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Posts posted by dagies

  1. http://und.edu/news/2014/09/nickname-logo-task-force.cfm





    I don't always make stuff up...a lot, but not always.  

    I may have misunderstood your original point.  Yes, the original committee was tasked to come up with a process, and there was a consultant to that committee (O'Keefe, who is also a consultant to the new committee) that, I think, specialized in marketing of sports nicknames/logos.  I thought that was the consultant you were referring to.


    So the record is clear, I wasn't accusing you of making anything up.

  2. So the process consultant brought in did what, exactly? 

    The impression I had is the consultant to the committee is there to provide input regarding the marketability of a name/logo, and not to provide input on the process to select one.

  3. I can see Stecher leaving because he's a FA.   he's clearly a very good player with a future, and i would expect teams will line up to sign him.  Sometimes I'm sure a kid has to evaluate his future earning potential and take the money when it's available.


    A drafted player may suffer an injury, but still has a chance to sign with the team that drafted him.  A FA who gets injured may find himself fighting for an ECHL contract.


    I sure hope he's back, but the whole FA thing, IMO, means a greater chance that he leaves early to take the bird in hand.

  4. Can't do hunters. With the way the left wing loons dictate college campuses and the NCAA, hunters would be associated with using weapons and we can't have that. Not to mention the uproar from PETA and the Humane Society wackjobs.

    #1 I don't buy it and #2 we can't bend over on a reasonable nickname just because we think some fringe of society might object, or one day object.  I get we feel that way about the Fighting Sioux but the reality is the NCAA forced this, no one else.  And the NCAA doesn't fall under a "fringe" label.


    If we think we have a great nickname option and only PETA will object, then we need to go with it.  That will play itself out in the court of public opinion. If we think we can win there, then we should take that nickname.


    We can't just say we're tired of fighting and therefore select "the Marshmellows".  Let's show that we still have the will to fight for what's right.

  5. The vagueness is part of what gives it a chance to be accepted.  Does everyone define Bears (Black, Brown, Grizzly, Polar) or Eagles (Golden, Bald, Screaming) or Engineers (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Petroleum) or Hawks (Blue, Crimson, Scarlet, Mountain, River), etc?  Most people don't just hunt one species.  I'm not sure if it would make my short list or not, but it should be submitted and let people take a look at it.  And maybe someone can find a synonym that sounds even better.  How about Huntsmen (and maybe Lady Huntsmen) or Deerstalkers?

    Actually I really like this except I think it will be a hard sell related to women's athletics.

  6. Lucia has gotten waaaaay more leeway than Woog ever did thanks to those titles in 2002 and 2003. In the last 10 seasons, Minnesota has made the NCAA's 7 times. Of those 7 appearances, 4 resulted in one-and-done losses (06, 08, 13, 15), 1 resulted in a second-round loss (07), 1 was a Frozen Four semi-final appearance (12), and 1 was a Frozen Four championship game appearance (14). In addition, the team has not advanced out of a regional other than when they were played in St Paul (12 and 14, obviously); going 1-5 in 6 tournament games outside of the X, 4-0 at the X.

    Doug Woog went 27-12-1 in 1997, the year North Dakota won the title. 17-22 and 15-9-9 later (two seasons), he was ousted. No way he's shown the gate that quickly following two consecutive less-than-memorable years if Randy Skarda's shot off the post in the 1989 title game goes in the net instead.

    I guess in short, oh great and powerful jimdahl, is that I concur with you.

    I'm not as sure about that.    I think the reason Woog was fired was because it was becoming clear to everyone that the old way of recruiting players was going away.  You could no longer win by recruiting the cream of MN's high school crop and having them report to work straight from HS.  Until that time MN had thrived and reaping the best of the MN players (with exceptions, of course) and having them come straight from HS to college.   And they were successful for many years.  The landscape was changing and most players were coming into college with 1+ years junior experience, and coaches needed to cast a wider net to get the best players (remember, Woog had an ALL-MN rule, if I recall correctly, with just an exception or two).    Woog wasn't changing with the times, and 2 down years was enough.  


    I'm not sure a National Championship under the "old" way of doing things (late 1980's) would have been enough to save Woog's job after 2 very average years when it seemed pretty clear to most observers that there was no change in Woog's ways to stay current with the times.


    Our benefit was many years of listening to Woog as a color analyst, and IMO we profited from the experience.  :)

  7. UND pretty much wears the black hat anyways, especially with respect to hockey, so why not own it?

    The University of North Dakota Villains.

    Actually, I like the Univesity of North Dakota Black Hats


    Or, how about we just lay it out there.  The "Blanks".


    But the Black Hats has great logo possibilities, easy to say, great image.....good work, MM

  8. I don't take this as an easy win, and I'm heartened that UND played better hockey than last week.  Frankly, they were so flat last week I didn't think they'd turn it around.  Still, this game IMO was closer than 3-0 and the Sioux will need to play even better tomorrow.


    But cudos to the team for turning things around after last weekend!

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