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Trunk Monkey

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Everything posted by Trunk Monkey

  1. Trunk Monkey

    Goodbye NCC

    Bison Fans = class act = oxymoron. Thanks to Roger for what he has done for UND and the NCC.
  2. RW77 - please define "throwing someone under the bus"? Just a question but I feel on this board that if you don't agree with the mainstays, that we are the one's that are being "thrown under the bus".
  3. Same to you JFR. A good friend of mine is interviewing for a position within the athletic deparment of Rutgers. He is pumped and anxious to get to the interview. I will be the 1st to admit that I am a Rutger's Bandwagon fan as they sure have been fun to watch this year!!!!
  4. Paperwork before Thanksgiving sucks especially considering the Sioux play on Friday. Worse yet, it is 60 degrees out and I was just asked to go golfing and had to say no as I have to get some paperwork done as well. Nice to know others are stuck in the same boat with me
  5. Thanks for the info and your continued insight as to recruits!
  6. Just a question for you, what happened to make you think that we would never get a USHL recruit ever again? I am just curious as to your thoughts. Thanks.
  7. This is just par for the course with the NCAA - does anything they do make any sense at all???
  8. What a great game. I was really impressed with their intensity and the crowd was AWESOME. One of the best football games I have watched in a long time. I am on the bandwagon.....
  9. Based off of next weeks previews, it gets worse.....
  10. as always....PCM quicker than me....
  11. Actually, I think that sucks for the Sioux and WCHA for the rankings at the end of the year.....
  12. And we also landed on the moon..... You just will never get it. Thanks to posters like PCM, Hockey Mom, Mafia Man, Sagard and many more that are too numerous to mention that have the ability to look at two sides of an issue. With you it is always the same pathetic story. Go ahead and bash away but out of courtesy to other posters, I will not respond to this issue any more that I already have as I have stated what I wanted to and I am moving on.
  13. DaveK, I could go back over the numerous threads and prove each of my comments. I would prefer not to do that due to time constraints and boring other posters but I will say this: One of the greatest things about this web-site is that it enables fans (yes, even some Gopher and Bison fans) in open, objective conversation on a variety of subjects. Your posts are close-minded and completely lack any objectivity whatsoever. Like I said....same song different verse.
  14. Here are the Cliff notes to DaveK's last 1129 posts: The Bison suck (even though NDSU whipped a Big 10 team in every aspect but the scoreboard) Basketball in all forms suck (even though it is a very popular sport in ND) Red River Hockey sucks (even though they have been one of the more dominant teams for the last 10 years) Short hair sucks (tell that to the folks in the armed forces) Long-Hair is AWESOME Heavy Metal is AWESOME Hockey is Awesome (unless it involves a Grand Forks school) Fargo South rule the State in Hockey and will be the next dynasty Gophers are awesome in football. DaveK is like a long-winded song with a different verse and same chorus for every post he makes.
  15. Would you expect anything less from THE TRIOUXPER?
  16. Fun to watch our 4th line - Genoway is really impressive. They got caught in their end on a long shift but other than that, I thought they looked good.
  17. If your prediction comes true, I will buy you a beer in St. Louis site of the Frozen Four this year!
  18. Good post and I understand your logic. My only point is that people need to be accountable for their actions/conduct. In fairness to JB, the Bogus Reader (Argus Leader) is notorious for running with one side of the story and not getting a complete picture.
  19. Wow am I surprised at the number of people sticking up for JB. At what point then in in your logic would JB have crossed the line of wrong-doing? Apparently you are saying it is ok to hit a female (or male for that matter). Regardless of what was said to him, JB needs to be accountable for his actions - it would have made a lot more sense for him to just walk away and take the high ground. He choose not to and take matters into his own hands, therefore he should take responsibility for his actions.
  20. I say UND Fighting Sue - our mascot could be a big fat lady with a drag hanging out of her mouth and a can of bud in her hand. Her shoulder would have a nice Sioux tattoo on it.
  21. 100% correct - The Argus Leader is doing such a series and included this within the Sunday paper.
  22. Very impressive indeed. Best of luck to Nate in his recovery.
  23. Great to have PCM doing a recap - I have goose-bumps at the thought of Fighting Sioux Hockey in just 3 days. Thanks PCM and I look forward to your analysis throughout the year! GO SIOUX!
  24. I have always liked the UMD program and find myself chearing for them unless they are playing UND. As someone said earlier, what was the purpose of this thread? That being said - Go Bulldogs except for February 16th and 17th.
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