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Posts posted by burd

  1. Defensively we have issues. It has been present for a while now (years) that we struggle transitioning the puck and breaking out. We also struggle once the opponent establishes the forecheck and sets up. There needs to be some work done.

    Frustrates me every year when our D have trouble on the first break-out pass under a decent forecheck. I know it is part of Hak's scheme to keep the puck on the perimeter inside the zone, but that winger halfway up along the boards usually always has company, and there's often someone in the passing lane in front of him. In the end, it wins games, that's been proven well enough, but it's still frustrating not to see a quick transition game, given the talent the Sioux have.

    We play a lot of games on NHL ice, and that affects the amount of space on the breakout, but still . . . .

  2. Thank you very much,Jim. On fightingsioux.com,it keeps telling me I need premium to watch,but it is saying that when I am only trying to listen.

    I cannot get the video no matter how many times I go round the circle. When I try to subscribe (after giving password info) it won't get past the screen where I select the package. jeez, am I that dumb?

  3. Anybody seen Harrison Aide from Bottineau play? He will be playing for the 15 Selects in NY next week, I think. His dad and three sisters were/are all superb athletes, and I know hockey is a passion for him.

  4. Careful now your starting to sound like an SCSU fan in the late '90s gloating about owning the Gophers, while forgetting your main objective. :lol:

    Hanging banners is nice, but owning the gophers cures impotence. :lol:

  5. You're right. In my first post I should have said if he has interest. My point was never that the U can get anyone they want whenever they want. My only point was that if the U and Blais have mutual interest then they will find a way to get it done regardless of a recent extension.

    Not out of the question. I see a trade sending Blais to UMinn for a half-dozen overrated Minnesota-born quitters and a blood-oath to end UND's season just once in the next five years.

  6. I know of this Lunsetter through a friend. Canadian roots. His second cousin (I don't remember his name) was from central Saskatchewan. North Battleford, I think. After high school, he decided to attend UND and try out for the hockey team. Apparently, he got cut pretty quickly, while some other Canadian players his age or older made the team. I think he tried out two years in a row, failed both times, and then left school. Pretty bitter about it. Since he didn't get a degree either, he ended up working as a cashier at a 7-eleven in St. Paul, where he stayed and started a family. He had a couple of kids, including a boy, who would sign up for summer hockey camps at UND--I guess trying to reclaim his father's honor. I heard that the kid was sent home from camp because his skills were just not there and the staff thought he might get hurt. Kind of lost track of the kid until he started showing up on USCHO a lot.

    Lonetree! That's his name. Happy Lonetree. Nice enough people, but I guess they never quite got over that UND rejection.

    At least that's what I recall.

  7. It's really nice to see LaPoint getting positive press. He still makes me nervous in the corners and along the Defensive endboards, but he's starting to look more like the player who was contributing so much offense in Green Bay.

  8. 2. The quote from the Kfan board regarding Edina winning with no DI prospects: the Gophers really might want to take a look at that theory. We all get caught up in landing the "can't miss" prospect. But in spite of losing some of the blue-chippers lately, UND continues to put a great team on the ice, and they are always there in games that count. And I agree the quoted poster needs some long-term therapy.

    The gophers need open the Red Pepper menu and pick up a bunch of grinders.

  9. I hope this controversy and suspension doesn't take Frattin off his game. He's been on fire. And by "off his game," I don't mean head hunting. That is not his game--scoring and playing with intensity is.

    The real prize starts with regionals. Anybody else have mixed feelings about this team coming off a three-game weekend and then playing three more at the FF followed by another short rest before the biggest weekend of the year?

    Or am I just another pussy?

  10. Gophs have loads of talent and they are desperate. Only way for them to avoid a total failure of a season is to come out of this series alive. Don't expect the usual favors (of lack of urgency) from them this time. If the Sioux pass as poorly getting out of the zone and on the PP next weekend as they did this weekend, the results will not be good.

  11. How great a boost would it be to get number 5 back for this weekend's games...you gotta believe he wants to play, so if there is anyway that he can go, he'll be in the lineup.

    Is Chay even able to skate much (much less scrimmage) while he is recovering? If not, it seems like it will take him a while to be game-ready anyway.

  12. It's hard to get around superior speed in this game, and the other side had it. I thought the Sioux did pretty well , though, considering. Powerplay was dismal, as has been noted, and there were some pretty strange second passes in transition. But still, nothing for them to hang their heads about.

  13. First of all, keep in mind we lost by a goal to what is arguably the best team in the courtry right now. These folks in Wisconsin are pumped about this team, which has very good defense and goaltending to go along with an offense that has been missing from their teams for a long, long time. This year, I think their players are buying into the scheme in ways that has not happened in Madison for a while.

    That said, I agree with the comment about chippiness at the end of games/periods. If you have some goal tender issues, stay the hell away from the Penalty box. Save your "edge" for beating people to the puck.

    What I would rather not see again is having to put on a strong finish just to make the tourney. All that really matters is that they are peaking when the NCAAs come around, but if the transition game is still lacking and the goalie does not look like he can steal a game for you, they are probably looking at an early exit. I still like this team, though--a lot.

  14. This is a very good Badger team and getting better. I was at a golf fundraiser this summer with Eaves, and he was really pumped about the talent and chemistry on this team. More than the usual sales pitch.

    Sweeping this weekend will be very tough, but it would sure be sweet. Sweeping might get some Mojo back too.

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