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Everything posted by dagies

  1. Sprig. Don't you remember. No one was going to tell Goon.
  2. Glenn, thanks for your work on the articles.
  3. It certainly ain't easy because I am leaving guys sitting on the bench that I don't want to leave on the bench. I don't have a 1-2-3-4 line set because I don't know which of the first 3 at least lines might be the best. So I will just list the lines and then Coach can put them out in whatever order he feels appropriate. Genoway Spiewak McMahon (Hoping that Genoway can score, Spiewak is the speedy set-up man, and McMahon uses his grit and developing offensive skills in a dangerous combination. I bite the bullet and break up the dreaded Spiewak/Notermann combo) Bochenski Fournier Lundbohm (I just like Fournier and Bochenski together too much to break them up for now. Lundbohm provides additional grit and hopefully becomes the "captain" of that line. Bo and Fournier need a steady upperclassman who can skate to provide backchecking assistance and leadership) Massen Parise Hale (My attempt to jump start Massen. Try him with Hale and Parise to start the year and see if he can put it together. Parise to make plays, Massen to finish, Hale to control the puck and again provide a steadying influence and leadership on the line) Canady Fylling Notermann This line could outwork anyone in the WCHA. Fylling and Notermann can make up for Canady's slower skating. Fylling provides strong effort, speed and offense, Notermann the same, Canady provides additional physical play) I see Prpich and Canady as almost interchangeable. Some offensive capability, good size, and real physical. Might alternate sitting. I hate to keep Connelly on the bench as he is, IMO, a clone of Spiewak/Notermann. Speedy and long on effort. Plays bigger than he is. And it's great to see speed on the ice. Sioux can use more of it. Palmiscno just seems outclassed by the rest. Schneider - Jones Hale - Greene Fuher - Leinweber Marvin Brandt and Siembida duke it out in goal. Both alternate a majority of the season.
  4. I think you are correct when talking about MN kids. We can hope Blais still has a lot of clout with the I-Falls boys being he is from there.
  5. A guy that UND is rumored to be looking at is Ben Gordon from International Falls. Would love to have a guy from that part of the state playing for the Fighting Sioux again if it could work out. The following quote is from a post on the MN high school hockey board, and appears to be from the I-Falls paper. According to the poster, UND and Maine have already visited him, and MN is on the way. Probably others too. Again, my info is from another poster on another board and we all know how accurate that can be. Just passing on the speculation.:
  6. I agree Greyeagle. That arena just seems like a waste of money. Nice arena and all, but money desperately needed elsewhere.
  7. The Herald had an article about some Hall of Fame inductions. http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/sports/3694968.htm Man, it would be fun to see Jim Archibald inducted during the WI games. Keep the water bottles away!
  8. Diggler, how are you going to get that ticket?
  9. We are in the lowest of the low part of the year. The old season is basically ancient history. The new season not close enough for anything but wishful thinking. I tripped over this article the other day that I think defines Sioux hockey. Tell me if you agree: http://www.uschm.com/faceoff.htm The paragraph I really like about this article:
  10. Then again your school can afford to build a seperate arena just for women's hockey.
  11. I wouldn't even call this kid a prospect. It should be fun to watch him develop close by, even if it is only for one year.
  12. Article in the Herald says Lee Davidson is going to work for Sandelin at UMD as an assistant coach. Good for him. Preparing the future UND hockey staff! http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/sports/3654836.htm
  13. Trying to remember where it was reported last week that Sedevie is headed back to Sioux Falls for this year. Oh yeah, check out the "new recruits" thread for more info.
  14. Rick, my point about the dominant teams was that (in agreement with you) these teams dominated in the regular season but did not have the post season success you would expect from those teams. It was mainly a response to TheSiouxFan who said "Dean always works his magic at that time of the season". Not ripping the TSF because many of us have said similar things at times. I just wanted to respond to that point. As for Lucia, I felt even before this season that his national championship was only a question of when, and not if. No doubt he doesn't have the facts on his resume, but I personally think he's one heck of a coach. On results he probably doesn't rank. But I think he is that good.
  15. (I'm might be about to make myself very unpopular) Well, Coach does work his magic at play-off time, but not with dominant teams (see 1998, 1999). But he sure is awesome with very good but not dominant teams (See 1997, 2000, 2001). I don't buy the mystique that Dean "won't allow" a team to underperform as some fans have stated over the years. I'm sure it is just a phrase people use, but something about it always bugs me. Dean is as human as anyone (see 2001-02). But that is not to take anything away from his ability to get the best out of what he has to work with. We had been spoiled with past "rebuilding" years which, IMO, were a blend of luck, underappreciation for the returning talent, AND Dean's coaching acumen. For an example I would point to Jason Ulmer. Who knew he would have the senior season that he did? Did Blais pull that rabbit out of his hat or was Jason just overshadowed by the players before him (Blake, Murphy, etc), or was it just luck? What I am saying is that I don't think we should look at teams like 2000 and say that Blais, through his own coaching abilities, willed that team to a title. I think there was more talent available than we gave the team credit for, AS WELL AS DEAN TURNING IN A CHAMPIONSHIP CALIBER COACHING JOB. In 2001-02 we knew Coach had a young team but many people expected the Blais mystique would somehow compensate for that. I'll be honest, the team struggled more than I expected them to. I think the year was rough, even for Coach, but we were getting a taste of who they could be by the end of the year. And I think Coach put on display one of his better coaching efforts, regardless of the final record. I think he stressed and busted his butt to try and show improvement by the end of the year, and to an extent it paid off. This next year's success will be a result of a combination of some players maturing and stepping up to the plate, as well as continued strong coaching effort by Blais. But he can't make them win. If you think I am dissing Blais, read closer. I would rather have Blais than ANY coach in hockey. I think he is in the top 3 with Lucia and Berenson, IMO. But every human has their limits and it's best we don't build someone into a person they can't live up to.
  16. Looks like the old thread got lost so will start another.
  17. dagies


    I think it was on USCHO that a poster who followed the Devils said that Commie often seemed to lack emotion when he played. Result seemed to be the org was concerned about his development. Obviously this info did not come from any official source, so you don't know what to believe. But if true, it is possible they just gave up on him. I'd rather see Sicatoka's take be the real deal, though. Also remember that DeMarchi is a Devil's pick, though for the life of me he doesn't strike me as a NHL'er anytime soon. Also, Sicatoka, don't forget David Hale in your equation. Maybe that backfires on us...
  18. Hasek announced last week that he was done.
  19. http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/sports/3578046.htm Nice article on Roche in the Herald.
  20. Helps tell the story.... Also, very interesting:
  21. Now from an article on Hockey's Future: On Jones: #80 (Round 4) Matt Jones - Defense - University of North Dakota, NCAA Central Scouting Bureau Information: A very smooth, powerful skater with an effortless stride and good balance ... has good offensive ability and likes to join the offensive attack ... has strong passing skills and a good shot ... a smart player and a good decision maker ... an aggressive player who can physically dominate the defensive zone ... punishes opponents in the corners and in front of the net ... strong in one-on-one situations. Jones will be able to make the NHL as long as he works hard and keeps his body in condition. His 6'0" 215-pound frame is able to handle the body in front of the net physically and able to handle the other teams best forwards. Projected Like: Scott Stevens Chance in the NHL: 6/10
  22. Sooooo, out on the ice at one time you have, say: Greene
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