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Posts posted by burd

  1. haks going to get #8 this year! then the floodgates will open to pass michigans 9 :D

    this team has a hell of a shot like they have every season since he arrived as the head coach. the BC debacles are what hurts him the most and i agree that those were just awful to watch and even worse live. hak will get his and it may start in april. we will see.

    in hak i trust!!

    go sioux!! i want BC in the title game! wait, did i just say that?? :lol:

    all is good in sioux hockey land (leading the country in wins, 3rd in pairwise and 1 point out of 1st in the wcha) these next 3 months are going to be a fun run to watch

    If the Sioux do hang #8 this year, Hak better follow with #9 in '12. Gwoz and Lucia did it, and with all the talent that will still be on the team, he'd better or I say he should go. I mean, we have standards.

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  2. Hakstol in my mind only has one thing to prove:

    Can he beat ... Jerry York.

    York's teams seem to have the formula to beat Hak's teams. It looks like Yale (last year) and Maine (this year twice) found Jerry's formula.

    That to me is the only thing Dave Hakstol needs to figure out. Once he can figure out how to play and win a non-WCHA style, eastern-speed style of game, he'll be just fine.

    Agreed. And that is the difference between being a great system/program coach (which Hak definitely is) and being a great game coach. Hak is very good at that too, but he will probably have to be able to adapt to the eastern speed game enough to beat whoever is there at the FF (and BC will probably be among them) to prove the point.

    I like him at UND and am proud of his record.

  3. Jerry York - 7 years at BC for his 1st title. 7 years later for his 2nd. Another 14 yrs for his 3rd Playing career: Boston College

    Jack Parker - 6 years at BU for his 1st title. 17 years later for his 2nd. Playing career: Boston U

    Red Berenson - 12 years at UM for his 1st title. 2 years later for his 2nd. Title-less for 12 years. Playing career: Michigan

    George Gwozdecky - 10 years at DU for his 1st title. 1 year later for his 2nd. Playing career: Wisconsin

    Ron Mason - 6 years at MSU for his 1st title(1986). Titleless until the end of his coaching career 2001. Playing career: St Lawerence

    Dave Hakstol - 6 years and counting. Playing career: North Dakota

    Ron Mason is the winning coach in college hockey history and he went 15 years without a title and still kept his job. Talk about showing respect for a coach. Those are some great coaches listed right there. Some of the best and it took a while for each to get a title. Hak and Co are doing a great job and we have some of the best recruits coming as well in the near future. Its nice to have a coach that understands our tradition and what the expectations.

    Good points. But I think York won titles in 01, 08, and 10. And there's our own Gino G, who won it all in his 2nd, 4th, and 9th years.

  4. So you're a floating tiger head survivor. I'm proud of you.

    Thanks. I'm running a 10k to help fund research to show CC ways to eliminate floating tiger heads--wanna pledge?

  5. In past years, I've watched the CC broadcast, but I'm not sure I can stand to watch the floating tigers between whistles. Two years ago, I went through the whole nine yards of cancer treatment--surgery, chemo, and radiation, but that was nothing compared to the floating tiger heads.

  6. I have really enjoyed watching him play his four years here... Trupp maybe smal but he has heart and he is pretty tough for a guy his size.

    OK. Here's a reach, but a fun one. Trupp is the spawn of Darcy Zajac and Rasty Spirko. As proof, he's got Sparky's size and offensive upside along with Zajac's grittiness and PK ability.

    Really. I read about it in the Nat Inquirer while I was in line at the grocery store . . .

  7. Also, Lammy has been a bit flat lately offensively, but man is he a force on the PK. He and Trupp are awesome on the pk.


    IMO Trupp has been playing at an extremely high level. His forecheck will be greatly missed next year.

  8. ** Kristo has the potential to dominate at this level. The game is slowing down for him, and he's getting better all the time at seeing his teammates and finding them.

    He can do things on the ice nobody else on that team can. I think it's been partly a learning curve for him to know how to use that evasive skill with this team.

    Trupp. LOVE his forecheck.

    One thing about having a fairly soft schedule like the Sioux will have this half--they won't be tested on the transition game like they will be in the NCAAs, and that's a concern. RM did not present any kind of a breakout problem last night. It seemed like our D had a lot of time to make decisions.

  9. Few observations from being at the game:

    1) No student section and a poor quality opponent=no energy in the Ralph. But kind of figured that would be the case.

    2) McWilliams is quietly developing into our best defensive D-man...he was great last night.

    3) With the woodshed beating taking place, was impressed with Dell's focus and concentration. That's what seperates him from BE.

