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  1. He’s the same clown that didn’t have Lexi Klabo on an All-Summit League Preseason Team and she was a semifinalist for the top small forward in the country. 🤷‍♂️💩
  2. Have you listened to it? It's weird because they "Sit Down" with guests. I mean, I'd rather listen to them conduct interviews on a treadmill, but this will have to suffice.
  3. That logo is Franklin College, a D-III school just south of Indianapolis. No idea. Baffled.
  4. No, they come off. I'd find something else to worry about.
  5. Totally agree. Same could be said for a ton of NFL backups. As a non-Vikings fan, yeah Ponder sucks, but there's a lot more to that situation than back QB play.
  6. He's actually Shaun Hill's backup in Detroit. He is smart, though, since he hasn't lost the clipboard yet.
  7. Thome threw a no hitter in the opener. BOOM!
  8. I think it rocks.
  9. It's on Comcast Local. http://www.comcastlocal.com/tv-schedule.asp And before you ask, I have no idea if that is available via dish. Just putting it out there for those that get that channel.
  10. I did not realize this. The Big Ten basketball tournament was recently awarded to Indianapolis (over Chicago) when it looked as though Chicago (and the United Center) would easily win the bid. Although not an "NCAA" event, I wonder if the NCAA's decision had an impact there. It would be interesting to know.
  11. I say screw the Grad School... It didn't help you spell "nickel" correctly, what good is it?
  12. Apolling Appalling? If you read the article, I'm not sure how you could've used any positives in the headline or the lead. The team misses free throws, shoots poorly, doesn't hustle and the coach says that they don't have any passion... I'm not sure that "Sioux demolish Golden Eagles" would be an appropriate headline. Of course, what do I know? That's the disgruntled Sioux fan mentality. Find fault in something, heck, even blame the media. Couldn't get a dig in on how it wasn't televised?
  13. Yeah, this VanWeiren guy is awesome. Put up big numbers against Mercy-worst. Check out one week prior against the mighty Greyhounds of UINDY. 13-for-30, 2 INT and 89 yards in a 7-3 loss at home. Phenomenal.
  14. Shutup, Bobyck. You know your fav moment was J.J. Jumper doing his thang during the Elite 8. Don't hate. Or maybe it was the time Ashley Langen scored and was fouled....remember that?
  15. Internet message board. I'll say it again. Internet message board. Opinions welcomed. Drama unwelcomed. Canadians wearing toques into the Ralph while "working" the event? ALSO should be unwelcomed So much for Canuck presenting facts to back-up an argument. I've been on the wrong end of too many debates with that guy to not believe him. Ask him what he thinks of the 1998 Michigan squad... Legend, Tugger digs Indy. Good times.
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