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Posts posted by burd

  1. Been trying to figure out our issue for awhile...especially on the breakout and the lack of flow.

    Hak coaches to prevent the opportunity for other teams to capitalize on your mistakes. He does this by keeping pucks to the outside- at all costs.

    Most breakouts are designed to go d to wing to center to wing and to utilize three forward lanes up the ice.

    By not using the middle of the ice until you get into the neutral zone, you do eliminate the potential for bad passes into your own slot. However, you also limit your options on the breakout. If I know you wont pass to the middle, I'll just keep pushing you outside.

    I've commented on that before, and though it might be a tried and true strategy, it's frustrating. It allows opponents to be all over our wingers on the boards and closes passing lanes for our d, since the first pass is so predictable. That's why our d pass back and forth so much before bringing it up ice. It also gives all their players time to get back on D after a change in possession, so when our forwards to get the puck they have less time and space. I think that's why so many fans think our boys are not working hard--because they don't seem to play with speed on offense and end up having to react too much on defense. They are playing hard, imo, but they are playing within the scheme. When they were forced to open it up the last two nights, they did, and last night they dominated but couldn't bury the puck. These boys care a lot and are working hard, I believe. It's just too tempting for fans who are aware of the number of draft picks on this team to assume that they will win if they hustle, and that is not always the case.

    Hak done a fine job and has won a lot of hockey games--as many as any coach the last 10 years, I'd guess. But it's a different game come one-and-done time, and we will see if he can turn that corner.

  2. Do you really feel they played as hard in the first as they did in the second? No way... Not that they played all that bad in the first but we can see what this team can do when it wants to... Same effort in the first as the rest of the game and the Sioux would have punched their ticket for next weekend.

    I don't think it's always lack of effort when this team loses, as everyone seems to think. Sometimes, sure, but remember Koberinski saying before the game that to start the game tonight, the d shouldn't be pinching in the ozone, they should be sticking to the perimeter and chipping pucks off the glass, etc? HIs idea was to take care of the puck and not make mistakes. I think Hak was thinking that too, and the problem with that is that the other team, if it's playing to survive, will be lying in wait and trying to jump everything. The boys hustled, they just didn't play an offense-minded game in the first. A tipped puck and soft goal cost them.

  3. Too bad this team can't put together all out effort for the entire 60 minutes... haven't all year and I'm not confident they will tomorrow. Hope I'm wrong.

    I disagree. the effort was there all night. If they had potted even half of the prime chances they had, they would have won by 3. They were working hard all night.

  4. Riley Barber wins the game for Miami, when is the last time we had a difference maker on the Sioux, Rocco could be one but he just not there for some reason. You always here about the scorers on other teams and they play us and score, we dont ever seem to have guys that get talked about and score. Gets kinda irritating, ok that was my rant!

    This years team just really doesn't have that. I actually like this years team because of that. Have a very balanced attack. Teams can't focus on one line.

    Last year, Kristo and Knight were talked about a lot.

    I feel the same way. The Sioux teams with go-to scorers have been great to watch over the years, but they haven't fared well in the tourney. I like this group, even though I'd be a little surprised if they go deep. They won't score a lot some games, but if Gothberg is on, they could get by those.

  5. Thoughts:

    ~Zane was star #1. Could have been 3-0 in the first or even 3-1 going into the break. He made some key saves to keep the game in reach.

    ~Key play was the play that tied it up. UND probably got away with a tripping, and then its in the net.

    ~Nice to see some scoring from four different guys. Thats huge for down the road.

    ~Its been said a thousand times, but I'm happy UND got CC.

    Close out game tomorrow evening. I thought CC played with a ton of energy, interesting to see how much they have tomorrow evening.

    You have to hand it to CC. They are on the road after an awful year with practically no road wins against a team that has been winning a lot of games, and they really had jump. Could have been a different result. Good heart in that team.

  6. My wife and I have been together for about 4 and a half yrs and Trupp is her favorite by a land slide. I always tried to explain how amazing that play was but I could never find a replay. He was always working hard to make a play. Great guy too. I've gotten him to sign pucks for my wife and had him tweet her a birthday wish.

    I tried to find it last night on youtube without success. If someone here can point the way, I'd be grateful.

  7. Trupper - on my favorite Sioux players list since his goal in OT against the rodents back in '08(?)... there's a guy who always played with lots of heart.

    I predict Sioux win in two against Ron Jeremy and his Tigers.

    My favorite Trupp moment was in his first game, I think, against Manitoba when he backchecked a guy on a breakaway and managed to lift his stick off the puck. I think he had to dive to do it, but haven't seen the replay in a long time.

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