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Posts posted by dagies

  1. based on your avatar I would guess whatever brad berry and schollsman wants? nodaks?

    I give you credit, you stick with your script

    depending on the scotch, you should really get it into a glass.

    Typically, yes, but there are times on the prairie when you need to toast the sunset and a good day

    Subaru, eh? Sturdy. Reliable. Dependable. Efficient. Prepared for anything (symmetrical all wheel drive). In it for the long haul. Roughrider. ;) 

    At least you tried to reason it out.  :-)

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  2. i don't need a link...let's put it this way...for every chevy, gmc, or ford pickup you see in north dakota count that as a person that would buy roughrider gear....for every prius or range rover count that as a sundog gear....a good safe nostalgic chevy impala would be nodak gear...a good mpg car for students like a ford focus or honda civic would be  fighting hawk gear....and a nice fancy upscale bloomington, minnesota car like a porshe would be north star gear....

    i would say there are more pickups in nd than the others combined...there you go.

    Let me know what gear I would buy.  I drive a Subaru.  In case it's helpful I pheasant hunt out of it, trained my own dog, grew up in a small SD farming community and am no stranger to picking rocks and throwing bales.  I built my own smoker, love David Allen Coe,George Jones and God, can butcher my own deer and drink my scotch out of the bottle (sometimes).



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  3. Yeah, imagine a Brien-style serious cowboy face as a logo (I'm essentially picturing the Sioux head, but a cowboy). I think I could really like that. To be fair, that could also work for Nodaks.

    Been thinking of that for a while and think it could work, and completely agree that could work for Nodaks too.  In fact, I think it's a pretty good way to go

    Someone take the Sioux logo and make up a modified logo to represent Roughriders.  Remove the feathers and replace them with a cowboy hat, lighten up the skin, change the hair color, etc.  I am sure there are some creative people out there that can do that!! Curious to see what that would look like!!

    calling Bennett Brien



  4. It was stated in a different thread back in the Summer the fix was in, everyone on campus supported North Stars, and that Twamley had already begun preparations for the transition. I assume it will be liking flipping a switch, we'll wake up Monday morning to find all of the Sioux gear in our closets has been replaced with North Stars gear. ;)

    Oh cool, we live in Hogwarts!

  5. They did.  They actually went 0-5 to start the 93-94 season, and 0-7-1, before going on to lose in the National Semi's to eventual champion BU.

    They also started 0-3-1 with three shutouts (and a 3-3 tie with us) to start the 09-10 season, which ended much sooner for them.

    No doubt it's fun to see the struggles of our former conference mates, but recall that karma can really suck.  Last year MN fans were taking great enjoyment out of Wisconsin's troubles.  Hockey is cyclical, and we can very easily find ourselves in the same position sooner than we would like.

    Wisdom has no place on message boards and twitter.  

    There must be something in the forum rules somewhere.....

  6. The TC is a dump and the people that work there are not friendly but I'll still go because I like watching good hockey, the atmosphere is pretty good, and downtown MPLS tries its hardest to accommodate everyone.

    I think that about sums it up.   I like to watch UND hockey so I'm not that particular about the venue.  I do think it would be best if they can fix the on-ice issues.   And I am disappointed that these facility upgrades won't be happening for a couple of years.  That sucks.  But it's still worth going to watch UND hockey.

  7. Funny how Schloss has no problem with RRHS having the extremely offensive Roughrider nickname!!  

    I'm not sure that he needs to have an opinion on that nickname.   I don't believe his point was that Roughriders was offensive and shouldn't be chosen.  I believe his point was that UND has just undergone a very long and painful process to transition away from Fighting Sioux to another nickname, and would it be the wisest to transition to a nickname that the same groups might decide to protest again?     I think his point was that he didn't think that was the best course for UND, not that the nickname itself was offensive.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I get not liking Nodak, and I get not being happy that we haven't heard from athletes outside of hockey. But is that really the hockey team's fault? or the people voting? Even this website hasn't really promoted other voices? Are the football players tweeting their picks and reasoning? I don't know, but if they are then SS.com could put that in their live twitter feed as well.

