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coach daddy

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Posts posted by coach daddy

  1. Very happy...I think we have had a break through-----a sioux fan that will support the team through and through....Congratulations......

    Your the one with information that would lead to people getting fired??? Faison is that you? haha

    One more thing though, if your ever 0-16 or 16-0 let me know cause that means you skipped D1 transition, said forget playing in the Great West, and probably joined the NFC North, cause i'm pretty sure that would be an NFL season......not to knit pick or anything....oh and make sure to check the amount of TO's that you are using in your sentences...pretty sure to to isn't correct, but your the expert, not me...

    alright I'm done with you, to too two easy, whatever............... take care! Sioux Pride baby! haha

    This guy is a dumbass. :ohmy:

  2. I guess nobody here at Sioux Sports ever had a bad day.....?

    Walrus, you know I love you like a brother but this is beyond a "bad day". An NAIA school with 1/4 of the scholarship money we have didn't just beat us, they kicked the dog out of us. We were never in this game and when they had the ball, we couldn't get it back.

    You're right, in the big picture, we'll be fine. Good coaches, good kids, etc. but this is not acceptable and cannot be swept under the rug. Horrible effort by everyone, just horrible.

  3. Not that it makes Wayne's injury any less unfortunate, but he wasn't projected as a starter this year. He did start last year at the nose, but was moved to end in spring ball, where he was projected as a backup to Nick Nolte.

    I loved him in 48 hours!!! :sad:

  4. I didnt know him personally but was asked to make a brief post regrading the passing of Troy Riedlinger of Grand Forks who some of you may know and others may not. Otheriwse known here on SS at THETRIOUXPER. He passed away after a battle with Cancer. Agree, disagree, agree to disagree is what we do on this board but one thing we all have in common is the love for sioux hockey and sioux athetics in general so all the best to Troy's family and friends.

    There will be a service 7pm Monday, Rydell GM Auto Center Showroom - Reception following at Italion Moon immediate follwing service

    RIP. Our thoughts go to the family

  5. Couldn't be more proud of Coach Hak the University than I am right now. The punishment was not only quick but also heavy. Taking something away from the student/athletes like scholarship money is a great way to hold them accountable to their actions. What else does the school have over them? Mr. Frattin, and the rest of the athletes at UND now know that any negative actions in public will not go unpunished. I don't think its to much to ask of those students who represent UND to avoid at all costs doing something that will embarass this institution.

    Well done Hak and President Kelley!!

  6. Im sure at 3AM there was a lot of traffic that had to be diverted. Im sure people were late for work, doctor and dentists appointments, and bringing their kids to daycare. Backed up for miles probably. :lol:

    This was stupid on there part but really isnt that big of a deal.

    You're right it isn't that big of a deal except that it brings embarrassment to the young men, their families, and UND hockey. UND hockey is held in the same regard in GF that football is in Fargo. When we sit here all summer and rip SU football players for their lack of integrity we can't just sweep these 2 knuckleheads behavior under the rug. They screwed up. Hak needs to discipline Frattin appropriately.

  7. Not good when for Finley when it hits the Washington media... Former Caps first round pick arrested

    He's embarrassed us for 4 years now its their turn to deal with him. Wait til they see wingers turn the corner on him and get to the net. Throwing plates in the street will be forgotten quickly. What a couple of dopes!!!

    Hope Frattin sits opening weekend. We need to put ourselves above this kind of behavior. Send a loud, clear message Hak!!

  8. I've been on board for about two and a half years and have been happy for the most part. They did sneak a $2 per radio price increase in, as well as wanting $3 more a month for online access, which I told them to forget it. And now we have DJ's that won't shut up since the merger. To get the NFL games is another $4/month for "Best of Sirius". With all that said, I'd never go back to commercial radio, especially in the vehicles.

    I updated my account in March and they threw in the online stuff at no charge. For a guy who works 45 hours/week in an office, that is a nice perk. I thought the $4/month charge for "Best of Sirius" was worth it for the amount of driving I do chasing kids around the state and going to and from work.

