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nd jg

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  1. Halvorson is a great guy, hope he sells to someone that will keep it. Great pizza. The man deserves to retire, he works his butt off.
  2. Wierd, got on my phone, but not my ROKU.
  3. Is the game up on NCHC.TV. I'm not getting it
  4. I think this team needs Kramp-Aid.
  5. I think the NHL should adopt this as well. If you want scoring to go up, this is one way to help increase that.
  6. I liked the Penalty rule, thought they should keep it, if you score, before the penalty take effect, you really don't benefit from the penalty.
  7. That looks like a glamor shot. Mine didn't have any of the items shown on the side, just a burrito on tissue paper. Seemed odd to have it on tissue paper since it was impossible to eat it with by hand, needed a fork, so I was fighting the paper the whole time. Image vs. actual reminds of the scene from Fallen Down at Whamo Burger. Don't get me wrong the Burrito was very good, just never looked like that. I am a former Foodservice guy and the presentation was a bit disappointing. This is closer to what mine looked like, except it was leaking all over the paper.
  8. When was that taken, I was there last week and that is not what I got when I ordered a Burrito, mine was sad looking. Big yes, flavor was ok, but was very disappointed.
  9. Did Davis sell his soul?
  10. This was my frozen 4 bracket. Agree I hate all 4. I think they all feel the same about UND. with all the NCAA battles of the past, it is what it is. Should be a great frozen 4. Just sucks that a Boston school or someone hanging 10 will win it all this year.
  11. Not sure he actually got him un the head. Definitely a charge though.
  12. Trying my best Boston accent.
  13. Buchy is a POS camomtator.
  14. I don't understand how that can be called a 2. That's 5 and a game right away.
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