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Everything posted by ScottM

  1. "Back in the day" when I played hockey against Canadian teams it was not unusual to see a d-man play forward in subsequent games, or in a few case subsequent periods. Against Minnesota teams, usually the players stayed in the same positions throughout their "careers". Euro teams tend to follow the Minnesota model. I played forward mainly, but also pulled shifts on the D too. Then again, if I ever got back into the game, all of those accrued PIM would probably put me right back in the box. I think that "cross-training" has a viable role as it never hurts to have a forward who's strong on the "D" or a d-man who can actually move the puck. One dimensional players only hamper themselves and their teams.
  2. Yeah, and God knows if not for the Minnesota HS tourney, Lucia would have to get off his lazy can and actually recruit kids.
  3. Too bad about Faul, but he didn't really produce and I expect one or two others won't be playing this season. I wish him the best though. Welcome to our "neighborhood" SockeyeSioux ... we'll try to behave ourselves when you're around, being a mom and all.
  4. I think Blais will maintain his "you earn your place in this team" philosophy. Nobody, I mean nobody, including Parise, is getting a free ride. You work hard and contribute to play on his teams. Anybody who starts/plays will have earned their place on the team. Anybody who sits, or is cut/leaves, is part of the same equation. Blais' job is to build a winning team, on and off the ice, and I really could care less who whines about him trimming the roster, as every winning coach does it to some degree. Harsh perhaps, but life isn't very easy either. I remember Blais sitting the likes of Wilson, Blake, etc., and I trust him to keep and play the best players regardless of what "Sunday morning goalies" think.
  5. Nope ... didn't fish. Went to the track and watched the ponies. Gotta love a 19-1 winner. Too bad it was only a $10 bet ...
  6. Not sure on the reasons for Ludwig leaving, it was just part of the newswire I saw shortly after it became clear that Tippett would head up the Stars. It may have just been a general "changing of the guard" that accompanies most coaching changes. I'd guess Ludwig will probably find another job in the NHL, or maybe a top job in the ECHL/AHL, pretty quickly as that seems to be his track and he's got a pretty solid background in the game.
  7. Congrats to Dave. I understand that Craig Ludwig will leave/has left the Stars staff though. Tippett helped gear up the Kings' into an offense oriented unit. I'd expect he would do the same at Dallas which was yoked to Hitchcock's defensive scheme. Of course, it makes you wonder if some of the Flyers' forwards will look to jump ship rather than playing clutch 'n grab or a picket defense setup.
  8. ScottM


    Dagies, technically, the NC$$ is a non-profit organization. Monies received from TV, tourneys, licensing of gear, etc. goes back to the organization. I'm not sure where it goes, but I understand that a good part of it is used to promote the NC$$'s "ideals," as well as certain "non revenue" sports. I am not sure if there is "revenue sharing" at the national level, but I know that the certain conferences including the WCHA have it to some degree. Yes, I do have "issues" with the NC$$. Even though I'm not an agent, I have to disclose the fact that I handle some business and tax affairs for sports agents on behalf of foreign pro athletes to student-athletes I meet lest they incur the NC$$'s wrath at some level. A stupid organization that has as much relevance as NATO.
  9. ScottM


    Let's see ... the NC$$ is a voluntary organization that regulates much of college athletics, but has little regard for for fans of, or athletes in, sports like hockey.
  10. I think I would move Spiewak to the first line, in place of Fylling.
  11. ScottM

    I give up

    Pelewa ... not familiar with him as I was in Europe around that time and effectively out of the UND "hockey loop." Sounds like he would have been a great player on some strong teams.
  12. ScottM

    I give up

    I tried to find old Sioux rosters/programs to get the answer, but couldn't. Color me stumped too.
  13. I don't share your confidence in Leinweber, unfortunately. I'd bet Fuhrer or Greene will play more shifts than he will.
  14. No harm, no foul since you're a Sioux fan. I agree that in consolidated rankings, such as Red Line, that many Euros get ranked higher than most NA players for whatever reason, especially Russians and Czechs. I think the lack of a consolidated ranking system has to do with the fact that Central Scouting has divided itself between NA scouts, and what is effectively an outsourced European division. An agent/former scout I deal with told me that they tend to generically attribute different things for the respective groups of players too. NA players and many Russians are generally viewed as more physical and tougher, grinder types. Whereas Swedes, Czechs and Slovaks are usally seen as finesse and "skill" players by virtue of the "Torpedo" styles of hockey and larger ice sheets. Granted that's assuming a great deal without looking at individuals, but I'd guess the stereotypes may carry over into who gets drafted and where. An integrated ranking system has been discussed, at least over drinks, but I doubt it will be seen very soon.
  15. Perhaps I should have clarified my original post for the numbers geeks in the crowd. As far as I know, Central Scouting does not combine NA and Euro players in its rankings, but merely projects them by round. Red Line Report might be more integrated, but Central Scouting tends to reflect the thinking of NHL scouts and player personnel types. Nor am I interested in paying a few hundred bucks for often recycled material.
  16. According to Central Scouting's rankings website Matt Jones is a projected first round choice and Matt Greene is a projected second round pick. Both have moved up a round since the January rankings. Parise is no longer ranked, but was formerly a mid-second round choice in January, as he did not opt-in to the 2002 draft. (For those interested, the same goes for Vanek and Guyer at Minnesota.) Nothing useful, but routine off-season prattle. Fore!
  17. I hear you on the goaltending issue Speez. We were generally in most of the games we played, with some sad exceptions. I think the goaltending issue may have caused the team to grip their sticks too tightly and cough up those leads in the third, as well as lose some of those 1 pt games. Hopefully, the extra experience and confidence in the net and upfront will pay extra dividends next season. I hope the team really makes a concerted effort to work hard in the offseason and improve on the basics. If they do that a lot of other things should take care of themselves when it really counts. I like the potential I've seen in R. Hale and Spiewak, so I think they could blossom next season both as leaders and point producers. I also look for McMahon and Lundbohm to play closer to their potentials in that regard too.
  18. I'd have to guess Spiewak, and Ryan Hale. I would expect both to wear at least an "A" this season so they have to really fill that role and produce as well, unlike last season where the leadership was questionable to say the least. A possible "darkhorse" to lead the scoring is Bochenski. I think he'll be a better all-around player than he was last season, especially if his footwork improves.
  19. With a few notable exceptions, HS hockey in NoDak really isn't a major deal for the state. I watched a Central/Minot(?) game some time ago and wasn't really impressed by the overall skill level relative to most good Minnesota HS squads. I think the trend of top-flight HS players going to the USHL, AWHL, etc. will continue and probably accelerate due to the increased visibility and better competition at those levels. I think that's probably the only way UND and other schools will continue to recruit NoDaks for hockey programs.
  20. Seven I think is a reasonable number of d-men to carry, especially in an offense-driven setup like Blais'.
  21. If the Ludwig boys are even half as good as Craig and we landed them it would a nice package. Don't know much about Berge though. I think Phillipe Lamoriaux(sp?) formerly of Red River and now in the USHL is supposedly catching Blais' attention. I believe his dad played for UND. Ryan Potulny is a possibility, but I'd guess with Grant at Minnesota and with a probable "C" on him next season he might be following his brother. I've heard some scuttlebutt regarding the Canadian leagues, but nothing serious right now. I'd guess with Murray going to the BCHL for next season, Blais will probably be looking at other prospects in that part of the universe too. That makes me
  22. I would have liked to see Ian Kidd nominated.
  23. I agree with jk.
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