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Posts posted by dagies

  1. Don't take this the wrong way, but that may have been the worst three periods (2nd - 1st OT) I have seen this team play all season.

    I don't take this the wrong way. It's unfortunately true. We've seen this occasionally from this less than star talented team, and last night Gothberg bought them the victory. But what I was impressed with is it seemed like later in the 1st OT the Sioux started regaining a little momentum, and that apparently carried over into the 2nd. I told my buddy early in the 1st OT that Ferris needs to score soon, if they don't, the mo is going to change and UND will take control and win it. Turns out I was right, but about 15 minutes later than I thought :lol: so I can't really claim to have foreseen that ending.

    Mark yesterday down in the calendar Hak had a grin, not his usual i barely show a half smile but a full blown grin when espn showed the bench dumping.

    Even better than that. Both hands in the air and elation in his face. I've never seen that before.

    What else would you expect from Jerry Burns grand son. Go out get it done attitude.

    Apparently Gaarder is a "Big Knocker".

    :lol: classic.

    I would've like to see the game last night be played on an acceptable ice surface. so many turnovers and missed passes happened because of the crappy ice and inferior boards. (both teams) i think it had much to do with the plodding flow of play last night. ugly to watch.

    I think Ferris may have won if that was the case. They were able to generate so much more offense than the Sioux for most of the last half of the game. The Sioux were fortunate that Ferris just missed on some things that looked very dangerous, IMO.

    I'm not sure I have seen Hakstol more animated after a win than last night. Bear hugs on the bench? LOL!

    How about Berry hugging him from behind. Looked like a little kid hugging Daddy. :lol:
  2. I don't understand the denigrating of Ferris State. They clearly earned their way into the tournament, and have a Hobey Candidate goalie. For a team like the Sioux that struggles to score, right there is reason to worry.

    And let's not get caught up in the 5 goals tonight. Bucky forgot to look in the rear view mirror on Parks' goal, and we'd be screaming at our goalie for giving up Rocco's first goal. Our 3rd goal was damn lucky, and so was our 4th (ENG).

    We MIGHT have used up a whole tourney's worth of good bounces tonight. I expect a tough, close game tomorrow and I'll be VERY happy if you guys prove you're right and I was overly concerned.

    • Upvote 2
  3. With the win tonight, Hakstol improves to 13 wins and just 4 losses in NCAA Regional play. That's .765 ... which deserves a WOW.

    That's very impressive

    Hennessey just mentioned Hak was a little Loosey-Goosey this week...No stopping us now!

    Sometimes, in recent years, I've wondered if Hak's intensity has upped the stress level for the team come tournament time. No idea if I'm right or wrong, but this team played tonight like they had nothing to lose, no expectations. And they played WELL.

    Interesting. So why is the conference one and done (first round oddly different excepted) of so much less value?

    Quick edit: nchc not one and done as we got 3rd place, but you get my idea...

    Mafia Man beat me to it, but to win the regular season conference championship you have a long hard road. You have to prevail over many good teams, with many good and bad things happening to all teams in the conference. The conference tournament is a weekend long deal. Still pretty cool, but not nearly the mountain to climb IMO as a regular season championship. Losing the Saturday night game (last regular season) to WMU hurt me much more than losing the first round NCHC tournament game. But that's just me.
  4. I noticed when he came off the ice after one of the games this weekend his right wrist was taped up. Don't know if that's anything but could be (hopefully Bucky isn't lurking around to pick up that piece of top secret info)

    I have often thought Schmaltz looks like he's lacking a sense of urgency until I started watching Ryan Suter play for the Wild this year. That's pretty much how Suter plays....just gliding around with occasional bits of high energy/activity.

    It could just be style and not anything more than that.

  5. This team's effort can't be faulted in my opinion. missing the finisher, the clutch player, the clutch goal...... Owned Miami in the latter portion of the first and most of the 2nd. woulda coulda shoulda.....came up with nothing to show for it and that was the game. it's a little bleak and making the tourney is going to take some luck, something UND fans haven't experienced for a while. That being said, the future is bright with developing defensemen and hopefully an influx of scoring touch up front. The team has grown and improved since the beginning of the season and are on the up, imo.

    Right with you on this.
  6. I know everyone is bashing the attendance at the B1G tourney, but the games not including UND, could possibly be the same ordeal.

    For me, it's not because I think they'll stink compared to the NCHC. I just think it stinks compared to the wonderful thing that was the WCHA Final Five.

    Penn State started the avalanche that resulted in the demise of the WCHA, at least they made up 1 small bit to me by beating Michigan yesterday.

  7. Yes, but now students have the "yell leaders" to lead them and I think that a lot of them are afraid that if they yell or try to start their own cheers...they will be kicked out. Someone in the band told me at one point that they were told if the students started a Sioux cheer or the S.E.X. cheer to play until the students were drowned out.

    "yell leaders"? Is that the current name for "political commisar"? Yikes.
  8. I still have to laugh that the students think it is a great thing to copy the M-I-N-N-E-S-O-T-A chant after the school song. Never have liked their spelling lesson, and like copying another schools dumb chant even less.

    Can't stand that either. Copying anything from UM is a bad idea.

