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Posts posted by burd

  1. I agree goon, about the major for spearing. It will be interesting to see what Greg Shepard will do since he was attending last nights

    game. Will he have some gonads or turn his usual blind eye to the spearing and Vossbergs attack from the bench?

    Vossberg was begging for a beatdown all night, but I wouldn't characterize his getting into it from the bench as an attack. Grabbing, pushing, face-washing, chickensh!t stuff, yeah, and illegal. He was properly flagged, but it was lightweight. As far as I'm concerned the Pios got just the beatdown that was coming to them--an 8-3 arsekicking. I hope the Sioux stay out of the box tonight and hang 8 more on them.

  2. I agree with AZ.

    I thought Wheeler was showing every sign of being a bust being picked #5 overall. He was good at Blake. But he wasn't tearing up the USHL (Brad Miller almost kept up with him for much of the season I can remember) and he wasn't really that dominant at UMN. In fact, I'd say Stoa has been more dominant in limited time than Wheeler was.

    So he bolts just to brush off Phoenix (which again surprised me because Gretzky was absolutely star struck with him) and signed with Boston. And now he's pretty gosh darn good. Who knew.

    I knew Vanek and Kessel would be good at the NHL level. I didn't expect Kessel to be as good as he is this soon after turning pro. It took Vanek longer, IIRC.

    Yeah, Gopher obsession continues.

    But let's go elsewhere:

    1. Who'dathunk that Army's Dan Hinote would have a long NHL career?

    2. How about former Vermont goaltender Tim Thomas?

    3. Andrew Murray of BSU... REally?

    4. Ok, less so, but what about Andy Greene from either OSU or Miami or some red and white colored jersey from the CCHA?

    5. Of course, Vermont's Martin St. Louis, UMD's (briefly) Brett Hull...

    There's a long list. Hey, just remembered. Joel Otto. He's had a huge career. Not hall of fame. Certain not all star either. But how many DII/DIII players (BSU was DII or DIII at the time) can you think of that played more than 5 years in the NHL? Joel played 15! the only other player I can think of was DIII Norwich's Keith Aucoin. However, he's only played parts of 4 seasons in the NHL and never more than 38 games during any single season.

    You almost have to count Dustin Penner, though he played D1 for two years. Couldn't make a junior team in Canada and was looking to hire on with somebody as an apprentice electrician, I believe, applied to Bottineau at the last minute, rode the pines quite a bit the first year, then blossomed. For the locals up there, he's a come-from-behind success story.

  3. I think we have as much talent on this team as we have had on any team since the new rink--it's just spread more evenly up and down the lines. A lot of people will say that's crazy, and with the record so far, maybe they're right. We do miss that player who can destabilize the other team's defense every time he's on the ice. Vanek, Heatley, Parise, Toews, Gerbe all did that.

    Still, I really like this team. If they can get stellar performances from BE and sweep this weekend, look out.

  4. With 12 games left they still only play 5 of those 12 on the road. At the end of the regular season they will have played 35 games and only have played 12 games on the road. Due to the unbalanced scheduled they only play North Dakota and Minnesota one series each. Wouldn't it be nice to have that schedule.


    I think you flipped it, Stack. Denver has 7 of its last 12 on the road, including 5 straight in Feb. Their schedule from this point on is not an easy one. I think if the Sioux take two this weekend, Denver will end up in our rearview.

  5. I am all for the old throwers night. ;) At 42 I am not so sure I am old yet. :lol:

    Yeah, you're not quite there yet at 42. You'll have to take your chances from the upper deck for a few more years. If this were a Badger event, the cutoff would have to be around 36 . . .

  6. Any chance you keep a few frozen gophers (the real rodent) in the freezer right? ;)

    I would do that too but I am not sure I can toss one on the ice from the upper deck.

    In a perfect world, they would have an "old throwers" night when old guys like us would be escorted (or wheeled) down to the glass during the second period to chuck a dead gopher onto the ice. They could hand out slightly thawed dead gophers at the door for those who prefer not to freeze their own.

  7. Why does every thread always turn into a "Gopher" thread? Is there a secret infatuation with them? I know I don't participate in much discussion on these boards but I generally enjoy reading them, but I always end up throwing-up in my own mouth everytime I have to read about the rodents!

    It's a problem. I usually keep a gopher team picture at hand so I can throw up on it.

    Hope that helps.

  8. I love what Chay G brings to the team, but he he's also scary with his turnovers. Some notable ones tonight. Maybe having Finley back and in shape is even more important in that he knows Genoway and covers for him well.

  9. It was tough to tell with Tech's video whether some of those third period goals were soft. A couple looked that way. Nice night for the Sioux. Nice for BE get a shutout, especially with some big time saves.

