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Posts posted by burd

  1. I'm probably alone on this, but I still believe that Hak is a very good coach and that this team has a good blend of talent, including goal. The Eternal optimist.

    I think we might get stomped by the gophs this year, though, which would hurt.

  2. Jason Blake and Jeff Panzer were elite college players. The Sioux don't have that this year. Gregoire might turn into that guy, but he ain't there now.

    I wouldn't put Blake at an elite level in '97, and he wasn't on the '00 team. He was at that level in '99 and possibly in '98, both teams that were better than the '97 team, but they didn't get out of regionals either of those years, if I recall. Panzer was probaby at or near his best level in '00 and they did win it, but he wasn't Parise or Toews or even Oshie. Absolutely wonderful player, though--the kind I prefer to have on a college team, especially if they stay for 4. I agree about Gregoire.

  3. This is a very mediocre Sioux team....I root for the Sioux as much as anyone but there qill be no sudden flip of the switch in the 2nd half this year. This team is missing the top talent teams in the past have had. There is noa a go to guy ala a Parise, Toews, Osh, Panzer and on and on like we have had in the past. Duncan is a good player but depends on others to get his shot off and there is not enough talent on his line to allow him to get space.

    That's OK. Blais and Hak couldn't get us a title with any of those guys except Panzer. The teams that won the last two NCs were closer to what we have now. Not that having a Parise or Toews isn't a true pleasure, but we've won more titles without elite stars than with. Only '87 is an obvious exception. We lack authority at D, though (at both ends of the ice), and I hope Joe's return can change that. It is easy to overlook how much the forwards have to play defense, especially if we do not control our own defensive zone well.

  4. us sioux fans are fricking unbelievable. we bitch because they lose and can't score and then we beat a good cornell team 7-3 and we bitch about that. how about we just enjoy a win for once.

    To top it all off, we bitch about our bitching (or, in my case, bitch about bitching about bitching).

    Should be fun tonight.

  5. Saying we don't have enough blue chippers on this team is also not fair. Since 1987, when have we won a NC with blue chippers? We have had blue chippers coached by Blais and Hakstol, but we have not won the title with them. We do have some very high end talent on this team, and the top-to-bottom talent is what I like about it. Time is running pretty short if we want to get into the tournament, but these guys will gel, I think. Maybe I'm alone on this, but I don't think Eidsness is going to steal many games yet, but he won't lose one with sloppy play either. His fundamentals are very strong. We do need Finley to get well, though.

  6. You know the Sioux are not getting it done when they continually try to rely on the long pass--and not in just the last 5 minutes. It also seemes like they haven't discovered yet how to make that last setup pass off the cycle.

    It's early, but this one hurt.

  7. Couple of observations:

    Hextall does not need to be a Prpich or Kaip--I think he is already playing at a level that will contribute more to winning than either of them often did, particularly early in their career. Sure, he is supposed to have a natural edge, but he has proven to have scoring instincts too, and I'd rather someone else take the bonehead penalties.

    We are getting pushed around in the Dzone along the boards and behind our own net, not winning many battles for the puck. I like LaPointe a lot, but he needs to step it up with the body. His offensive skills are not good enough to make up for being soft in the Dzone.

    Z Jones may not be blessed with elite talent, but I sure wish everybody on this team played with his sense of urgency.

    Toews will be good, but he is not close to being where Gregoire is now.

    Miller has really contributed on the blueline in Finley's absence, but he sure gets a lot of shots blocked. I also appreciate Bina's ability to get a shot through to the net now that he is gone.

    Too many attempts to dipsy-doodle around the dman last night. That hardly ever works in this league (Oshies and Toews notwithstanding), and there were a few times when it resulted in rushes in the opposite direction.

    Hak is good. This team will get there, I think. Minny, though, will definitely be a force this year.

    Eidsness may not have JPL's glove, but his positioning is sure good. He's one of those goalies Bill Howard would have liked at UW.

    I usually don't know what I'm talking about.

  8. Although there will probably not be as many jaw-dropping moves from this team as we've seen in the recent past, I really like what it has to offer, top to bottom. And let's not overlook the fact that the one obstacle standing in the way of a NC banner in the new Ralph has been removed--a dead badger has finally hit the ice. The rumor out here in Wisconsin is that the hated Mike Prpich was the thrower.

  9. The Sioux have been so top-heavy on offense in recent years, that I have high hopes for a more balanced offense this year. There are a lot of guys on this team who can bring some real Ozone pressure. Eidsness has been pretty good, though one goal this weekend showed he doesn't have quite the glove speed JPL had. Miller does a great job at the blue line on the PP--never thought I'd hear myself saying that.

    I still miss Sparky.

  10. Maybe I'm alone on this, but Miller contributed in a major way this weekend. VV was very strong. He's not JToews, but he is doing some of the same things.

    If I were a Tigers fan, I would be writing the video dept of whoever televises their games. I swear we did not get to see half of the face-offs, and they weren't breaking to commercials. Makes me appreciate the Ralph production that much more.

    Team with a very good effort tonight, all in all. The offensive balance is really showing, and Hextall seems to be very confortable with WCHA play already. When Toews starts to gain confidence, we will really have a lot of weapons out there.

  11. Miller has played very well this year and last night contributed in a way few would have expected. I love Chay G, but in fairness to any player (including Miller) who is criticized for screwups, G. has committed his share of costly ones.

  12. Live? That could be messy. That has to give you bragging rights, though.

    But Mike, I saw games at the barn, too. You could get just about anything into that place--at least anything related to alcohol. Those old air force parka sleeves had a lot of room for booze.

  13. Roadkill that spends a summer in the freezer, though I confess I have never seen badger roadkill.

    I'd like to know how someone got one on the ice last night. In the old Ralph, with the student section down below and the students standing so much of the time, it was not hard to cover for the thrower. But now . . .?

  14. A buddy of mine smuggled a badger into the old Ralph (and pitched it without getting caught). He froze it in a spread-eagle position that allowed him to tape it to his back under his coat. He told me that was the preferred method. Got him caught once, though.

  15. Ironic, I guess, but despite not having the usual list of players the prognosticators think will be first team all WCHA, I think the Sioux will put more overall talent on the ice this year than they have in some time. Maybe I'm guilty of wishful thinking, but I see some real potential this year. No Jon Toews or Zach Parise, but a whole bunch of high-end second liners. It will be real interesting to see how Hak molds his team this year.

  16. Ok, first of all, heard of the freshman 15? lol, sorry i just had to crack that joke. And secondly, 15 pounds over a year isn't that bad depending where the weight goes , it's not like it was put on all at once, and it sounds to me like he just made the decision to bulk up. And thirdly, when I saw trupp a couple days before school started, he really didn't look any different, so I would guess there wouldn't be any negative impact.

    Maybe he's been taking those male enhancement pills . . .

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