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coach daddy

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Posts posted by coach daddy

  1. I assume some (hopefully, many) of you will be attending tonight's exhibition. Please provide your thoughts tomorrow.

    I can give you my thoughts now, Mayville has played 4 games, lost 3 and given up over 100 points twice. UND may score 130 tonite and Mayville won't get to 70. This one will be like the old days when UND would beat the Comets by 70. Mayville graduated alot of good players from last year and had another who can't play for "unspecified" issues. Not worth buying a ticket to.

  2. USD's 08-09 schedule is out. Go ahead and compare and contrast. Some good games on here for the Yotes and some snoozers, but that is what a transition year is. Highlights include @Cornell (who return to Verm in 09), @Cincinnati, @Notre Dame, @New Orleans, and, of course, the Sioux for 2 games!

    Nov. 14 Cornell* Ithaca, N.Y. 6:00 p.m.

    Nov. 16 Cincinnati* Cincinnati, Ohio 6:00 p.m.

    Nov. 21-22 Minnesota State Tip-Off Classic Mankato, Minn.

    Nov. 21 Post University Mankato, Minn. 3:00 p.m.

    Nov. 22 Chowan Mankato, Minn. 3:00 p.m.

    Nov. 25 Graceland VERMILLION 7:00 p.m.

    Nov. 28-29 West Texas A&M Tournament Canyon, Texas TBA

    Dec. 2 Notre Dame* South Bend, Ind. 6:30 p.m.

    Dec. 6 Chadron State VERMILLION 3:00 p.m.

    Dec. 13 Mayville State VERMILLION 8:00 p.m.

    Dec. 16 Dana VERMILLION 7:00 p.m.

    Dec. 19 Minnesota Duluth VERMILLION 7:00 p.m.

    Dec. 21 Midland Lutheran VERMILLION 3:00 p.m.

    Dec. 22 Southwest Minnesota State VERMILLION 7:00 p.m.

    Dec. 28 University of New Orleans* New Orleans, La. 3:00 p.m.

    Dec. 30 St. Olaf VERMILLION 8:00 p.m.

    Jan. 3 Valley City State VERMILLION 3:00 p.m.

    Jan. 10 William Penn VERMILLION 7:00 p.m.

    Jan. 13 Mount Marty VERMILLION 7:00 p.m.

    Jan. 15 Palm Beach Atlantic West Palm Beach, Fla. TBA

    Jan. 24 North Dakota* Grand Forks, N.D. 4:00 p.m.

    Jan. 31 North Dakota* VERMILLION 3:00 p.m.

    Feb. 2 Lake Erie VERMILLION 7:00 p.m.

    Feb. 7 SIU-Edwardsville* Edwardsville, Ill. 8:00 p.m.

    Feb. 14 Seattle University* Seattle, Wash. 8:00 p.m.

    Feb. 21 SIU-Edwardsville* VERMILLION 8:00 p.m.

    Feb 28 Seattle University* VERMILLION 8:00 p.m.

    Mar. 7-8 Independent Tournament* Grand Forks, N.D. TBA

    Nice gets at Notre Dame and Cincinnati. The Bearcats aren't what they were with Huggie coaching but still an upper echelon program. Good luck to the "Yotes". Hope it all goes well.

  3. Truth be known, I don't believe that 18 years olds should be sent into combat. I would fight and vote for that change without hesitation.

    I was of the opinion that military personnel under the age of 21 COULD drink on the bases they were stationed at. Am I wrong?

    I am against bringing the age down because if 18 year olds can buy alcohol, they will buy it for children who are even younger than they are. I know 21 year olds do this already but I believe they will do it to for an older (18) crowd than an 18 year old would. One of those responsibility issues that I believe comes with age.

  4. I think he has a chance to be a player. I've only seen him play briefly, but I plan to attend a few EGF games this season and will report back then. I'm curious about his listed height in the Herald article, though. It's certainly possible that he's grown over the summer, but I believe he was in the 6'5" or 6'6" range this past spring. The article listed him at 6'8".

    He would have to have grown a lot to now be 6'8. It would be nice to know how serious he was recruited by area schools or DI schools in the midwest. That would tell us how successful this recruiting effort was.

  5. Notice no Brekke, I am guessing she has decided not to return.

    Isn't there a baby in her future this fall/winter? Hard to think she'd play this year, maybe the year after.

