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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. But not all of the 30 conference tournaments let every team in the conference go to the conference tournament.
  2. NDSU athletic support facilities: Academics: none Nutrition: none Training: BSA has a training room for all sports, Fargodome has a football only-training room that is only used during football season Strength: BSA has the only weight room for all sports None of that would change by attaching 2 practice bball courts and bball lockers/meeting rooms/coach's offices to a new Fargodome addition. And volleyball locker rooms/practice facilities are located in the BBFH, away from the rest of the sports already. Hammer, you're wrong this time.
  3. No, they shouldn't let every team in the tournament. But they should let more than 65 teams in.
  4. I don't see it as a big deal. It gets more Summit teams in and more money for the conference. One extra weekend...big deal. Making the tourny won't lose any prestige. For the record: "because it's good enough as it is" is NEVER, EVER a legitimate reason to not attempt to improve something.
  5. I don't think every conference tourny lets all the teams in. But I'm not suggesting that every DI MBB program should get a shot anyway.
  6. You'd get twice the pay-out from the tournament if you get two teams. And the first rounds are played on weekends, right?
  7. Minnesota high school football plays a full regular season and then every single team gets at least one game in the section playoffs. Not saying this should be done for NCAA DI MBB....but it wouldn't be impossible.
  8. My dream scenario would be for a new Fargodome addition to include a bball practice facility, which includes new locker rooms, offices, meeting rooms, training rooms, etc. I don't like the idea of the practice facility being part of the BSA and then the Dome addition being the gameday facility.
  9. Keep the bowls going and just do a NCAA sponsored 4 team FBS playoff for the top 4 teams in the BCS rankings. Get rid of that stupid Harris poll and put the AP poll back in it along with the Coach's poll and computers. Alabama v TCU @ Tuscaloosa, Texas v Cincinnati @ Austin. Winners play in NC game hosted by winning bid. Rose bowl is Oregon v Ohio State Fiesta is Boise State v Iowa Sugar is Florida v VT Orange is Georgia Tech v LSU
  10. Anything that cold help the Summit get two into the MBB tournament gets rubber stamped by me.
  11. Agreed 100%. We could have had a program on the level of Wyoming plus DI hockey. If only...
  12. Hmm...the thing that sticks out to me about the DU student newspaper article is that none of the quotes from the AD explicitly state this: "Denver is leaving the Sun Belt". Why not? Why isn't that explicit quote published anywhere?
  13. Yeah but they could call the SunBelt's bluff and see if they really do kick them out or not. I'm betting the SubBelt is hoping Denver leaves, rather than having to actually kick them out. Now that New Orleans is going DIII, the Belt is at 12 with 10 football members. Not bad. Otherwise, if Denver leaves they're going to have to add UTSA or Texas State (or possibly both). Not sure if North Texas would allow that. Don't get me wrong, I would be OK with taking in Denver in the Summit. But my ideal goal would be getting rid of the mountain time zone schools and bringing in the footprint to the midwest and great lakes.
  14. And again I ask, where are the articles from Denver media or even the UDenver SID annoucing that Denver will not be staying in the SunBelt? I think they've looked around and have seen that they can't get into the WCC and their only other option is to join Northern Colorado in the Big Sky, IF they can get in.
  15. Good for them and shame on the NDSU foundation. What else can you do? The contractors who built the house have to get paid. No money taken from taxpayers for it. Like I said, it was an honest mistake that won't happen again. Live and learn.
  16. The cost over-run was an honest mistake. Won't ever happen again due to oversight reforms. You can drop the faux outrage now.
  17. WSU adding MVFC football is about as likely as Indiana State leaving the MVFC: sadly, it ain't gunna happen. Illinois State could very possibly be leaving the MVFC for the MAC, in football only (bball would stay in the MVC). The game with Ball State could be foreshadowing this. That's UND/USD's best chance to get into the league in the near future. I don't see Youngstown or Missouri leaving for FBS any time soon.
  18. Yeah, we definitely don't want to let the fans get familiar with our opponents! Lets make we mix it up by bringing in non-scholarship teams from Indiana, New York and Connecticut each year! I for one would be pretty dang excited about this schedule every year: 1 Upper Midwest Big Ten or Big XII game (Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa State, Nebraska) USD UND MVFC
  19. By 4 years it's not going to matter. Illinois State will be in the MAC and the MVFC will have no choice but to add UND and USD.
  20. Freedom of speech vs. libel, I guess? I don't really care, I'm not a lawyer. Something to the effect that you can't just say whatever you want about someone in public, legally.
  21. Let the record show that Hammer is for the return of the NDSU-UND series.
  22. I don't think they should have been sued. Nor do I think the Washington Redskins should have been sued. I was only arguing that they should be able to be sued. Not that they should be immune from being sued, which is the commonly held belief on this board.
  23. Yes it makes too much sense for the schools not to play. Obviously when UND and USD are added to the MVFC, it will happen. And it sounds like Ill State could be leaving the MVFC sooner rather than later.
  24. The Dakota 4 should be playing every year and there should be a traveling trophy that goes to the winner between the 4 schools every year. The REAL Dakota marker, or something like that.
  25. So just because it's a private business/team, there should be no legal limit as to what they can call themselves? I hate to be so offensive, but to prove my point what if Washington's team was called the Fighting Ni**ers? Would you consider a lawsuit against that name to be "PC crammed down our throats"? I doubt it. So there IS a line. And it's not a firm line...it has to be tested and proven out in court.
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