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Posts posted by burd

  1. FAIL.

    The Bottineau campus was under the control of Minot State University during Penner's matriculations.

    You can see his college stats are listed as "MSU - Bottineau" (of the NJCAA).

    PS -

    Is Jason Blake a Ferris State Bulldog or a North Dakota Fighting Sioux?

    If you say "Sioux", Penner is a Maine Black Bear. :D

    To locals, it will always be just "The Forestry."

    The story of how Penner got to the Forestry and ended up skating with the Cup is an inspiration to under-the-radar kids everywhere.

  2. The whole forward on the point on the pp bothers me. As a former forward, I hated anytime a bad change happened or we got caught up and I'd end up having to play like a defenseman...positioning as a defender is so huge, especially in space. Any defenseman can play wing and forecheck, but few forwards can do the job of a defenseman.

    Spot on. Totally different skating game--lateral and backwards v. forward. Though Miller did quite well.

    I would be a little less worried about the time it is taking skilled players like Kristo and/or Marto to eliminate gaffes on the blue line. None were better than Roche at playing possession on the blue line during PP, but but I'm sure he turned over his share in his first couple of years. Maybe not--I can't remember to be honest.

    He!! to be old enough to remember a lot of hockey but also old enough to forget all of it.

  3. I wouldn't classify it as rude, but I would say it is somewhat inconsiderate of the people behind you. As was stated by others, it doesn't happen a lot. It doesn't make the incident less inconsiderate or rude, but a few minor incidents don't measure up to the same effect as a lot of minor incidents or a major incident like pouring a beer on someone.

    I don't know if being rude is always black and white (although it can be depending on the incident). I think inconsiderate and rude are both shades of gray, with inconsiderate being a lighter shade and rude being a darker shade. Standing on a rare breakaway is a lighter shade of gray.

    Never really thought of hockey as being nuanced.

  4. Frankly, it makes me a little proud, though not surprised, that a fair number of Sioux fans might think it rude to stand during a breakaway. Illustrates that sense of civility and respect midwesterners are know for.

    But then we hockey fans are animals, so I guess that little observation goes nowhere . . .

  5. So it is OK?? What about the old person too old to stand up that has spent so much money supporting the program as you state previously? How about you make up your mind?

    Rmember the context. Big Sioux asked if it is rude to stand for a breakaway. There are maybe 3 of those a game, hardly enough to ruin the value of someone's season ticket purchase. We're not talking about bonehead fans at many sports who just stand continually without giving thought to those behind them. I'm a real stickler about being considerate of others, but when there are moments like a breakaway or the closing seconds of a tight game when the other team has pulled its goalie, I will stand unless I know it is a problem for those directly behind me.

  6. maybe im slow, but im having trouble judging the response to my question.

    Was i out of line to stand up during a breakaway? thats it, no being a rude a hole doing it all game...

    it seems like it is about 50-50 out there.

    Stand up on a breakaway, then sit down--that's not rude. In church, maybe, but not at the rink.

    Now, to stand up, howl at the moon and urinate over as many rows below you as your stream can reach is just outside the range of acceptable hockey behavior.

  7. Very serious stuff. Hope Chay comes out of it healthy.

    Losing Genoway even for a short time hurts--last night was pretty good evidence of that. But if the Sioux can keep winning enough to stay in the NCAA pool, having him out for a time might force others on the blue line and PP to grow their game in ways they might not have otherwise.

  8. Members of the LWW (Librarians Without Work) will be applying in record numbers for rink security positions. They'll have the upper hand in getting those jobs too, since they can pick up a loud voice from a block away and understand what Order is. It will be a boon to guys like Sheppard too, because they will probably be asked to referee fan infractions from their booth in the sky.

    It might ultimately be good for the atmosphere too, since fans will be booing the refs for penalizing fans for booing the refs for penalizing a Sioux player. Domino-effect booing that will cause the librarian security guards to blow a circuit and abandon their positions for a warm cup of tea at home with their cats and small dogs.

    Then we can stand, stomp, curse, and defile like good hockey fans were meant to.

  9. If this is the way it is going to be, Hak should put someone in the lineup tonight that won't play against Denver and when the opportunity presents itself he should end Lasch's season.

    No, he shouldn't.

  10. Exactly how I understood it to. Don't really see why everyone is griping over it. :)

    Time out, Time out

    Most of what we all say ranges from hyperbole to gross exaggeration to complete bull***t, and we know it. This is just good, clean, Nodak fun, and we don't have to kick the dog or ruin a good 7-iron as long as the gophs are around. Although we stray from time to time, we aren't here to be rational, for the most part.

