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Posts posted by burd

  1. One thing that gives me just a little worry going into the tournament is what effect having both Genoway and Kristo back in the lineup at about the same time will have on the team rhythm that has been so good lately. They are both dynamic, creative players who add a dimension to the team. Partly because of that, their teammates sometimes get caught watching or not knowing quite how to respond to their play, I think. With Genoway, it's bringing the puck up--with Kristo it's the Kane-like play inside the blue line. The sioux have had weak opposition during their recent absence (compared to the rest of their schedule), but they have done well, and part of that has been everybody playing their roles well and minimizing mistakes. They have such solid defense and so many good forwards that sooner or later this team will score if they stay out of the box, and play otherwise solid hockey. The team is better with those guys, but in a one-and-done format where one or two mistakes can end the season, I hope the good position play continues.

  2. I get to see Sun Praire recruit, Josie Johnson, play fairly often, since Sun Prairie is in my daughter's conference. Don't know whether she's signed or even been promised a spot. I'd be interested in whether anyone else has any thoughts on her play. It's difficult to tell how good the best players in that conference are.

  3. Maybe somebody can help me out. I subscribe to Sioux insider, and the 4-month subscription ran out a week ago. I have not been able to renew or resubscribe. I try but get caught in a cycle--the site won't respond when I select a one-month subscription. I'm old and I'm stupid, but I'm not stoned.

  4. Maybe someone can help. My four-month subscription with Insider expired and I am trying to renew with absolutely no success. I keep getting into a loop where I log in, check the box for the period of subscription but cannot get it to respond. Anybody gone through this?

  5. ... and then you have a poster on GPL saying that he wishes other Sioux players were injured rather than Genoway! Really? That certainly is the epitome of classless.

    Every now and then someone just has to go over there and yell "GARDEN HOSE" and watch the little buggers p!ss themselves.

  6. This is my concern. At some point this record is more than a coincidence. The team needs to figure out to bring that in the ol' greens as well. Sooner or later you depend on the Blacks too much and it will lose the effect. Can't keep trotting them out like a pacifier.

    It is almost as if the unanswered question about this team's identity next year is playing itself out this year.

  7. It is unbelievable to see the sioux have the success that they do in the black uniforms. I mean you talk about an unreal streak. It is a completely different hockey team on the ice when they put on the black uniforms. Everything just seems to go right.....

    Nice to have a week off. Two weeks to get fresh, then get home and sweep Anchorage.

    They just have to figure out where the BJMs (BLack Jerseys of the Mind) are stored.

  8. Here's a tip:

    Subtract two minutes from what's on the clock when the puck drops for the beginning of the power play, and you will usually have a good idea when the Power Play is going to end. It's a little complicated when there are offsetting penalties, but that should work most of the time.

    I know it's really complicated.

    I usually watch for them to stop that little box thingie . . .

  9. Did I ever say that we recruited Grant. I am well aware of the fact that we didn't recruit the Potulny's very hard, but that wasn't the point of the post. There were other players at the time that our coaches were more interested in, and I will stand by my sources on that. You have heard it from Grant's dad, but not the other side.

    Someone on the staff must have seen character defects, and the fact that they went to the Dark Side proved that to be true. Grow up in GF and play hockey for the gophs? You can try to suppress that, but eventually you will find yourself on a couch paying some UND-educated psych to listen to your horror story. True, a couple of NCs will keep the demons at bay for a while, but sooner or later they will come for you.

    So, there you go.

  10. haks going to get #8 this year! then the floodgates will open to pass michigans 9 :D

    this team has a hell of a shot like they have every season since he arrived as the head coach. the BC debacles are what hurts him the most and i agree that those were just awful to watch and even worse live. hak will get his and it may start in april. we will see.

    in hak i trust!!

    go sioux!! i want BC in the title game! wait, did i just say that?? :lol:

    all is good in sioux hockey land (leading the country in wins, 3rd in pairwise and 1 point out of 1st in the wcha) these next 3 months are going to be a fun run to watch

    If the Sioux do hang #8 this year, Hak better follow with #9 in '12. Gwoz and Lucia did it, and with all the talent that will still be on the team, he'd better or I say he should go. I mean, we have standards.

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  11. Hakstol in my mind only has one thing to prove:

    Can he beat ... Jerry York.