  10. We dipped a little in the pairwise after last night. Can any nerds out there say if we will lose ground even if we win tonight, Tech being Tech (assuming nothing too strange happens elsewhere).

  11. Not sure whether you can generalize too much on whether Lucia's decision no to go with Jones was best for his team. If the game is close, you take the PP, especially if your guy is not the one playing enforcer. If the game is out of reach, I would like to see my player go if our team is getting pushed around. The gophs were getting man-handled in both games, and I think they needed to do something to slow that down or stop it, if only to gain some respect for future games. Lucia should not have turtled, but seeing the blood in Jones' eyes up close and personal probably had something to do with his decision.

  12. Switch to saturday, Lucia spears Trupp, you know Jones talked to him, said "lets do this", Lucia likely said yes, Jonesy drops the gloves, rips the helmet off, NHL style, Lucia skates away. Jonesy manned up, Lucia showed exactly what he and all the gophers are: SOFT.

    Some day, I think some Sioux faithful needs to put together a truly worthy Clark Griswold Christmas Vacation style rant that describes what we all know gopher players and their fans to be. We have been letting them off the hook calling them just arrogant all these years. Just by reading this thread, you can see that beside being arrogant, they're a bunch of gutless, whining, cheating, spearing, excuse-making, yellow-bellied, chicken-livered, rug-wearing, panty-wearing chokers. That's just the obvious stuff.

  13. Thats the biggest bullSh*t excuse i have ever heard. These guys played there last WJC game the sunday before. Besides i did not see much effort from them in the WJC so they should have been well rested. Also, isn't it a little ironic that Stoa cheap shots our guy while he lay on his back on the ice, rats out the bench for telling him to do it, and now he is out tonight? Either he is scared he is gonna get beat up or the coaches are pissed for getting ratted out. I smell a rat, I mean a Gopher.

    Come on, guys. Our own coaches, including Hak and Blais, routinely would say that players coming back from Juniors would be pooped for a week or two--routinely. They always said it was worth it and that the team was better for it in the long run, but they always pointed out the tiredness factor.

    Great series by the Sioux. Best I can remember for a long time.

    Jones is a bull. Little L might have lost some honor, but he probably kept a tooth or two.

  14. i almost want to say there was another one as well...but tough to say. he was on the bench with the coaches during warm ups.

    Damn. For a young hockey player to be on the Sioux bench before a gopher game looking up at a juiced-up crowd at that rink must be a goose-bumpy experience. Then a game like that. Tough recruitment to match for UMass.

  15. If three players that young are tired I would question their conditioning. They mailed in their last two games at the WJHC anyway.

    Both Blais and Hak have said the same exact thing about our returning junior players in past years.

  16. Regarding "dirty" goals, the players should watch playback of ZPar's 22 goals this year: Very few sniper shots--just hard work, desire, and a nose for the net. Add in a bunch of assists on those that didn't go in but rebounded for someone else.

  17. I think we can thank the Europeans and former soviet states for the style of play we now have in the NHL. Not that long ago, NHL hockey was fantastic during the playoffs but sucked IMO during most of the regular season. The rules changes that have emphasized speed and finesse were made partly to facilitate more European style hockey. Canada is the heart and soul of the game, but other countries deserve credit for some important improvements.

  18. good point! Does Cornell offer athletic scholorships or do you have to be an exceptionally smart hockey player and qualify for an academic scholorship? It might be ironic that Cornell doesn't have much to show for attracting these players - but I bet the player will have something to show for it, assuming they stick around and graduate!

    I don't think any of the Ivies give merit scholarships. The give a ton of need-based aid, though, and I think their thinking is that the academic threshold is high enough that it is all merit money in a way. Cornell is often seen as being the easiest Ivy to get into, but that is relative. In any top notch school, a recruited athlete will have a little more slack on the academic side of the admissions package. Still, the middle 50% of admitted students at Cornell scored between 630 and 770 on the critical reading and 660 - 730 on math--pretty good.

  19. Great sweep.

    Eidsness was out of position quite a bit last night, but positioning is usually one of his strengths--at least with regard to body. I guess that makes me less concerned, but I'm not sure, actually. The Lasch goal might seem soft, but that was a pretty microscopic hole he got it through.

    I like BE. The players must have confidence in him too, judging by their willingness to play the up-and-down game. Speaking of that, these recent scoring outbursts are what many had hoped for when this season started, based on the number of highly talented but not elite players we have. A pleasant surprise that many of our goals have come from the "regulars."

    Our defensemen still aren't controlling the boards very well, though. Come back, Joe.

  20. UND beat a mediocre team/St. Cloud lost to a mediocre team. You have to remember they need actually beat someone legit to get out of a root.

    Well, the best teams never beat teams who are better than they are.

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