    Back to regularly scheduled program

    Gophers blow

  11. There are two, "Fight on Sioux" and "75 Years of Fighting Sioux Hockey History". Not sure if either is still available.

    The first was published by the Grand Forks Herald in 2001 and has write-ups of each of the Sioux's 7 championships (by Virg Foss). The second is probably the one you remember, not sure if it still can be bought at the bookstore or REA.

    A complimentary copy of "Fight on Sioux" was on every seat the Friday game of the Mankato series after Ralph E died. I don't live in the area and don't catch many games in GF, so I don't know if that was coincidence. My favorite pic is a double across pages 2 & 3 showing the sioux goalie (maskless) from a '59 game in the barn.

  12. p.s., I'd love to chat with Rizzo and tell her about how I was at the Sioux/Badger series this past March when the Sioux clinched the WCHA title and I was sitting in the student section with a buddy and about a thousand Badger fans would periodically spot a Sioux fan, stand up, point at him/her and chant, "asshole, asshole!" Is that the type of good behavior Rizzo's referring to??? Hypocrite.

    In fairness, the Badger fans have fun with that cheer, and I don't see it as mean-spirited. They've never picked me with it, but I wouldn't mind if they did--probably stand up and laugh it off. They have a lot of fun as a group with those cheers, along with the band. I wish the Sioux had a little more of that.

    But as to Rizzo, you're right that she would chew on that cheer too if it were coming from Sioux fans. Too bad she can't go back in time to the old Ralph. She'd probably have to spend the game outside in the production van listening to Hennessey and Home of Economy ads.

  13. I agree with you.How could Kane be so stupid?.I thought he was way better then that.What's 20 cents to him anyway?...he's worth how many millions?.Nobody's perfect we all make mistakes,but c'mon now.REALLY!!!

    What you say is probably true, but facts can seem awfully one-sided until both both versions are told (grant you that they probaby won't be if they negotiate a plea and related civil claims are settled).

  14. Here's a purely hypothetical question.....

    Everyone around here (with the exception of one) HATES the Gophers. Hates 'em with a passion. If Blaiser ever took a coaching job at UM, will he be greeted with cheers or jeers when he visits The Ralph for the first time on the opposing bench?

    I've never been a big Blais fan (don't dislike him, just don't get my undies in a bunch for him either), so I don't know what I'd do. Once a Gopher always a Gopher though...

    Don't hold it against Dean that he played for the Gophs. He wasn't that good--who else would take him?

    Coaching's different--he's damn good. If he ever takes the job with UMinn, it's just proof that he is getting old and demented. To be pitied, not hated.

  15. When the NFL's Oilers changed their name to the Titans they became a different team. The last Oilers team had a lot of players that were on the first Titans team the following year, had the same coaches and trainers, and still played in Tennessee. But still the Oilers are the Oilers and the Titans are the Titans. Same franchise, but two different teams. The Oilers no longer exist.

    If UND is forced to drop the nickname I can see them retaining some sense of continuity by going with no nickname at all. They could be known simply as the University of North Dakota football team, University of North Dakota hockey team, etc... I could respect that. What I do not and will not respect is the concept of replacing the current nickname with another one.

    That is what would make me think of UND as having one team that existed up until whatever point that it became extinct and then started all over with a brand new team. If that happens I will take it as a slap in the face. Just because we get our name taken away does not mean we should be forced to replace it.

    I want the current nickname or none at all. Slapping any other nickname on our teams is the only way to ensure that over time the Fighting Sioux name will gradually be forgotten. Go with no nickname and it will stay alive as an "unofficial" moniker. From my point of view, replacing the nickname = ending the existence of one team and starting a new one. You may not feel the same way as I do, and that is fine, but that doesn't give you the right to tell me I'm wrong to feel that way.

    A rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet.

  16. I believe that you can be both a Sioux fan and a Gopher fan, if and only if:

    1) you are a chimera (originally twins, but one absorbed the other in the womb and both sets of DNA still exist in the person)

    2) you have multiple personalities that hate each other

    Other than that you cannot be a true Sioux fan and a Gopher fan. It's Newton's first law of duplicity.

    Good post, but it's a lot simpler than that. "Sioux fan" is defined in Webster's First College Hockey Dictionary as "One who . . . , and hates the Gophers with a holy passion."

    If you don't hate the gophs, you don't fall within the definition, so you can't be a fan of both. You might want to be a Sioux fan, but you can't be. Sorry, but the world is a hard place sometimes.

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