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Posts posted by burd

  1. Saturday night letdowns continue.

    Hakstol just can't get these boys fired up...they don't want to play for him. At least not like they did for Blais.

    This team will never score more than 4 goals...not in Hakstol's system, at least.

    Whenever this team gets a lead, they take their foot off the gas. Always.



    Blais would have gotten 9

  2. It's tougher because of the future schedule and where those opponents stand in the pairwise.

    There's the rub. Only one team on their schedule that is firmly in. Both SCSU and UMD are on the road, which would be worth points if they win those games, but it will definitely be a tough row from here on in.

    But this team could certainly make some noise in the tourney if Gothberg comes back and nobody else gets hurt. I'm sure Gopher fans do not want to see UND in postseason.

  3. What are the new rules?

    You're right to call me on that. I would have been more accurate to say new enforcement of rules. Interference, holding, cfb, crosschecking, contact to the head, hooking, slashing, even elbowing--all those are more strictly enforced now than they were even 15 years ago, some for safety reasons and others to speed the game up.

    I'm obviously not an authority on this game and am not trying to taken as one, but these guys play a game that is officiated differently than it was even 10 years ago. I suppose since most college players have played most of their careers under those rules (at least in the US--I don't know about the Canadian leagues for school-age players), so they understand them--or should. But many older fans (like me) are slower to appreciate how different the checking game has become, with both the stick and the body.

    But I don't disagree with Heaven, really. And the Sioux tradition of physical play probably does give our players a mental edge. But it seems that when they lose they lose because they are not transitioning out of the zone well, are not covering in front of our own net, and are not creating enough presence in front of theirs. There is a separate thread for hot goalies, so I won't go there. :)

    • Upvote 1
  4. I think you have a warped idea of old time fighting Sioux hockey. To most people, including the guys that get payed to cover the games it means fast, physical hockey. Do penalties come with the territory when you play that type if hockey? Absolutely, but would I have it any other way? Nope. Much better every playing fast and finishing their checks hard then do a flyby swinging for the puck. That's what the Sioux hockey tradition is about, hitting guys until they don't want to get hit anymore. Have we had to tweak that approach to the new game? Yeah but it's still based on the same ideal.

    I don't think there is a hockey fan on the planet who does not prefer fast and physical hockey, and there is probably not a coach who doesn't coach it. I doubt there is a coach out there who teaches his players to "fly by swinging at the puck." This isn't polo. The trick is in how you adjust to the new rules. There are, believe it or not, fans who want the Sioux to play the game the way it was played in the 80s and 90s, because that is the last era when the Sioux were winning banners--it's a matter of association for some fans. But it's a different game in the NHL and it's a different game at the college level as well.

    We all love a crunching body hit, and we all want Sioux adversaries to be intimidated physically. But those who don't play a very smart physical game these days will watch too much of the game from the wrong box.

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  5. Saunders was clearly going to cover the puck and ausmus hit the guy who didn't even have the puck. Do I think it should have been called, not a few years ago however the game is changing. You can't hit a guy that doesn't even have the puck....it's interference. They called a cross check however it should have been interference. When the game is still in reach and your deep into the game, you cannot even attempt to do something iffy.

    Quite honestly, we have had a history of players who don't seem to understand that. That's why I cringe a little when I hear fans crying out for old school physical Sioux hockey. A good solid physical game is a good thing, but players need to understand what predictable consequences are. Instead of looking for the big hit or sending a message, I'd like to see them use their physical strength to play the boards like Parks does and to control the area in front of the net at both ends of the ice. That's physical play that wins games.

    • Upvote 2
  6. its not my job to ask questions

    my job is to drill oil to fuel your prius's

    Your job is to jump in that pickup and run to the supply store for couple a tubes of grease and pick a couple of Big Mac super meals on your way back. And try to get the right shyt this time.

    • Upvote 1
  7. The sightlines in the lower deck of the Ralph aren't nearly as good as Mariucci, not even close. The upper deck is a bit more steep though.

    I love the Ralph, it's a great arena and I'm not complaining about it. Mariucci just has the best sightlines I've ever seen in an arena.

    I love Mariucci--I'm not complaining about it. But you have to admit it's difficult to think about the rink without also thinking of smelly, slope-headed, nose-picking gopher fans. Decent rink though.

  8. But wouldn't Dean's clone anticipate Dean pulling Gothberg at the 4 minute mark and pull his own goalie earlier?

    You really thing Dean wouldn't anticipate what his clone would do and leave his goalie in the dressing room after the second intermission. Give the guy some credit--he won two banners!

  9. Anyone? Anyone? Buelle? Anyone?

    Ahem. The UND traditional circle of sticks dates back to the winter of 2013-2014, and no UND team has ever been known to perform the ceremony after a Beaver game, nor has any UND player been known to perform it before an encounter with a beaver of any kind.

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