    I hate the spelling lessons too, but unfortunately it appears they aren't allowed to chant anything else for fear of hurting people's feelings.

    Don't buy that at all. Kids are young, have time and energy and creative abilities. Figure it out. Besides, the main thing is noise anyway.
  9. I don't understand why a fan of a rival team cannot come here and give an opinion. Reasonably stated opinion anyway. He's wrong, because he's a gopher fan and there's nothing right about him :lol: but why can't someone have a reasonable opinion that differs from what we want to hear? If I had thought he was gloating or taunting I'd have felt the same way as everyone else.

    I do think Miami will be a very tough test. You don't beat SCSU twice at home as a fluke. There's got to be some substance to what they did last weekend. The key, though, is if they can keep up that level of play or not.

    CC did the same thing (played up all weekend) and gave the Sioux everything we wanted. In a one game format, UND better be ready to go.

    Personally, while the Sioux aren't world beaters I do think defense is solid and goaltending is above average. I'm hoping that helps keep Miami scoring to a minimum, and that allows a less powerful Sioux offense to win the day.

    We shall see, we shall see....

    • Upvote 2
  10. I can recall watching Sioux hockey Sunday afternoon a few years back(ok maybe more than a few), I swear it was either CC or Michigan Tech, and pretty sure it was a playoff, now maybe there was some sort of conflicting event but I am certain I have been to a 3pm start time game

    I seem to recall this as well, in fact I was a bit surprised to see the game time was 7pm. Then again, i figured I had just not remembered the past accurately. I suppose it's tough for the teams and maybe the REA has other commitments, but it would seem that an earlier start time would allow for more people to travel back home after the game.

    Maybe a more appropriate phrase would be "North Dakota fans always show up."

    The practice of saying that one fan base or another "travels well" is one that the media employs to illustrate passion and commitment of a team's fans. And fans of UND hockey seem to have passion and commitment in spades.

    And I don't think anyone was saying that all of the North Dakota fans at Target Center this weekend will be driving from Grand Forks. That's just silly. But all of them are connected to the program in some way, and that's pretty special.


    I think you nailed it. The key here is, if the game is in Denver, or Omaha, or wherever, which visiting fan base tends to show up the most? And anecdotally, it seems to be Sioux fans.

    And I think another poster already said this but I agree with it. Those that go to away games (regardless of their home address) are probably going to be more vocal than those that are doing the season ticket thing back home.

    However, after attending the WMU series, I hope something happens to improve the atmosphere because it was a morgue in there both nights. Both nights we tried to get a "Let's Go Sioux!" chant going with no takers. That's not happened before.

  11. Whiskey Park is horrible. Always pretty empty, dance party scene, and they charge a cover. I try to stay away as much as possible.

    Maybe it's changed, or perhaps that's what it is later in the evening. When I've been there it's been 5pm or so, prior to a Twins game. Completely different than what you're describing. And again, I haven't been there in a year, so things could be different there now.
  12. Whisky Park (5th St and Hennepin) used to have free tacos/dogs (IIRC) prior to Twin's games. Was a nice, fairly quiet place to have a drink and a quick bite prior to the game. I haven't been there in a year so don't know if things have changed.

  13. Holy smokes, I was there too and got plenty ragged on by Mankato fans around me. Good memories! ;-)

    The fans were quiet all weekend. This was my one weekend a year up in GF with my buddies and we commented on it both nights. Each night tried to get "Let's go Sioux!" going and had no takers. NONE.

    I know it's a chicken and egg question......should the team get the fans going or the fans get the team going? I don't know the answer but I think if the team isn't giving the fans much to cheer, for, and as a fan you're hoping for better, why not try to ramp up the energy a bit and see what happens? Nothing doing this weekend. So for me, the fans can take a share of the blame.

    But the team just didn't have "it" on Saturday. Maybe it was a pressure thing. Maybe it was just the way things go for a team that lacks a ton of high end talent throughout the lineup. Or maybe it was senior night, and too many gripped-too-tightly sticks. I read recently (Herald?) an article where it sounded like some coaches don't particularly look forward to Senior night because the emotions can have a negative effect on the team.

    And for those of us who thought that after Friday's game that Western would have nothing to play for and roll over Saturday, boy were we wrong. Thinking about it, only a character-less team would do that. A good team, a well coached team like Western Michigan is going to come back and try to spoil senior night and the Penrose cup for the other team. And that's the way it worked out.

  14. Well, let's be clear about that photo. Thorson said in the paper he was taunting Sioux fans, and that team mates thought it would be cool.

    I didn't see Caggiula say that anywhere, and it's not uncommon for a player to scream and jump into the glass, even if there is only 1 fan of his team in the vicinity. I think any attempt at comparing this photo to the Thorson thing is manufacturing something that isn't there.

  15. Speez (Spiewak's dad) still posts on here from time to time.

    I had the pleasure of meeting him at the Notre Dame tourney that the Sioux were in a few years ago.

    Agree, Speez is a great guy and I had the pleasure of meeting him once in Mankato. MIss those days, Speez!

    hahaha cool. yeah Spiewak and Noterman were the best PK tandem i've seen at UND. really fun to watch.

    Agree, they were great even as freshmen.
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