    I hate to say it but this roster puts no fear in anyone. After Kimbrough and Guinn graduate, the cupboard is relatively bare. Not saying the young kids won't be players down the road but, boy, this is an unproven bunch. Even the sophs., besides Mallory didn't exactly light up the floor last year. Hope there are some great recruits coming in the fall of 09.

  6. Why throw the people of GF under the bus? If the product was any good, we'd go watch. This has been beaten to death but look at the home non-conference schedule the men put together the last couple years; ridiculous. The fact that they were a last place team in the conference until the conference tournament doesn't change the fact that they were poor 75% of the year.

    I thought Chris had more class than that. Disappointed. ;)

  7. Wasn't Chris a finalist for the Dickinson State job a few months ago? I wish him the best of luck!

    I have no concern about the timing. In fact, it probably is about the best timing for something like this. The recruiting for next year is done and we will be able to bring someone in over the summer who will be situated by the time school starts this fall.

    He was a year ago. Withdrew his name after being interviewed. He'll do well in Sioux Falls; great area, lots of players close to campus and a very good conference. Best of luck, Chris!!!

  8. We'll see on the recruiting. He sure moves around alot.

    He and every other young coach trying to make a name for himself. How many assts. have left NDSU in the last 5 years? More than a person would probably think.

  9. :) Is this a for sure thing?? If so, what GREAT news....could've used him the last 2 years and we definitely need him for recruiting!

    He's only been gone for 2 years. Aren't most of our players now kids he recruited? Wonder why he came back. Who is leaving?

  10. Just another high profile player who has failed to develop under hakstol. :D

    I know there is a smile there, but I did not mean to imply blame to Hakstol. I'm not sure why he hasn't gotten any better, he just hasn't. I really don't care why but I think it is in the Caps best interest (and Joe's) to go know and find out what they've got in him.

  11. The staff at Overtime mentioned that someone from Fargo had bought the place. Other than that, I have no idea. I also heard a rumor that they were going to allow smoking again, whenever they reopen.

    I've heard that reopening might not be an option. Land possibly redeveloped and the building drastically made over. Pretty good source, we'll see.

  12. Yeah, sounds great provided he has a one way ticket to a power skating camp, so his raw speed can get far far better. A shooting camp (granted shooting camps don't exist, but just go with it), so he can get his "monster" shot of quickly so it actually get's to the net. It's amazing how when a guy takes five seconds to shoot guys get in the way and block it. And lastly, a plyometric camp so he can do somethin about having quicker and better feet, Cause right now his feet are the worst in the history of big-time college hockey. As long as that's all done bring em back. Why not.

    P.S. We should also PRAY they don't have to play BC in the postseason again so all the forementioned flaws aren't grossly exposed again

    Agreed!!! He needs a lot of work and, being a senior, not sure how much more college hockey will help him.

  13. I will explain. The half that voted for chorney were meth-heads, just like me. We would all go to the soup kitchen together and chorney would serve us dinner. He was a great guy and even though he wasn't very good at hockey, his pleasant demeanor and nonstop giving back to the community made the meth-head captains vote for him.

    You are not only an idiot...........but also an idiot w/too much free time.

  14. Yeah, if you thought adding a new high school in a shrinking enrollment and a huge boom to taxes would be impossible, ask South Fargo how that's working out. As far as I know, none of the parents/students/teachers/other citizens want another High School, and I'm pretty sure that South's enrollment will fall below a lot of the other larger schools in the state. The new Davies' High will also have all the higher priced homes (the farther south in Fargo you go, the higher price of homes, generally), meaning South High will be filled with all the lower income families, seperating even more the distinction between the city.

    It was a bad choice overall, and look how easily Davies' was scheduled to be built.

    Edit: To the previous poster, it just goes to show you about all the condescending names. South High School will now be in the middle of the city, and Davies will be the farthest south by far. Maybe South will go back to Central High School?

    While their enrollment may be cut in 1/2 with the new high school coming, At least we'll see most of the EDC schools w/similar enrollment numbers. Right now, the playing field is not level. South shouldn't be graduating 600 kids a year and everyone else 300. I also believe the new high school will be better for educational purposes too. Class sizes have to be smaller and the buildings less crowded after the new school is finished. Seems like a no brainer to me.

