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Everything posted by dagies

  1. That sounds intriguing but I can only skate a little and can barely stop . I only own a bad pair of skates and a stick and a puck. I'll bring a puck. I played a couple of pick up games while I was in school (15 years now) but haven't since then. It would be fun to play.
  2. Jealousy? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo.
  3. Since EVERYBODY'S doing it I removed mine too. dagies: always just wanted to fit in
  4. You need an "edit" button. We posters are much less nervous and edgy then.
  5. Sprig, I don't know if WPoS has seen the Avatar ban. Time to dust it off.
  6. Someone on another thread asked where Teeder Wynne was. I'll bump this up.....
  7. I've been asking this for a year now. He was a laugh a minute and whoever mentioned Taz vs. HobeyDan hit it right on the head. I miss that! Right wrong or indifferent I think this situation has crystallized one point. USCHO is like the community center. POI, Siouxsports.com, etc are "home" boards. When you are not a member of the "home" fan base you are essentially viewed as a "visitor". Therefore it is desirable, and even expected, that one behaves as if you are a guest in someone's home. If you can do this you can still have respectful disagreements and be welcome. If not you put your "welcome" in jeapardy. To me this all makes sense and is reasonable. The question is how do you define proper behavior as a guest? And to that we all have different standards and it is up to the head of the house to decide the "house rules". All well and good. It is their house, they maintain it and have the right of refusal of all who enter. I can't say that I have always been this respectful but I have, in general, tried to do this. To answer the question above on why anyone would post on an opponents site, there are a few reasons: 1. POI has a number of knowledgeable and enjoyable posters and reading that site can be informative and interesting. At times I enjoy adding to or commenting on that discussion. I also find it interesting to communicate with other teams' fans. I do post on USCHO but that is just too chaotic. Much easier to have discussions on this board or POI. 2. DE needs accurate information 3. Posters on this board are tired of me already. I appreciate the opportunity to post on POI, and welcome more fans of other teams to this site as well. We have to remember these sites are private operations and not publicly run, therefore no one has a particular "right" to say anything.
  8. I still think Connelly will be a big part of things in the future. I'd like to see more scoring right now but if they can handle the puck and forecheck like they did in the first CC series they will be doing just fine IMO.
  9. According to the TV broadcast of the first CC series, the series in Colorado will only be on WDAZ in GF and Devil's Lake. AND it will be shown on WDAZ.com. How about that? Sprig, you can finally get by without cable!
  10. Yeah, I have to say I found the comments that that you are only there to antagonize to be awfully harsh. I think a lot of the negative posts about you are because you take an opposite opinion to some of the regulars over there, and there is nothing wrong with that. I don't read every thread so I can't say I've read every post you have had there. From the posts I can remember, I can't understand the opinion that you are only there to cause problems because that isn't my perception at all. I do think the that many of the regulars are rather provincial and don't take well to opposition positions. However, to be fair I think that would be the case here or on any other "home" board. If we had a large number of gopher posters over here with strong opinions opposite of the Sioux faithful we would have many Sioux posters complaining the same way IMO (Bochenski scores on a breakaway!!!). So I think that is natural, whether or not it is right. Personally I wish a few more Greyeagles WOULD post over here. It would bring a nice edge to the board and keep things interesting, IMO. I've been pleased to see Hammy post occasionally and hope he keeps it up. UPB was here at least once too.
  11. U2, when I read that post of yours this morning my first thought was "WHOA! That was unnecessary". I thought you were ripping the accomplishment from Roberg for scoring in a game that didn't count. I found that very surprising from you, as you generally don't do that kind of thing . Later I read it again and could see where you really weren't meaning to be critical, as you explain. I am afraid that post was misunderstood. If indeed they find you are only there to antagonize I am afraid I am not far behind you. I do think in general they do an excellent job on that board...
  12. My buddy sent me this article from the AA newspaper. Lucky this kid didn't get hit in the head. What's up with that?:
  13. Early in the 2nd Hale feeds McMahon for a shorthanded chance and Tim says McMahon's blade came off his stick. I know this happens occasionally, but I saw this happen to Massen on an almost sure-thing PP goal chance against CC and it seems like it has happened a number of other times to players too. Anyone else seem like this is happening a lot to Sioux players, or just me?
  14. Unless they play at Mariucci.
  15. I think it is nice the Sioux played on the big ice at MN, then AA, then practice at home on the spare sheet for a couple weeks, and then to CC. No excuses about poor play being on big ice should be accepted.
  16. You do stand out in a crowd!
  17. What I meant was if the home team was having it handed to them in the 2nd period they could slow the zamboni driver down, giving them a few extra minutes of rest and a bit longer intermission to allow the momentum to quit flowing to the visiting team. I know, it's a stretch.... Was that who was out there on Friday? They are lucky they beat a boy-girl combo of Sioux fans or it would have been pretty embarrassing. It looked like it might be close for a while. BTW, Greyeagle, I think we saw you sitting in the stands from way across the arena in Section 21. Looked like you were in about row 10 or so. I'm assuming the throwback jersey is white with horozontal stripe on it. You were also wearing a light colored baseball hat?
  18. Can the ref hold up the start of the period due to ice problems? Seems like they should be able to make a decision to hold things off for a few minutes to let the ice set up if need be. On the other hand maybe they don't do that to keep the home team from using that to their advantage somehow...
  19. I want to hear the dog story.
  20. That's great for Drew. Sounds like he is playing well and will be a good addition.
  21. I finally figured it out JBB = Just Blame Blais (somehow that equals "DE" but I haven't quite figured out that connection yet.)
  22. Now......how could that be.
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