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Posts posted by dagies

  1. I think I still have that game on tape and watched it again several years ago.  I think Roche pushed their player into our goalie, so I can see allowing the goal to stand. Sucks, but I can agree with allowing it to stand.   It's a close call, either way.

  2. Our party ate or drank t Fat Lorenzo's, Runyon's, Key's, Rock Bottom Brewery, and the Pourhouse and never felt we weren't welcomed or were treated poorly. Oh, that includes the Marriott. I didn't see any difference in how we were treated between the two cities other than how the games turned out. Never had to watch THAT in St. Paul over two games....

  3. I think it was a little better than last year. The Target Center is what it is , an old rundown basketball arena. I kept thinking, this place needs a good scrubbing. They evidently don't have an adequate exhaust system for their deep fryers. The whole place smells like burnt grease. Nauseiating at times. And hey, you get to pee in a trough!

    To me this is actually a big upgrade.   Try to use the bathroom at the X and you're stuffed in a smelly, jam packed bathroom rubbing bodies with gopher fans (oh, the humanity!) and listening to drunks talk smart.   With the troughs (and smaller crowds, I get it) you're in and out in no time.  BIG improvement, IMO.


    Unfortunately, there continues to be a disconnect between the NCHC and the Target Center for a lot of the issues.  TC staff are used to basketball games with a different clientele for their games.  Many of the policies implemented are for basketball purposes and changes haven't been made in that aspect.


    The $97 million renovation that begins this summer will have a big impact on the atmosphere of the arena.  Yes, it's still going to be a basketball arena with hockey but it will be customized a bit more for the tournament in the next three years of the contract.


    I encourage everyone who had a bad experience (and a good one) to email the NCHC about the issues.  The Target Center isn't going to change things unless the direction comes from the conference.

    That, and for those that bought tickets fill out the survey they send you.  Like Siouxman, I gave them plenty of feedback.

  4. Filled out my survey this morning from the Target Center on my experience at the tournament over the weekend. If they are serious about doing a good job, they now know they have a lot to do. If they aren't serious, they are having a good laugh.


  5. I wonder if there was a big importance put on getting through the weekend with no more injuries and no suspensions? 

    We were wondering why there seemed to be a real lack of physical play by our team.  I know we're not the big hitting team we've been some years in the past, but it seemed like there was a lack of physical play.

  6. One last comment on the Target Center experience....................


    I buy a bottle of water at a concession stand.  The guy grabs it, opens it and hands it to me. 


    I say, "I'd like to keep the bottle cap". 


    He replies, "I can't give you the cap". 


    I ask "why is that"? 


    He responds, "because people will throw the bottle caps on the ice". 


    I look at him and say, "but what if I decide to throw the entire bottle on the ice"? 


    He shrugs and throws my bottle cap in the trash.

    My buddy brings his own cap.  Ingenious!


    Just surprised at how unprofessional the Target Center was run this past weekend, and how some of the staff seemed rude to some patrons. This in my opinion is in direct contrast to how the Ralph is run.

    I didn't run into anyone who wasn't polite and professional. In fact I'd go so far as to say they were almost all, at a minimum, friendly if not outgoing. Fortunately I had a different experience than you did.


    I've been going to wild games and I get to keep my cap, unless some nice concession person screwed up....

    I've noticed that too.  I was never able to keep my cap at the Final Five, but I've been to a few Wild games this year and they have let me keep the cap.    I don't know if this is because at the Final Five I was always in the first level (closer to the ice) and for the Wild games I'm up in the Club section.....but I was surprised the Wild allowed me to keep the cap, since that was never allowed at the Final Five.

  7. They had me believing that we could win any and every game we played in, even the ones that we did not.

    I've been enjoying this team's ride, but I have never felt that we were dominant and marching to the title...our record didn't align with the product I was watching...but it worked out and was fun...Zane gives us a chance.

    This team lacks skill, we saw what happens when a team with less than average skill among playoff teams shows up with less than average playoff intensity and a less than average playoff power play...you lose two games and score a whopping goal per game.

  8. 1. Very disappointed in the play of the team yesterday. Agree if they continue to play like this they won't win another game this year. That's aa concern.

    2. Love all of the criticism of Hak not being able to prepare his team for tournament play. It's so right on. Just think how easily another coach would won the last 3 Final Five's of the old WCHA.....including thes senior class's freshman year when they couldn't field a full roster.

  9. IMO it needs to be simple and clean, easy to identify both close up and far away.    As someone mentioned, the most excellent recent Indian head logo was great, but did get a little busy if you were far away or if it was small.


    I like simple and clean logos.   Some examples of excellent ones are the MN Vikings, Cowboys, Detroit Lions, Packers, Colts, etc.    Some that I think are bad are the Jaguars, Broncos, etc.

  10. If it is the RoughRiders, then please don't go with a cartoonish looking logo.  So many sports teams have cartoonish looking logos.  Contrast that with the most recent Indian head logo........


    Let's make sure it's classy and impressive.

  11. I agree with pretty much everything you said here. 

    Confirmed:  My wife doesn't post on SiouxSports under the handle "siouxforcefans"...............................


    This year will be better than last year, and last year wasn't even bad.  Target Center gets no love, but it works just fine as a hockey venue.  It's all about watching UND, with thousands of UND fans.  I don't care where they play!  See you all at the Pourhouse!

    I agree.  In my previous post I did not intend to communicate that I felt it was a bad experience.    It just wasn't quite the Final Five experience we've grown so accustomed to over the last decade +.    I actually like the downtown Mpls location as it's even closer to my house, and there are plenty of socializing opportunities close by, more so than at the X IMO.   Looking forward to how this tournament experience develops over the next few years, especially as Target Center is updated.

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