    4) Even though Kristo isn't scoring, his overall game just continues to get better IMO.5) Hexy's shorty was a snipe, but him being on the ice make everyone he plays with better.

    He's playing extremely well. When he makes the good last decision, he can disrupt a defense a little bit like P Kane can. It's that finishing shot/pass that has sometimes not worked for him.

    Eidsness would have played well against RM too (and will probably tonight), but I don't think he would have gotten the shutout. Pure speculation, of course, but I think you are right that Dell's focus and concentration is the difference. Those two saves on Longpre's breakaway were really nice.

  10. This might not be the best place for this question, but a number of you may be able to answer it. Last week, I spent three days in Blaine at the Schwanns rink for a high school girls tournament. On the Herb Brooks rink one evening, the women's national team played an exhibition game against a bunch of men who obviously had a lot of hockey experience. I think they were called the Minnesota development team, but I just stumbled on the game and can't be sure. Another spectator said the team was made up of former D1 players and some former pros who were part of the men's development program. There weren't any roster sheets, so I couldn't tell who was on the ice, though I suspect it included a lot of former gophers. Any of you familiar with this team (or program)?

  11. Dell's best game is better than Eidsness' best game.

    Although I have also been an Eidsness supporter, that comment seems to be true. Dell appears to have more "best games" in him than even last year's Eidsness did. He just seems to be able to hold the concentration level for the entire 60 minutes without that occasional lapse that victimized Eidsness.

  12. Religion is one reason that many look at it. Quality of the school (education) is another big reason. The coach is another big reason. But it has an image and reputation built around the football program that has extended to the entire school. Even though the football team has been down for several years, kids want to go play at Notre Dame. Hockey has drawn some because of that.

    It's funny how name recognition works in college. ND is a little like Duke in that respect. Other universities in the south have top tier academics, like Rice and Emory, but neither of them has nearly as much name recognition amoung average high schoolers (or their parents), at least in the upper midwest, partly because Rice and Emory have no association with a big-name D1 sport. As you say, name brand recognition spills over into hockey recruitment just as it does academic recruitment.

    For kids who may be considering an ivy-type surrounding, I can see why ND might also attract. It has a midwesternized ivy feel, with its gothic architecture, but is not quite as intimidating academically. Practically no college campuses feel radical these days, but ND is so conservative I imagine some kids and their parents would prefer it over an ivy for that reason.

  13. Aside from his leadership, one of the things I like about Genoway is the thing that gets him in trouble now and then--he can be aggressive offensively. Hak runs a very disciplined, defensively responsible system. Sometimes, it seems that with the firepower he has, his teams could benefit from up-and-down hockey. I think I'm probably wrong on that, as a whole, but having a guy like Chay who likes to push puck up the ice is IMO a good thing in a Hakstol system, even with the risks. I just like a little up and down excitement.

  14. OK. Let's try this. Assuming Matt and another player are absolutely equal on the ice this year. A virtual tie. Their academics and other off-ice considerations are also a virtual tie. Both players have shown superior character this year. The only difference is Matt's past. Do you take it into account. If so, does it tip the scale for or against him? Forget for a moment that such a perfect tie will never happen.

  15. hell in the last year with the sioux crest why not make a stamp on the record books with a hobey, wcha title, final 5 title and #8 to cap it all off close by in st paul!

    As long as we're drawing for a straight flush, how 'bout the Sioux end the gophers' season too.

  16. I disagree. How can you put Matt Frattin ahead of someone who NEVER made mistakes like he did, just because he overcame problems. I find that a bit disrespectful to the athletes that have kept their noses clean from day one.

    That response is why I think it will be interesting to see how they treat him. It's a valid point.

    In my old age, I have come to appreciate and admire those who manage to overcome faults, even significant ones. Most of us do not change much, sadly.

    Some (like HG) make a good point that if another player is as good on the ice and has managed to get where Matt is without detour, that player deserves it as much or more. But if Matt keeps up the stellar play, I hope his past is seen only as a measure of how far he has come.

  17. A great article. A lot kids would have probably just took the money and laughed at the fact that he got in trouble while in college. Now he is a Hobey Baker candidate having a tremendous season on a team that could do some special things at the end of the year.

    I will be interesting to see how his off ice character plays out in his hobey consideration. His past mistakes are part and parcel of what makes his character so admirable now. I think it should be a big plus.

  18. Brothers have been a big part of Sioux tradition. How about Fathers and Sons? Who were the highest scoring Father/Son pairs? There's probably a Johnson F/S combo that scored a lot, and I know Chorney's dad played. And since things are going to get a little slow around here in the next week or two, any father/brothers combos?

    Not talking about the Appalachia kind of father/brother combo . . . leave that for the gopher fanbase.

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