    York's teams seem to have the formula to beat Hak's teams. It looks like Yale (last year) and Maine (this year twice) found Jerry's formula.

    That to me is the only thing Dave Hakstol needs to figure out. Once he can figure out how to play and win a non-WCHA style, eastern-speed style of game, he'll be just fine.

    Agreed. And that is the difference between being a great system/program coach (which Hak definitely is) and being a great game coach. Hak is very good at that too, but he will probably have to be able to adapt to the eastern speed game enough to beat whoever is there at the FF (and BC will probably be among them) to prove the point.

    I like him at UND and am proud of his record.

  12. Jerry York - 7 years at BC for his 1st title. 7 years later for his 2nd. Another 14 yrs for his 3rd Playing career: Boston College

    Jack Parker - 6 years at BU for his 1st title. 17 years later for his 2nd. Playing career: Boston U

    Red Berenson - 12 years at UM for his 1st title. 2 years later for his 2nd. Title-less for 12 years. Playing career: Michigan

    George Gwozdecky - 10 years at DU for his 1st title. 1 year later for his 2nd. Playing career: Wisconsin

    Ron Mason - 6 years at MSU for his 1st title(1986). Titleless until the end of his coaching career 2001. Playing career: St Lawerence

    Dave Hakstol - 6 years and counting. Playing career: North Dakota

    Ron Mason is the winning coach in college hockey history and he went 15 years without a title and still kept his job. Talk about showing respect for a coach. Those are some great coaches listed right there. Some of the best and it took a while for each to get a title. Hak and Co are doing a great job and we have some of the best recruits coming as well in the near future. Its nice to have a coach that understands our tradition and what the expectations.

    Good points. But I think York won titles in 01, 08, and 10. And there's our own Gino G, who won it all in his 2nd, 4th, and 9th years.

  13. So you're a floating tiger head survivor. I'm proud of you.

    Thanks. I'm running a 10k to help fund research to show CC ways to eliminate floating tiger heads--wanna pledge?

  14. In past years, I've watched the CC broadcast, but I'm not sure I can stand to watch the floating tigers between whistles. Two years ago, I went through the whole nine yards of cancer treatment--surgery, chemo, and radiation, but that was nothing compared to the floating tiger heads.

  15. I have really enjoyed watching him play his four years here... Trupp maybe smal but he has heart and he is pretty tough for a guy his size.

    OK. Here's a reach, but a fun one. Trupp is the spawn of Darcy Zajac and Rasty Spirko. As proof, he's got Sparky's size and offensive upside along with Zajac's grittiness and PK ability.

    Really. I read about it in the Nat Inquirer while I was in line at the grocery store . . .

  16. Also, Lammy has been a bit flat lately offensively, but man is he a force on the PK. He and Trupp are awesome on the pk.


    IMO Trupp has been playing at an extremely high level. His forecheck will be greatly missed next year.

  17. ** Kristo has the potential to dominate at this level. The game is slowing down for him, and he's getting better all the time at seeing his teammates and finding them.

    He can do things on the ice nobody else on that team can. I think it's been partly a learning curve for him to know how to use that evasive skill with this team.

    Trupp. LOVE his forecheck.

    One thing about having a fairly soft schedule like the Sioux will have this half--they won't be tested on the transition game like they will be in the NCAAs, and that's a concern. RM did not present any kind of a breakout problem last night. It seemed like our D had a lot of time to make decisions.

  18. Few observations from being at the game:

    1) No student section and a poor quality opponent=no energy in the Ralph. But kind of figured that would be the case.

    2) McWilliams is quietly developing into our best defensive D-man...he was great last night.

    3) With the woodshed beating taking place, was impressed with Dell's focus and concentration. That's what seperates him from BE.

    4) Even though Kristo isn't scoring, his overall game just continues to get better IMO.5) Hexy's shorty was a snipe, but him being on the ice make everyone he plays with better.

    He's playing extremely well. When he makes the good last decision, he can disrupt a defense a little bit like P Kane can. It's that finishing shot/pass that has sometimes not worked for him.

    Eidsness would have played well against RM too (and will probably tonight), but I don't think he would have gotten the shutout. Pure speculation, of course, but I think you are right that Dell's focus and concentration is the difference. Those two saves on Longpre's breakaway were really nice.

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