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Everything posted by Siouxmama

  1. Pretty good to name 17 hockey players to the Atlantic All Academic Team. And a little ironic to have Quesada sign with the Houston Aeros. Maybe he will get to play for Minnesota some day, like it said he dreamed of as a boy (although it was probably UMTC). Oh well, he ended up in a much better place for his college career.
  2. AND...you have less time to forget where you put them, for safe keeping!
  3. I talked to someone at the REA box office today. She said that they will mail out tickets for BOTH football and hockey on September 7th. OR you can go in to the box office and pick them up on September 5th and 6th. This is also the time to get your parking pass and club info.
  4. Yeah Baby!! This is where I would post a picture of Austin Powers with red hair, if I could *on her way to get the "Dummies" book*
  5. He's a super dink nerd that only his Mother could love.
  6. First I'd seen of Hennen's weight loss was on a TV comercial. I thought he looked pretty tough because he looked so pale in the picture. I thought last night he looked better, because he had a little more color. I know a few people that have had GP. I wish him well. I can be a tough deal.
  7. Snow = Hockey. Bring it on and drop that puck!
  8. Thread started out as a repeat...but just got better and better!
  9. We will be there, with camera in hand. My kids are excited to see the cup. My daughter, who turned 9 years old 2 days ago, is VERY excited to see Mike.
  10. I'm all for players, coaches and refs in helmets (minus coaches during games). I'd also like to see eye or face shields. There have been way to many injuries to not wear one. The players are going from wearing face shields in college (not sure about minor leagues), so why all of a sudden do they think that they dont need one? Really...are they that bad? I did see a pro coach (dont remember which one right now) get hit with a puck during a game. Had some medical attention, then went right back to coaching the game.
  11. Weren't they at one time thinking of doing something with the seats from the Old Ralph? I thought it was something like auctioning them off.
  12. I say we just do it. Do ya really think that we'd get the boot?
  13. Whatever the chances are of winning a conference game...why dont you just check it out anyway? Many people have, and many more should. Fan support can do wonders.
  14. Watch out!! Devils Lake is going to be a contender this year. I have confidence in the team this year, after the way they played last year and had minimal graduates. Danny Groves in net again this year as a junior, I think will do a fine job. Making the move to the East will test them though.
  15. Sometimes tailgating can turn into a demolition site!
  16. Open up the Old Ralph!!! Indoor tailgating! EDIT: This was supposed to be a joke.
  17. Woooooo Hoooooo!!! I'll see what I can do about leaving the kids with Grandma, and Mr. Siouxmama and I will be there!
  18. When you are good at something...you just naturally step up to the plate. From what I hear about Buttershots, you and HockeyMom should be fighting over this job! Now, if we were talking Hot Damn or Blue 100 I may have to fight for position!
  19. The cheerleaders had them on ice in between periods. 4 cards, 1 card each facing the 4 sides of the arena. The cards read: MINN E SO TA. They raised 1 card at a time for the crowd to yell, kind of like a verbal "wave". Oh, the education you can get at MINN E SO TA!
  20. Did you use your cue cards to spell that? I noticed they had them on hand at the Final Five this year for all who needed help.
  21. Forgot to mention my kids' Christmas stockings, Sioux Santa hats, Sioux Helmet hats, their jerseys, shirts, coats, etc. 2 years ago, when my daughter was in 2nd grade, she took Jake Brandt to school for show and tell. That day he read the book "Z is for Zamboni" and gave Beka his goalie stick signed by the coaches and team. He also brought a picture for each kid in her class. Great day for the 2nd graders, as they see every Sioux athlete as a celebrity. Plus...Jake is really good at doing the PR thing. I have also made some Sioux stuff in stained glass, but gave it to my in-laws for christmas.
  22. Oh oh, what is this doing to our prices?? We have lost 3 people. With it being on Thanksgiving weekend, we could lose more...or it could be a boost from out-of-town relatives. Anyone out there have company coming?
  23. Is this you patting yourself on the back?
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