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Posts posted by dagies

  1. If Cavalry gets any further consideration the committee members have no qualifications for what they've been tasked to do. Not saying its an intrinsically bad name, but in context its asking for more NA related controversy. I can't believe it made it as far as it has. Likewise Green Hawks would not be such a terrible choice id Miami was not a hockey rival.


    I can live with no name, Roughriders, or Nodaks.

    I'm actually fine if that's an outcome.   1.  Ok, you didn't like Fighting Sioux, and now we can't have Cavalry either?  Are you ever satisfied?  2.  There is a Native American member of the nickname committee.  That voice was not shut out of the process.      Let's fight this one in the court of public opinion.

  2. This unfortunately will always be the problem.   It's CAVALRY!!!!    I actually think Cavalry would be a good name for us, but even our own people can't get it right.

    Eventually most people will get it straight after being bopped in the head a few times.  Will be painful for a while, but it will get better.


    Thunder Hawks has a powerful "ring" to it..I would have preferred Rolling Thunder,but Thunder Hawks will do, of the final 15.....

    Ooo, Rolling Thunder.  That's not bad!   But then I think of a bison stampeded and.......


    North Dakota North Stars. For all the complaining about the "hockey only" fans who can't let go of Fighting Sioux, can the football and basketball folks talk some sense into the others who think that the name of a former NHL team in Bloomingon MN is a great idea?

    I don't disagree with you about why you think it's not a good choice.  But now, for me, if it can't be one of the 2-3 better options, this is better than the rest of the list.   So for me it comes down to that.

  3. Until BRIDGES finds a Native American appalled by the use of the sacred word "Spirit" and we hop on the nickname merry-go-round all over again.

    Um, and what's wrong with that?




    We like to think of Roughriders as Teddy. But the main definition of Roughriders is:

    a person who breaks in or can ride unbroken horses.

    Pretty fitting in North Dakota.

    Didn't know that but I agree.  Thanks for posting this info.   I like it.

  4. Thanks, JimDahl.  Just a little polishing here:


    1. Roughriders - livable

    2. Cavalry - livable

    5. North Dakota - I get it, but think we're better off with selecting a nickname.  But I could live with this
    6. Nodaks - actually don't mind this one
    7. Force  (to me this is like an ugly date.  I might learn to love him/her over time, but first impression is hard to get past)

    8. Explorers - meh, but survivable

    No thanks (not acceptable)

    9. Blaze

    10. Fighting Green

    11. Green Hawks

    12. Pride

    13. Spirit (this one is sort of like Force for me, but I think Force has a better personality.  I get where Karl's coming from, but I just don't see the high ceiling)

    14. North Stars

    15. Sundogs 

    3. Fighting Hawks

    4. Thunderhawks (sounds like a high school nickname)


    After seeing this list and Karl's comments, and seeing decent nicknames like Bombers (which I had really taken a shine to) get dropped because of the supposed association with the Aerospace school (what?), I realize now I'm going to almost prepare myself for a disappointment.  Hold my breath, count to 20, and really work hard to try and change my perception of the final selection.  But some of these (Blaze) will just have to result in an uprising, because it's just not acceptable.  Embarrassing.

  5. If you made $500k a year, lived in Grand Forks, and had a family...would you live in the trailer park across from Valley Dairy?

    is it closer to the Red Pepper?


    simple question



    Seems that many of us fans didn't completely grasp what we lost. Huge shoes to fill.

    Same thing I thought when reading that.  Replacing a guy like that would be very difficult.

  6. NoiseInsideMyHead, all you have to do is read the reactions to your post/comments to understand why that thread was locked. The responses on this thread overwhelmingly clarify that reasonable people felt your post was out of line. You complain that your thread was unfairly locked because making light of a bad situation happens all over the internet. Maybe, but there is a lot of horrible stuff that is communicated on the internet. This forum may not be perfectly moderated but there's no reason the worst of the internet must be propagated here.

  7. Bombers is really starting to grow on me

    A lot. It could be a war plane (shout out to the B-52s housed close by in the past) or it could refer to less specific things the way home runs are referred to as "bombs" (Bronx Bombers)or big hits or punches ("throwing bombs"), etc. Lots of good associations there. I actually really like it.

  8. I am pleased to report that there is nothing newsworthy in Grand Forks that would merit any discussion here whatsoever, let alone on the Community forum.

    Thank heavens the moderators are here to protect us from commentary, satire, dark humor, and anything else that might arise if, God forbid, there were anything going on in Grand Forks.

    If there had been a newsworthy event, this message would be followed by insightful and perhaps even witty discussion and the free flow of ideas.

    Since there is nothing going on, might as well lock this thread, too.

