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Posts posted by dagies

  1. Question on this, 1st does the Strickland guy actually have a clue what hes talking about. Earlier tweeted Jordan was gone, now all of a sudden hes staying? Second, why would Hak leaving make Jordan want to stay all of a sudden, its not like Berry wasnt going to be there doing things anyways?? Find this odd

    timing could just be coincidental based on who knows what kind of developments in the process. Information could be good, could be bad.  Hard to know how much stock to put in it.

  2.    I am surprised at the number of people who are surprised he didn't tell the players.   The moment he agreed to take the position, he answered to a new boss.  If that boss says don't tell anyone because WE (the flyers) want to control the announcement  - that is what he had to do.  There is no other option.    I would sure think the players understand this.  Even if they are shocked,  I guarantee they understand it.


        The only alternative theory is to believe that he just DGAF about UND and their players so chose not to tell them.


     Hak to his wife last night:  " Looks like I will be announced as the Flyers new head coach tomorrow a.m.!"

     Wife:   Great !  I suppose you better have a team meeting and let the players know, huh?

     Hak:  Who?

    Wife:  the team...you  gotta tell them

    Hak: I don't follow

    Wife:  The hockey team, Dave.  The kids you have recruited, mentored, coached and spent hundreds and hundreds of hours with over the years. ???

    Hak:  Right...  of course... those guys...  well  I am sure they will find out eventually.

    Wife:  But don't you think YOU should tell them?

    Hak: I work in the NHL now.  The BIGS.  The SHOW... I don't spend my time with a bunch of wanna-be's.



    Put me down in the happy for Berry camp.

  3. if the UND administration has watched the coaching staff for the last few years and knew they had a perfect replacement if Hak every left or God forbid was ever hit by the gobc bus while crossing Columbia, then it's not a big deal, to me, if they didn't go through a protracted search process.


    I understand everyone's definition of "perfect replacement" may be different, but to me that would make this quick move understandable.   And from what I've heard Berry is a good choice.


    Like with most recruits, while find out how good of a decision it is over time.  But I'm fine with it.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Regarding Schlossman's piece.....didn't Wayne Nelson, Tom Miller and Schlossman all come out with a piece on the same day, with different angles?   Struck me as a "let's do pieces about the different view points out there....who wants to take XYZ?"

  5. You know, I suspect I could pick nine people off this board and come up with a committee better suited to parse through the suggestions. 


    Let's see:


    jimdahl - chair

    The Sicatoka - vice chair, because I'm good at many vices ;)


    Benny Baker







    And I left off a whole lot of folks who would do very well on such a committee (Sioux-cia, Oxbow, Mafia, ... PCM ... ) 

    I'm willing but can we also release a list of the "outtakes"?   There's some gold in that "non-considered" list.  Especially if you have a bit of thick skin.

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  6. Having a little trouble getting over this suggestion of mine being on the "not considered" list.


    Black Stripes - Red Sox, White Sox...how about the Black Stripes? Logo would be reminiscent of a censor bar used to block inappropriate images (hint hint!)



  7. Winnipeg Jets nickname and logo = pretty cool.  At least acceptable.


    Manitoba Moose nickname and logo = lame





    This is what concerns me about the possibility of a new nickname, and while I'm a supporter of a new nickname, I can get (and live with) the idea of no nickname. I don't think the "no nickname" idea is all about preserving the unofficial Fighting Sioux nickname.  For some of us it's all about being better than the worst case scenario, of which there are many.

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  8. I used to work for KFAN and at the time I worked there, was known as Puffy JR.  All I can say is that only God can help him turn himself around.  I really feel bad for his family too.  Yes he was probably one of the biggest Sioux haters in gooftown, but this is life. He needs prayers from everyone who cares or once cared about him.

    Agreed. It's a shame and yes a person has to take responsibility for their actions. At the same time people can get themselves into things that they find almost impossible to get out of.  I pity him more than anything.  I doubt this is how he'd prefer to live his life.

  9. The better Gopher teams are typically the ones where they have a large freshman class.  That's why they were so good last year(2013-2014) after losing Schmidt, Alt, Haula, Bjugstad, and Budish the year before.  For some reason when the Gophers return most of the team they tend to under perform.  It's like they forget how hard they had to work the prior year to get where they did.  This past season is a perfect example of this.  A large freshman class, especially when some play a prominent role seems to be a nice infusion of not just talent but players who are very motivated to proves themselves. Next years team won't be as talented but they will have a better record and season than last year.  

    Quite an indictment of the program....guys sticking around but not caring enough about the program to play their best

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  10. Some people here can remember most every moment from every game they've seen.  I'm the opposite and have trouble remembering a lot of details of many games, but the one memory I have of that game is Spiewak coming up the ice with the puck and blasting it past Miller.  Incredible feeling at the time, seeing Miller beaten.  Huge goal.

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  11. That's a great old-school jersey.  I bought a CCM green #9 (Greg Johnson) the day after I graduated from UND (May of 1992).  I should have picked up a white one as well. 

    I'm trying to remember, but when I was in school (graduated '87) I think jerseys ran about $25.   At the time that seemed a princely sum to me.  of course, many years later I'd kick myself for not splurging.

  12. If they're marketing savvy, they'll go with Ermines.  It links to the state, matches UND's brand of being a tough, high-energy school that punches more than its weight, and it's completely unique and original.



    Find one with a gopher in its mouth and you've got me. 

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