  9. Same here. I got XM about 2 1/2 years ago and had to drive my wife's car a while ago without XM, I didn't even know what to listen to anymore. Like you, the only time my truck goes to FM is when Sioux hockey or football is on and I cannot be there.

    I too LOVE my XM radio. Bought a second one 2 Christmas' ago so that both cars now have it. The Sirius merger and deal they gave to XM listeners was awesome. All 4 major sports now available anytime plus all the college stuff. Wish I had it in my home.

  10. And you go into every Sioux game that you're not the favorite and mark it down as a loss? I remember when we went DI you all said we wouldn't win this or that but we have proved most of you wrong. Until I see MN going head to head with Ohio State and being in the game I like our chances just fine with them. (remember App State and Mich.) Since your so objective what's on tap next year for the Sioux with a full DI schedule?

    If you call what we have a "full" DI schedule, we'll be fine. We won't beat Texas Tech in Lubbock (neither would NDSU, in 06, 07, 08, or any year for that matter). I like our chances against Sioux Falls though. They are an NAIA champ but I think, at home, we can take them. :lol:

  11. Really? Both schools are on equal footing in hockey - way different from FCS to BCS. NDSU will be looking forward to beating the Gophers again. You can count on it.

    I'll say this much, you are some of the most loyal folks I've ever seen. The odds of SU ever beating the U of Minn. in football ever again have to be astronomical. I believe that you think you'll win. That's why its impossible to have any kind of conversation with you. You have no objectivity.

  12. I have a feeling that the Gophers will look forward to our football game in 2011, esp if Brewster is still the coach.

    Yeah but will NDSU still be looking forward to it? In GF, we look forward to the U of Minn, and the Univ. of Wisc. EVERY year!!! No hope for upsets, just line up and play...............best team wins and both sets of fans know it.

  13. he did WHAT noW?

    If it means Tom Miller gets more work, this is better for all athletes in GF. Now there will be some balance between the North side and the South side. Kevin was awful at hiding his bias.

  14. I was just told that Randall Herbst got the job....Good Luck to Randall

    Good luck to the U of Mary. After the list of losers Randall brought to UND, the climate around UMary campus may change considerably. Sorry, just not a fan.

  15. I heard she was on campus for an official vist over the weekend. We need another big, I hope she can play.

    She's a good athlete, not a great offensive player. I don't believe she's as athletic as Kara DeMaine was but her post skills may be a little better.

  16. I shouldn't be posting this in a basketball thread, :lol: but politics - and leadership, just as much as money, affects how and when flood prevention is implemented.

    To build Duff's Ditch around Winnipeg, there was huge opposition and political problems delayed any action for 12 years after the 1950 flood before any construction even started:

    Opponents to 'Duff's Ditch' Silent Now

    For Grand Forks, the original plan was to build a diversion ditch around East Grand Forks (using the natural Red Lake River coulee - the Red Lake used to empty in the Red north of EGF ), and that ran into huge opposition from Minnesota interests. A diversion around GF in North Dakota was just too expensive, so GF's only feasible option was dikes/floodwalls + English coulee diversion. Drawing those floodwall lines became an explosive political minefield that leadership had to walk through. As Cedar Rapids is experiencing, the aftermath of a flood and post-flood planning takes more leadership to maintain citizen repoire than any thing before.

    To Walaker's credit, he emphasized flood control even with his mayoral campaign. Actually getting all the parties to agree to any one plan and to buy into a local property tax will be a task greater than the 2009 flood work.

    Very well said. If you saw his press conference on Sunday, he talked alot about the amount of money it would cost and getting the federal and state government to help. Just wait until he starts moving neighborhoods, golf courses, businesses,etc. Thats when the fight begins and leadership becomes a word that means something. The problems in Fargo, especially with them successfully (?) holding the water back, are only beginning. We'll see his leadership skills when that fight starts.

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