    West Fargo, you're next!!! Bismarck, not too far away either.

  15. you must be his next door neighbor. i'll apologize to him when he is ladeling out my dinner at the volunteer soup kitchen.

    You eat at a soup kitchen? What put you there, alcohol? Meth? judging by your post, you're just plain nuts!!!!

  16. I guess the question to me is whether it's positive in a community the size of Grand Forks to have virtually all of the $250,000-plus homes in town located in one district? Both districts have plenty of low and moderate-priced homes, but only the Red River district has large numbers of higher-priced homes.

    Good point. I think the high priced homes has always been a problem for GFRR and Central. Right now, I believe there are enough kids from the Schroeder Middle School that go to Central to offset some of these concerns.

  17. The east-west division line is interesting. I would go east to Central seeing as it more along the river and west to GFRR since the school would be on the west side of town.

    The real interest is how many of Central's athlete's are open-enrolling to Central from the RR district. Someone should research that little ditty. What you find might surprise alot of people.

    I know at Fargo North this year, their boys basketball team had 3 starters from the South district. It's a problem everywhere.

  18. I really wonder who fans that say they will stay home and not support the teams during the transition think they are punishing. Is it the players? the coaches? the Administration? You're only really hurting our teams with that attitude.

    I'm not trying to punish anyone. Truthfully, since NDSU and SDSU left the league, I haven't attended very many games at all. No one hopes for a successful transition to DI more than me but financially it makes no sense for me to spend alot of money on UND bball right now. I've said several times here that I like the direction Coach Jones is going w/program recruiting wise and I hope they find a league ASAP.

    I know that common sense and rational decisions have no place on this board. Sorry for tearing at the tradition of UND basketball

  19. Coach Jones said on the radio this week that the schedule could be released within two weeks. I won't get my hopes up, because we've heard that before and were left to wait for several months. Here is what I have heard so far, no big news:

    Dec. 30 UM-Crookston

    TBA Seattle

    TBA South Dakota

    TBA SIU-Edwardsville

    TBA @ Seattle

    TBA @ South Dakota

    TBA @ SIU-Edwardsville

    TBA @ UW-Green Bay

    TBA @ Northern Colorado

    You've got 4 home games listed. You can go ahead and add Mayville, Minot, Dickinson, and Valley City to that list. Maybe Mary also. If not buying season tickets makes me a bad guy then so be it. I'll watch USD when they come to town and maybe Green Bay. But I'm not spending alot of money to watch DAC teams play at the Betty. The DAC plays conference games on Friday's and Saturday's, its 40 miles to Mayville and $8-$10 to see doubleheaders of DAC competition. I'll watch em play each other if its all the same to you.

  20. I love Joe Finley !!! I want him to stay but I'll understand if he goes. The pros know better than we do and I have no doubt that he'll do great in the NHL. Remember Craig Ludwig? He could barely skate when he came to UND. He had a great NHL career. Joe is better than he was initially.

    Pardon my French sir but, "You are Nuts". Joe Finley never was and never will be compared to Craig Ludwig. Idiotic to put them in the same sentence.

    As a Sioux fan I want Finley to sign so he quits screwing things up for us!!! Go Caps Go!!!!

    I know I said earlier he'll never play in the NHL. Never may be too strong. However, he will never play the way Ludwig, Patrick, Baron, Bombardir, or even Roche have played professionally. He isn't that good.

  21. Coach Jones said on the radio this week that the schedule could be released within two weeks. I won't get my hopes up, because we've heard that before and were left to wait for several months. Here is what I have heard so far, no big news:

    Dec. 30 UM-Crookston

    TBA Seattle

    TBA South Dakota

    TBA SIU-Edwardsville

    TBA @ Seattle

    TBA @ South Dakota

    TBA @ SIU-Edwardsville

    TBA @ UW-Green Bay

    TBA @ Northern Colorado

    Be a waste of money to get season tickets..........probably for the next 3 years or so!!!

  22. UND should have learned from NDSU and held back a couple of scholarships. If all 7 stay for 5 years, that leaves 6 scholarships available over the next 4 years. I think NDSU would have liked to have more than 3 available over the last 2 years.

    I doubt the kid from Warroad got a full. Maybe a walk on with a promise for the future.

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