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Posts posted by burd

  1. Not sure whether you can generalize too much on whether Lucia's decision no to go with Jones was best for his team. If the game is close, you take the PP, especially if your guy is not the one playing enforcer. If the game is out of reach, I would like to see my player go if our team is getting pushed around. The gophs were getting man-handled in both games, and I think they needed to do something to slow that down or stop it, if only to gain some respect for future games. Lucia should not have turtled, but seeing the blood in Jones' eyes up close and personal probably had something to do with his decision.

  2. Switch to saturday, Lucia spears Trupp, you know Jones talked to him, said "lets do this", Lucia likely said yes, Jonesy drops the gloves, rips the helmet off, NHL style, Lucia skates away. Jonesy manned up, Lucia showed exactly what he and all the gophers are: SOFT.

    Some day, I think some Sioux faithful needs to put together a truly worthy Clark Griswold Christmas Vacation style rant that describes what we all know gopher players and their fans to be. We have been letting them off the hook calling them just arrogant all these years. Just by reading this thread, you can see that beside being arrogant, they're a bunch of gutless, whining, cheating, spearing, excuse-making, yellow-bellied, chicken-livered, rug-wearing, panty-wearing chokers. That's just the obvious stuff.

  3. Thats the biggest bullSh*t excuse i have ever heard. These guys played there last WJC game the sunday before. Besides i did not see much effort from them in the WJC so they should have been well rested. Also, isn't it a little ironic that Stoa cheap shots our guy while he lay on his back on the ice, rats out the bench for telling him to do it, and now he is out tonight? Either he is scared he is gonna get beat up or the coaches are pissed for getting ratted out. I smell a rat, I mean a Gopher.

    Come on, guys. Our own coaches, including Hak and Blais, routinely would say that players coming back from Juniors would be pooped for a week or two--routinely. They always said it was worth it and that the team was better for it in the long run, but they always pointed out the tiredness factor.

    Great series by the Sioux. Best I can remember for a long time.

    Jones is a bull. Little L might have lost some honor, but he probably kept a tooth or two.

  4. i almost want to say there was another one as well...but tough to say. he was on the bench with the coaches during warm ups.

    Damn. For a young hockey player to be on the Sioux bench before a gopher game looking up at a juiced-up crowd at that rink must be a goose-bumpy experience. Then a game like that. Tough recruitment to match for UMass.

  5. If three players that young are tired I would question their conditioning. They mailed in their last two games at the WJHC anyway.

    Both Blais and Hak have said the same exact thing about our returning junior players in past years.

  6. Regarding "dirty" goals, the players should watch playback of ZPar's 22 goals this year: Very few sniper shots--just hard work, desire, and a nose for the net. Add in a bunch of assists on those that didn't go in but rebounded for someone else.

  7. I think we can thank the Europeans and former soviet states for the style of play we now have in the NHL. Not that long ago, NHL hockey was fantastic during the playoffs but sucked IMO during most of the regular season. The rules changes that have emphasized speed and finesse were made partly to facilitate more European style hockey. Canada is the heart and soul of the game, but other countries deserve credit for some important improvements.

  8. good point! Does Cornell offer athletic scholorships or do you have to be an exceptionally smart hockey player and qualify for an academic scholorship? It might be ironic that Cornell doesn't have much to show for attracting these players - but I bet the player will have something to show for it, assuming they stick around and graduate!

    I don't think any of the Ivies give merit scholarships. The give a ton of need-based aid, though, and I think their thinking is that the academic threshold is high enough that it is all merit money in a way. Cornell is often seen as being the easiest Ivy to get into, but that is relative. In any top notch school, a recruited athlete will have a little more slack on the academic side of the admissions package. Still, the middle 50% of admitted students at Cornell scored between 630 and 770 on the critical reading and 660 - 730 on math--pretty good.

  9. Great sweep.

    Eidsness was out of position quite a bit last night, but positioning is usually one of his strengths--at least with regard to body. I guess that makes me less concerned, but I'm not sure, actually. The Lasch goal might seem soft, but that was a pretty microscopic hole he got it through.

    I like BE. The players must have confidence in him too, judging by their willingness to play the up-and-down game. Speaking of that, these recent scoring outbursts are what many had hoped for when this season started, based on the number of highly talented but not elite players we have. A pleasant surprise that many of our goals have come from the "regulars."

    Our defensemen still aren't controlling the boards very well, though. Come back, Joe.

  10. UND beat a mediocre team/St. Cloud lost to a mediocre team. You have to remember they need actually beat someone legit to get out of a root.

    Well, the best teams never beat teams who are better than they are.

  11. I'm probably alone on this, but I still believe that Hak is a very good coach and that this team has a good blend of talent, including goal. The Eternal optimist.

    I think we might get stomped by the gophs this year, though, which would hurt.

  12. Jason Blake and Jeff Panzer were elite college players. The Sioux don't have that this year. Gregoire might turn into that guy, but he ain't there now.

    I wouldn't put Blake at an elite level in '97, and he wasn't on the '00 team. He was at that level in '99 and possibly in '98, both teams that were better than the '97 team, but they didn't get out of regionals either of those years, if I recall. Panzer was probaby at or near his best level in '00 and they did win it, but he wasn't Parise or Toews or even Oshie. Absolutely wonderful player, though--the kind I prefer to have on a college team, especially if they stay for 4. I agree about Gregoire.

  13. This is a very mediocre Sioux team....I root for the Sioux as much as anyone but there qill be no sudden flip of the switch in the 2nd half this year. This team is missing the top talent teams in the past have had. There is noa a go to guy ala a Parise, Toews, Osh, Panzer and on and on like we have had in the past. Duncan is a good player but depends on others to get his shot off and there is not enough talent on his line to allow him to get space.

    That's OK. Blais and Hak couldn't get us a title with any of those guys except Panzer. The teams that won the last two NCs were closer to what we have now. Not that having a Parise or Toews isn't a true pleasure, but we've won more titles without elite stars than with. Only '87 is an obvious exception. We lack authority at D, though (at both ends of the ice), and I hope Joe's return can change that. It is easy to overlook how much the forwards have to play defense, especially if we do not control our own defensive zone well.

  14. us sioux fans are fricking unbelievable. we bitch because they lose and can't score and then we beat a good cornell team 7-3 and we bitch about that. how about we just enjoy a win for once.

    To top it all off, we bitch about our bitching (or, in my case, bitch about bitching about bitching).

    Should be fun tonight.

  15. Saying we don't have enough blue chippers on this team is also not fair. Since 1987, when have we won a NC with blue chippers? We have had blue chippers coached by Blais and Hakstol, but we have not won the title with them. We do have some very high end talent on this team, and the top-to-bottom talent is what I like about it. Time is running pretty short if we want to get into the tournament, but these guys will gel, I think. Maybe I'm alone on this, but I don't think Eidsness is going to steal many games yet, but he won't lose one with sloppy play either. His fundamentals are very strong. We do need Finley to get well, though.

  16. You know the Sioux are not getting it done when they continually try to rely on the long pass--and not in just the last 5 minutes. It also seemes like they haven't discovered yet how to make that last setup pass off the cycle.

    It's early, but this one hurt.

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