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Everything posted by Vegas_Sioux

  1. We left one 1 bid conference for another so I hope those games against IUPUI mean something to the fans.
  2. He would already have his Canadian authorization to live and work without the right to govt services since he is employed by a Canadian company.
  3. Well you know how important that Woman's NIT is
  4. Remember he doesn't want us to get 9 before they get 10
  5. did bu really score 28 seconds in? or is chn being funny
  6. if Duluth plays like last night with ECAC refs they will spend the weekend down 2
  7. Inserting Derek Shepard or campion as head officials would be a great start at replacing the don
  8. Also the primary assist on goal 3 went to a player that should have been watching from the locker room.
  9. need that video and tweet fenton and adam just fill the twitter accounts
  10. goalie interference can be called if the goalie is in the crease, and can't play the puck. interference because you can't hit someone who didnt have the puck
  11. that's why it was just interference not goalie interference
  12. two good teams playing high skill hockey is something great to watch
  13. gersich just had his stick chopped out of his hand
  14. todd was 125 feet and didnt call it until 10 seconds later
  15. wasnt in a dangerous area and can't stop a scoring chance
  16. cam is hurt he doesn't have the range of motion
  17. but fighting is bad the ncaa says so if commadore had been there he'd not be heading to HCMC's er
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