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Everything posted by Vegas_Sioux

  1. The 5 campuses of the U of M are dropping the act/sat requirements. For a more well rounded student.
  2. Artificial crowd noise to liven up sports broadcasts. https://m.startribune.com/with-arenas-empty-tv-networks-consider-adding-fake-crowd-noise-to-sports-broadcasts/571564802/
  3. Seems like Ticketmaster is punting. If it’s postponed you can still use the ticket or get a Ticketmaster credit.
  4. Not to beat a dead horse but it has to do with the how the ncaa gamed the system. The ncaa knowing stand rock was not going to approve it UND was required to get not the closest Tribe everyone else (Spirit Lake) but the two closest tribes to approve it.
  5. Yes we at delta are doing full refunds but you have to be able to get through to someone. If your ticket was booked before may 1st and your travel is through the end of the year if you don’t show up you get that amount as a credit. Right now any other travel is as normal travel at your own risk but we’ve been very accommodating.
  6. The star tribune just ran a story on US Bank stadium no other events this year except Vikings football more then likely fanless, and maybe the mshsl fall team championships.
  7. Not Indian but belongs here. now it isn’t schools it’s states. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/sec-mississippi-change-confederate-themed-flag-or-risk-losing-college-n1231502?cid=sm_npd_nn_fb_ma
  8. You got that too? Good thing my flights were booked before COVID so they are completely refundable. With the new delta policies.
  9. Now there are pro tennis players pecking at each other about playing in the US Open or withdrawing.
  10. The old video on broadway so downtown on highway 2 west.
  11. After this announcement you are probably right. https://m.startribune.com/most-of-minneapolis-city-council-pledges-to-begin-the-process-of-ending-police-department/571088302/
  12. Walz was born in West Point, Nebraska, the son of Darlene R. and James F. "Jim" Walz. He is of German, Irish, and Swedish ancestry.[4] The son of a public school administrator and community activist, Walz was raised in Chadron, Nebraska, a rural community in the northwestern portion of the state. Walz graduated from Butte High School in a class of 25 students, and went on to earn a bachelor of science degree in social science education from Chadron State College.
  13. Delta pulled out of Williston even after taking the cares money.
  14. The president of the University of Minnesota is recommending on campus class but end at thanksgiving.
  15. According to my cousin, member of the sf giants Organization the union knows the owners have about 4 billion for salary this year. The owners association wants to to shave it to 1.2 billion the players are willing to go to 2.8.with minimum salaried players taking the biggest hit at 50 percent.
  16. You know man can’t live on 283000, that would be this year’s player minimum.
  17. And back pedaled better then some of them too.
  18. They’d be disappointed in how grand forks handled it, I mean they didn’t storm the hospital or jail demanding the suspect.
  19. He’s also an elected official Minneapolis city councilman.
  20. You mean the rest of the first amendment?
  21. The left is referring to the anarchists as right wing extremists. https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1vz7m0DrupA5AEIFBWmF4HQ43sI2okT52vftFiVtPJfA/mobilebasic
  22. So the curfew went into effect in at 8pm looks pretty crowded.
  23. The NASA engineers come through again
  24. I believe that was in the herald with the grand forks sales tax receipts down 17%.
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