    I like UND Football, Basketball and Hockey. But hockey does have the largest influence, purely based on numbers. That's a fact. The hockey team typically seems to be the most outspoken on these issues as well (coaches and players). Are they not supposed to state their views? Football and Basketball could do the same.

    I just don't get the hate on the hockey team for getting the most attention. I would personally like them all to get the same level of attention, fans and viewship, but that happens because of program success. Hockey dominates UND, and barring a major decline in our success, and a major increase in a different sport that will not change. Ideally all sports become competitive, and all will get more coverage.

    Well stated

  9. I only somewhat dislike Nodaks, but it comes down to this - please say each of the following out loud: Vancouver Canuks.  University of North Dakota Nodaks.  Hear the difference?

    I get you on that.    But I still think we can own it, and work with it.

    As for logos, one of the interesting things about Nodaks is it opens up the possibilities of a logo.  If you pick an animal, you pretty much know what your logo is going to be.   Some version of that animal.  Some are good, some not so much.   With Nodaks, your logo could be the outline of the state of ND.   It could be a stalk of wheat, an oil derrick, a plow, a scythe, a censor bar!, or a combo of a few items that portray an image of ND. 

    • Upvote 2
  10. That's funny and sad at the same time.  I wanted to get the athletes thoughts, so I asked the men's and women's hockey teams.

    That is who he covers.   Miller covers football, etc.  The other reporters may be following up with those sports.  Who knows.  He's reaching out to those he has a rapport with and who will likely be willing to share their opinion with him.

    I think it would be good to get opinions from other sports, and I also think it would be interesting to know if these opinions would be different from sport to sport, and if so, why.  I'm not sure they would be different....why would opinions differ by sport?   But would be interesting to see.

  11. I've heard and read quite a bit about these upgrades in the past couple of days - sure doesn't sound like anything that will improve the quality of college hockey.  Well, other than the new entrance to the building, which will hopefully alleviate the green logjam every spring... 

    If they ever even get to doing the thing

  12. There is no conceivable way anyone could interpret from yesterday's games that Maine is faster than UND.  And that is unanimous in our group.  Maine may be a little bit bigger, but Maine could not handle Michigan State last night without taking a ton of penalties.  MSU did not have UND's ability to grab a turnover and head the opposite direction with speed.

    For years I have felt that Maine and UND had developed a friendly rivalry associated with the Shawn Walsh era and his passing.  UND held a Native American Ceremony for the Dead on the ice the year after his passing when Maine came to UND.  If Maine fans are as whiny and upset tonight about legitimate penalty calls as they were last night, that feeling will be long gone in my mind.  The penalties called on Maine last night against Michigan State were legitimate, and yet they were as whiny as junior Gopher fans.  Maine will have to drastically step up their speed tonight.  You cannot hit what you cannot catch.  And I will say it here:  If UND's young gunners hit the net with accuracy, especially on the power play, it could be a lopsided victory for UND.  There is a reason Maine was picked to do poorly in Hockey East this year.

    Good to have some eyes on site to give us a scouting report.  Thanks, Siouxman.

    On another note, don't have too many at happy hour to make it to the game!


  13. I am not sure why people do not understand the NCAA must also comply with the settlement agreement.  This is a legal document and not a NCAA document.  It was stated that not having a nickname would have complied.  There is no "partial" compliance or gray area of this agreement, which again is a legal document that the courts said the NCAA must comply with.  They stated that no nickname, just remaining North Dakota was compliance.  Period.  If the NCAA tried to sanction North Dakota based on public speech, I would have been willing to deal with that.  I know we are now voting for a new nickname, but there have been a lot of people not honest about the "No nickname" issue. 

    I think the rub is in here.  Sure, there is an agreement, until the NCAA decides they want to change their rules.  IMO they can do that at will, and have signaled that they will depending on the outcome of the nickname process.   I think that's where you and I differ.   You believe they are bound by that agreement and I believe they'll change their rules to suit the situation.    I'd love it if you are right.   I just think the NCAA will have a quick hook.


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