally, I'm glad they won because it gives us all hope that we can make the "dance" when our time arrives. I'm still not thrilled about never playing for National titles ever again but I guess just being a part of the tourney will have to do.

    Had SU lost, my heart wouldn't have been broken. The fan base in Fargo rubs me wrong most of the time. I'm thrilled for the kids, their coaches, coach miles (he had a big part in this), and the student body at NDSU. Their adult fans who I need to read on this board.......wouldn't have bothered me a bit to make them watch the NIT.

  19. I believe Roebuck was in attendance last Wednesday night when Sharkova had 23 points and 18 boards against Williston. It sounds like she could provide some needed insurance if Ledger isn't completely recovered, and would possibly allow for the red-shirting of the freshmen posts.

    Insurance would be a fair description of her. She is 6'5 but she is no Crouse, Langen, or Kimbrough.

  20. Kind of a disappointment, but UND should get two more shots at Seattle--both in Grand Forks (assuming the two meet in the tournament in March).

    As we continue to move forward in DI basketball, guard play has to get better. Turnovers have plagued this team all year. Should not be a concern at this time of year. Disappointing.

  21. I was running late to the USD game and on the radio pregame interview Roebuck mentioned moving LaFrance back to point. She had played it in high school, but was being used as a small forward here at UND.

    Forgot about her. That may work!!

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