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Everything posted by Siouxmama

  1. Thanks, PCM, for the links.
  2. Today I heard that the defense was going to bring up the arguement that the farm chemicals that AR was exposed to as a young child/man, may have caused brain damage. They will use this to argue against him getting the death penalty.
  3. Reminds me of some of the cartoon advertisements I saw at the drive-in when I was a kid.
  4. Maybe you could throw in Diggler and his Schneider jersey! Wait...maybe just Diggler.
  5. I was talking to my son on the phone when he spotted the Sioux gear in the crowd.
  6. I was happy to read the final score in the paper on Saturday AM.
  7. Here's hoping the jury is problem-free deciding when Rodriguez' number is up.
  8. Make sure you take in a hockey game while you are here! With all of the close parking being for those with passes, I'd take a shuttle bus to the game. There are a few bars in town that have them. Rumors, Southgate, Whitey's. Does anyone know how they are going to run the the buses that used to come from the Memorial Stadium parking lot? Suite 49, right next door to the Ralph has parking for $10, but then you get a $10 coupon for their place. Go in early, park, have some beers and munchies, and then walk to the game. Or, have your friends drag you there.
  9. Siouxmama


    *CLICK, CLICK, CLICK* "There's no place like home..."
  10. In 1989, I has 2 young cousins tortured and murdered by Wesley Allan Dodd, in Vancouver, WA. He was busted and guilty from the start (since he kept a journal of his victims and planned assults), and was hung (he chose that method) in Washington within the year of Billy and Cole's murders. The death penalty sounds like a great idea, and I agree, that they do not deserve to live, but on the other hand, I really wish that he was alive and suffering for what he did. I do not doubt that prison would not be a wonderful place to be, with the other inmates knowing the reason that you are behind bars. Think Jeffery Dahmer.
  11. This is for you Dru. Once again, I send out my thoughts and prayers to Dru's family. God Bless you all.
  12. Did you check with the box office? I saw a little note in todays GFH that there are still tickets available for sale.
  13. Siouxmama

    Dane Jackson

    Spoken like a true husband
  14. As stated in posts #7 and #8. If there isn't anything new to talk about... It doesn't mean there isn't any interest.
  15. Siouxmama

    CWU vs UND

    Mayville=small town. Don't ya just love it when you can figure out who someone is by that kind of a clue? We can do the same thing here in the big city of Thompson!
  16. Are you looking for more than 1 ticket? Last week I was able to buy a single, season ticket very close to the 4 we already have. This was in the lower bowl, so there maybe some others out there.
  17. Siouxmama

    Dane Jackson

    It's easy to talk big in a letter to the editor. Unfortunately for him, his name is at the bottom of the letter, so everyone knows who wrote the rant. Jay LaDue...it was you, and everyone knows it. Now get off your soapbox and leave the hiring and coaching to those who know what they are doing.
  18. I have DTV, and was wondering if the FSSN only airs the home games, or if it also shows road games.
  19. On my way home from GF, is saw a van for sale on south Columbia (somewhere around the Merrifield Road). It was parked in a yard along side the road. It's green and white and has the Sioux logo painted on the side. Great for those tailgaters, if anyone is looking for something.
  20. Siouxmama

    WE Fest

    1 year to get your liver reconditioned!
  21. I had talked to someone in the box office last week. She said that tickets for football and hockey would be mailed out on September 7th. OR, you could go in and pick them up on September 5th and 6th. This also would be the time to get your parking pass and other info.
  22. Sure hope to see Prp wearing #85 for Phoenix this year. Love to see those UND guys out on the ice! We will sure miss him out on "our ice" this year.
  23. Hope to see Thompson's Britta Hanson out on the court this year. She had an excellent high school career, and I hope it carries on to her UND career. GO BRITTA!
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