    Censorship sucks.

    being I am the one who locked that thread i'll take a moment to respond. I'm traveling without a computer and my phone typing skills suck so this will be short. Basically, others have made the points for me. Your post had nothing to do with a discussion and was clearly an attempt to take a shot at Grand Forks. It was crass and insensitive at the least, considering the timing and what was known about the situation at the time. Frankly, I thought about hiding the thread so no one would see it (family or friends of tbose involved, etc.) But decided you should be associated with your comments. Not sure that was the best call but that's the call I made and I stand by it. I think we're all ok here with civil discourse and differences of opinion (see the fire Hak stuff end of season). To your point that others get away with some things from time to time...you may be right but that thread you started wasn't in the "gray area" to anyone who looked at it reasonably.
    • Upvote 4
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  9. That's the beauty of Cavalry -- it shows the epic stupidity of the NCAA's policy.

    Irony is a harsh mistress.

    Yep, and I'd be all over that nickname for that reason.



    One man's hero is another's bloodthirsty warmonger. In another 20-30 years, who is to say opinions like THIS won't result in yet another nickname change for the University of North Dakota?

    True, but his Teddy's concern for college athletics essentially resulted in the formation of the NCAA.  So there's that

  10. As luck would have it, the Wild Nokotas are off the list.  What list, you may ask?  My list.  As is also the fate of every other gawdawful nickname that has been spewed out the past 10 years.  Then, I see the latest top 62 or whatever and I have to wonder when the nightmare will end.  Using my advanced knowledge of Microsoft products, specifically Excel, I was able to determine that Nodaks has the most committee "yes" votes.  I know, some of you were able to scan the list visually and arrive at the same outcome, but I tend to leverage science and technology for such mundane tasks while I work more complex issues such as what was it in the end that tipped the scale in Hakstol's favor when I clearly have the edge in appeal to the female hockey mom market.  Clearly.


    Back to Nodaks.  I really, really like it not so much.  It is an extremely average, obscure name.  What is a Nodak?  I did a quick search, again using science and technology at my disposal, and didn't really find anything useful.  To me, this is just about as vacant as no-nickname.  Is that the point?  And, how do we cheer for a NoDak?  "Go No's!"  "Go Dak's!"  "No. Dak!"  "No. Dak!"   ???


    Next up is "Force"  'Sokay.  F = m x a.  Hockey has mass and acceleration.  Applicable.  I actually would prefer "Machine" better.  That's Minnesota Made's AAA program in Edina and I've always thought that name was cool for hockey.  But, honestly, all names are awful when compared to the Fighting Sioux.


    NorthStars reminds me of Minnesota where I am forced to live due to the wickedness of my youth.



    Pride?  Lame

    Spirit?  Lame

    Big Green?  Big Lame

    Flames?  Way cool awesomeness, if you live in Calgary.

    Roughriders?  High School.

    Sundog?  Please, oh please, not this one.


    and so it goes...  I just...  can't...  oh heck.  Just be North Dakota.



    man, I love reading your posts

    • Upvote 3
  11. I beg to differ, Yosemite Sam IMO. Could be because I am short, wear a hat all the time and am often outwitted by people with big ears.

    that is one of the funniest things i've read on this board
  12. She may have been supplying reasons but it also sounded an awful lot like she was dissuading the group from going down that road (admittedly, even after Charging Nakota had already been accepted).  My problem with GC's interpretation of the NCAA settlement with UND is that there are other NCAA institutions that use nicknames/words that derive directly from N.A. culture and language.  i.e. University of Alaska-Fairbanks Nanooks (Inuit word for polar bear), UCONN Huskies (Inuit word for dogs kept by the Inuit people), University of Maryland Terrapins (Algonquin word for a type of turtle), and University of South Dakota Coyotes (Nahuatl root word for an animal that is prominent in N.A. folklore. The Nahua people are descendants of Azetcs in central Mexico.), University of Tennessee, Chattanooga Mocs (shortened from from the word moccasins) etc. I could go on.


    It would seem GC is just doing her job, but IMHO, she is being too hypersensitive to the terms of the NCAA settlement regarding use of NCAA imagery in a nickname.  Maybe the thought is that, as has been shown before, because we decided to fight the NCAA, the rules are different for UND.

    Sorry for repeating myself but we really just CANNOT not select a good name just because "well, someone might mistake it for...."   Come on....it's a legitimate nickname option NOT connected with anything on the naughty list.   People just have to quit niggling over these types of things.  


    And yes, I used "niggling" for a reason.




    Out of that whole list I come out with "keepers" of just ...


    Charging Nokota
    Night Hawks / Nighthawks
    And your personal add-in of Roughnecks


    I'd actually throw in Blackhawks too.  I am still struggling to find out why that made this final list, but I don't care.  Chicago may use it, but big deal.  It's actually a cool nickname and I'd take it, considering what the options are.

  13. I'm not sure an assistant with head coaching experience is important.  Berry has been an assistant under 2 great head coaches (Blais and Hak).  He's probably got a pretty good handle on what the HC's responsibilities are, and what his role needs to be.  Yep, he'll be new to it, but Jackson's been a HC in the AHL before, and if Jackson sticks around, there you go.

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